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Fail of Your Day



  • Meth labs are not legal.

    Someone who is legally able to own a gun can still acquire one through an illegal method.
  • edited July 2014
    Fine, we train people in basic pharmacology so people can intelligently use OTC medication, and also rejects nonsense like homeopathy.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited July 2014

    The NRA's proposal compels everyone to own a gun, whether they want to or not, even to the point where the government will buy you guns and ammo if you can't afford them yourself.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Fine, we train people in basic pharmacology so people can intelligently use OTC medication, and also rejects nonsense like homeopathy.

    You mean teach real critical thinking? Teachers don't want that because then the students will question them!!!
  • Is this an actual proposal? Because it seems rather a modest proposal to me.

    I commend you on your swift wit
    That wit is truly Brobdingnagian in stature.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Meth labs are not legal.

    Someone who is legally able to own a gun can still acquire one through an illegal method.

    Yes, and someone who's legally able to own a gun but still willing to go through the annoyances of acquiring one illegally (hey, it's march harder to find the sketchy truck in the 'hood selling illegal guns than it is to drive down to my local Wal-Mart and pick up a shotgun that I can later saw off) probably doesn't give a rat's ass about safety whether or not they took any safety courses.
  • Is this a joke? image
  • The pictures made me laugh. They're all celebrities though.
  • I had waaaaay to much caffeine this morning. Must accomplish all the things.
  • My personal instructor at Berklee was out of town last week, so we scheduled a make-up lesson, and he didn't show.
  • Professionalism at its finest.
  • Pegu said:

    Professionalism at its finest.

    My Communications professor recommended we buy his unit reader as it has all the readings for the semester.
    On purchase the print and copy is so shit that you can't read 2 or 3 words on every line.
    Refuses to respond on forums or Twitter so I'm going to call him out in front of 320 students.
  • edited July 2014
    From the credit card thread:
    PS: The war on children thing was a joke.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited July 2014
    Another learning moment today. Anal is illegal in Canada. image
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • An old lady nearly hit us driving on the wrong side of the highway from Kansas City to St Louis. Now we're seeing a trail of cars smashed into the median.
  • Pegu said:


    Challenge Accepted.

  • Actually, not only is a threesome possible, but a foursome is as well.
  • Actually, not only is a threesome possible, but a foursome is as well.

    Same problem that the question "How long is a piece of string?".
    However long you want to make it.
  • sK0pe said:

    Actually, not only is a threesome possible, but a foursome is as well.

    Same problem that the question "How long is a piece of string?".
    However long you want to make it.
    How long is a chain of people bumming each other doesn't quite have the same ring to it though.

    I wonder how tall of a tower of bumming you'd have to make to reach the moon, in terms of participants?

  • The game of "make a meal with what's left in the fridge" has an exponentially increasing difficulty curve.
  • I remember trying to make soup out of half a carrot, some wilted celery, and Gravy Master as a kid growing up. I boiled it in a metal bowl because all the pots were dirty and I burnt the shit out of myself.

    Incidentally gravy with half a carrot in it isn't soup.
  • edited July 2014
    Churba said:

    sK0pe said:

    Actually, not only is a threesome possible, but a foursome is as well.

    Same problem that the question "How long is a piece of string?".
    However long you want to make it.
    How long is a chain of people bumming each other doesn't quite have the same ring to it though.

    I wonder how tall of a tower of bumming you'd have to make to reach the moon, in terms of participants? is the only safe way to find out...and even then it might not be safe :p
    Do not click that link if you are at work.
    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
  • That dick physics...
  • Churba said:

    sK0pe said:

    Actually, not only is a threesome possible, but a foursome is as well.

    Same problem that the question "How long is a piece of string?".
    However long you want to make it.
    How long is a chain of people bumming each other doesn't quite have the same ring to it though.

    I wonder how tall of a tower of bumming you'd have to make to reach the moon, in terms of participants? is the only safe way to find out...and even then it might not be safe :p
    Do not click that link if you are at work.
    This is totally getting added to my weekly game night. Move over smash bros and nidhogg
  • edited August 2014
    Someone died of a drug overdose at a music festival a few towns over from me. A festival which was denied it's liquor license due to unaddressed safety concerns. Over a dozen have been treated for drug overdoses and 2 are still in critical condition. Keep in mind all of this is going on in a small town generally considered to be a retirement community.

    Edit: Maybe this is what's happening
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited August 2014
    There was some commentary recently about Sex workers and Feminism, namely regarding the industry, and someone had a great attitude - but still had that whole "Oh we're going to rescue those poor deceived darlings, those poor airheads who don't know the horrors of the industry" bullshit that's still a big part of mainstream Feminism's opinion about sex workers. So, I tried to start a conversation, and start saying "Hey, that's a great way to go, but the rescue thing is kinda not the way to go" and it IMMEDIATELY went to deleting sections of comments and calling names, and I start getting private messages implying that I'm a hostile infiltrator and accusing me of being an MRA.

    The more I see of feminism, the more I start to think that it's feminism's worst enemy. The movement is eating itself, and it's getting to the point where I'm starting to think that's a good thing, and maybe it should hurry up and finish the meal.

    And don't even get me started on White 20-something feminists going around with their "Oh, Frozen has started Feminism in Japan!" bullshit.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm kind of reminded by various articles about women who aren't feminists, not because they don't believe that women deserve equal rights, but because they think that the most vocal (if not the most mainstream) feminists have gone totally off the deep end. We're talking about some of the extreme nutters who think that even consensual male/female sex is always rape or who won't allow mothers to bring their sons into battered woman shelters because their sons are male. That sort of thing.
  • edited August 2014
    The problem is with determining who's in earnest and who's just stirring shit for the purpose of invalidating/discrediting an ideology. Trouble is, you have lots of earnest, eager newcomers every year to any given forum about these issues and those people tend to band behind the loudest, angriest messages. So.. is it even trolling if you can get a large chunk of a community to stand behind it? I dunno.

    I guess the only true barometer is what happens in reality off the internet. Things like Lou said where sons can't accompany mothers into shelters, and actual prosecuted cases of harrassment in the workplace, etc.

    But then the conversation gets clouded with claims of unreported malfeasance being X% of the total, and on and on. It's like herding cats. I think it's an area where true rigor is almost impossible, which is why it's been an open issue for so long.

    In tangentially related news, I got downvoted/shouted down into a hole on reddit last night for saying that most Libertarians are privileged white males. Shame on me. :P
    Post edited by muppet on
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