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Fail of Your Day



  • edited July 2014
    Ikatono said:

    Eryn said:
    UPDATE 7.13.14 @ 3:40PM: Minors were let into the BDSM panel. I received word that a 16 year old went to it and that the people at the door were only checking some IDs

    UPDATE 7.13.14 @ 7:47PM: There was apparently a live demonstration at the BDSM panel.

    UPDATE 7.13.14 @ 9:50PM: They let minors into the BDSM panel, they had live demonstrations where people literally began to masterbate.

    Another post on it.

    Also people have been reporting itchiness and bumps in their genitalia so please if you attended the BDSM panel see a doctor immediately.
    NO NO NO NO NOOOO!This con is an inasnity goldmine.
    Over the course of one weekend, the organizers took $17,000 from conventiongoers as part of an emergency fundraising drive, failed to pay any of their high-profile guests, and attempted to compensate disappointed ticket-holders by offering them an “extra” hour in a children’s ball pit.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Eryn said:
    There's a Tumblr convention? WHY?!?
  • Wow...not only is that place 30 minutes away from me, but I actually worked on that hotel.
  • I must admit, I'm a little bit suss about some of this, having watched the reports go from "There were under 18s at the BDSM panel" to "There were live demos" to "There were live demos with Audience participation" to "people were wanking in the aisles" to "People now have STIs" to "There was a big orgy".
  • This sounds EXACTLY like how I would expect a tumblr convention to turn out.
  • Living the dream. Honestly, had I known this was going down, I might have gone just to see the train-wreck. I'm not that far away.
  • That con seems pretty indicative of Tumblr.
  • The more I read into DashCon the funnier it gets.
  • Small conventions take the weird factor up to 11. I feel like I've had enough experience over the years to write a novel. A depressingly horrible novel.
  • edited July 2014
    And people give PAX a bad rap.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Still not sure if the whole DashCon thing was a scam, or horrible incompetence. Or maybe a mix of both.
  • Apsup said:

    Still not sure if the whole DashCon thing was a scam, or horrible incompetence. Or maybe a mix of both.

    Definitely both. The $17,000 was clearly a scam, and the rest was incompetence, potentially with bits of scam mixed in.
  • So let's say someone were to write a light novel about a completely absurd fan convention that was spawned from a light novel that took place in a completely absurd fan convention...
  • It would be called negima.
  • edited July 2014
    Ikatono said:

    Apsup said:

    Still not sure if the whole DashCon thing was a scam, or horrible incompetence. Or maybe a mix of both.

    Definitely both. The $17,000 was clearly a scam, and the rest was incompetence, potentially with bits of scam mixed in.
    I think this post really helps with in detailing all the fail.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • Why are train wrecks so hard to ignore?
  • edited July 2014
    ThatGent said:

    Why are train wrecks so hard to ignore?

    I don't know about other train wrecks, but this one is full of delicious irony, after the PAX East bathroom fiasco that had some Tumblr users talking about how tumblr could put on a better convention because they're like not totes cisscum shitlords and stuff.

    Though, of course, Tumblr users as a group being involved in things often make it funny. Including overheard bits of conversation including someone wondering aloud if using the MockingJay salute from Hunger Games is cultural appropriation or not, since the culture they're taking it from is fictional, right next to dead-serious hat-tipping and m'lady calling, people thinking you can catch STIs from touching piss, and people just generally flailing about in confusion because all the mad bullshit they were easily led into believing turned out to be utter bloody nonsense.


    As for the BDSM panel, there were no minors (unless they snuck in, which is possible), there was no orgy, there was no mass circle jerk, there was not a live demonstration.

    Fuckin' called it.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited July 2014
    Ahh well, made a good story.

    EDIT: this probably goes without saying, but I'm not actually upset that there weren't minors masturbating at a live BDSM demo.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Yeah. Cable companies... As I'm waiting for an installation this morning...
  • I have exactly one hojillion unread work emails.
  • I have exactly one hojillion unread work emails.

    The currently accepted SI unit is a "your-mom-jillion."

  • You metric people are a fucking cult, this is America.
  • Connecticon should totally have a ball pit.
  • Connecticon should totally have a ball pit.

    You don't remember how germ infested those things can get.
  • Connecticon should totally have a ball pit.

    Let's do it and then take a culture from one of the balls.

    I'll bet we find the next supervirus that will destroy mankind.
  • Actually...

    What would you rather do?

    Eat raw bean sprouts on five sandwiches, or heavily lick three balls from the pit on Sunday?
  • I actually squirmed in my seat reading those two options.
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