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Fail of Your Day



  • The iPhone was so far ahead of its competition that Blackberry and Palm actually thought the stage demos were faked, and that it was impossible to have a small device function like that. Nobody was doing anything quite like the iPhone, and once Apple did it, everyone else jumped on board. This is history, as told from the point of view of Apple's phone-making competitors at the time.

    I am not arguing you on Apple being smart at conning people out of money, when it comes to that, they are the best.

    As far as your accessories and cable market goes, sure there is a lot but in real world use the adapters I see available for charging your phones are always micro USB. Australia might have a different market when it comes to cases, covers and accessories, there seem to be many more of these around for non Apple devices, it is more prevalent in Singapore when I stop over there.

    I personally find Apple exclusionary because, like Sony, they want to have a separate ecosystem for everything just for their users. This causes problems for people who want to pick up one device, they are pressured into the entire ecosystem with. e.g. You can use Google services and accessories with Apple devices but not the other way round. The exceptions are iTunes and Safari which are horrible to use if you aren't using an Apple OS. Hell you couldn't even watch that shitty Apple presentation unless you watched it from an Apple device. It is a relatively tiny market, and has only now introduced choice (one of two phones now).

    People are also conned into paying premiums on a regular basis. The average Apple user on my campus doesn't even know why they bought an Apple device when they boot it up and realise it's not running Windows and can't find Word. So many have bought 15" Mac Book Pros and all they use it for is word processing. Then they can't work out why my smaller laptop looks better, works faster and was over $1000 cheaper. I always find this comical.

    The iPhone was the most hilarious thing to be launched from the perspective in Australia. It had only half of what was already on offer by Samsung, Sony, HTC, O2 and Huawei. I remember an American exchange student describing our phones as "space phones" because the only thing that was close to it in the US were Blackberries and Moto Razrs. Back then I had a PDA which the iPhone is still catching up to in features (this 10 years of stringing people along on incremental updates on what should just be there).

    I'll give you a run down on what I did with my PDA in 2003 / 2004 - phone calls, data calls, video calls, hooked it up to foldable BT keyboard and wrote assignments when I had to do this away from home, downloaded and listened to podcasts, never had to plug it in to the computer to transfer anything, could connect and browse a LAN through wifi, edit office documents, watched any type of video or audio file, proper multi-tasking, GPS turn by turn navigation, connect to my car stero via BT, torrent files, did not need a case to survive a drop (must have dropped it 3 or 4 times onto bitumen, browse the Internet, backup storage, pretend to be USB mass storage (I had 96gb of storage), medical books and programs in electronic format.

    Apple looked like it was ahead when it was released because none of these devices were sold in the US and it went unopposed. Hence why Apple has this religious gathering as if they had thought up all these amazing things to put into one device.
  • So all Apple offered was a capacitive touchscreen? Turns out that was enough!
  • edited September 2014

    Not that I actually believe that, but it seemed relevant.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Today was not my day with computers. Couldn't print reports I had to print every hour, tried rebooting and got locked out because I kept screwing up the password. Still couldn't those reports on another computer.
  • The exact nature of the tethering is unclear. Yes, an iPhone is required, but there's an incomplete list of things the watch can do alone, like listen to stored music. If you go for a run without an iPhone, how useful will the watch be?

    I think that criticism will come once we know more, which won't happen until it's out.
  • One of my pericings managed to get pushed back into my ear. Very strange pushing it back through :s
  • So all Apple offered was a capacitive touchscreen? Turns out that was enough!

    LG made their Prada phones with capacitive touchscreens. Apple took most of the design queues from the Prada.
  • What? Really?

    "The LG KE850, also known as the LG Prada,[1] is a touchscreen mobile phone made by LG Electronics. It was first announced on December 12, 2006."

    "Jobs unveiled the iPhone to the public on January 9, 2007, at the Macworld 2007 convention at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.[36] "

    So it took Apple under a month, over Christmas and New Years, to copy the LG after it was announced? Let me see...

    "LG later claimed that Apple stole both the ideas and concept of the Prada phone. A lawsuit by LG had been rumored prior to this announcement;[9] however, LG never followed through with it. Similar non-physical designs were revealed by Apple as part of the evidence in the 2012 Apple vs. Samsung court case, such as the prototype dubbed "Purple" which was dated August 2005, and the "Howarth" design from March 2006."

    So it turns out Apple had been working on very similar concepts for two and a half years before the announcement of the LG Prada. Me thinks you need to get a clue if you want to be an effective Apple basher.
  • Greg said:


    Not that I actually believe that, but it seemed relevant.

    I just read that today. For the record, it was a photoshop contest with the theme "Plausible conspiracies we just made up".
  • What? Really?

    "The LG KE850, also known as the LG Prada,[1] is a touchscreen mobile phone made by LG Electronics. It was first announced on December 12, 2006."

    "Jobs unveiled the iPhone to the public on January 9, 2007, at the Macworld 2007 convention at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.[36] "

    So it took Apple under a month, over Christmas and New Years, to copy the LG after it was announced? Let me see...

    "LG later claimed that Apple stole both the ideas and concept of the Prada phone. A lawsuit by LG had been rumored prior to this announcement;[9] however, LG never followed through with it. Similar non-physical designs were revealed by Apple as part of the evidence in the 2012 Apple vs. Samsung court case, such as the prototype dubbed "Purple" which was dated August 2005, and the "Howarth" design from March 2006."

    So it turns out Apple had been working on very similar concepts for two and a half years before the announcement of the LG Prada. Me thinks you need to get a clue if you want to be an effective Apple basher.

    I give up you've converted me like a republican converts a democrat, like a Scientologist converts an atheist. Apple invented everything from scratch, from hardware to software. It was so revolutionary I bought a black turtle neck. I'll take some naked selfies and be ignorant of all other technology. How did I not see the truth as you do. I guess I didn't believe hard enough.
  • Better, but I meant capacitive touch screens were a huge deal in terms of UI. That's all.
  • Forgot to make a $15 payment on a line of credit attached to our second mortgage for a few months because of various reasons. Main second mortgage payment was made, but not the $15 for the rotating sub-account linked to it. So, instead of paying $393/month I was accidentally only paying $378/month or about 96% of what I should have been. Over ten months of making this error, the total amount I failed to pay is $150.

    Bank of America has already charged off the account and refuses to let me bring it current. They say "send us payments for 6 months and then we'll talk about another 6 months" and refuse to document any arrangement or payment plan in writing.

    I mean yes, I goofed. I goofed pretty badly. But damn, it's $150. I went down to a branch on tuesday and offered to pay the $150 along with any late fees, penalties, etc and then resume normal payments. They said no, you can either pay the entire remaining principal balance right now ($27K), or talk to our recovery department. The recovery department is staffed by flippant cave dwellers who make threats and tell me all I can do is send them money and rely on their good graces to apply it to a balance because they're not going to send me any statements.


    It's not that we can't pay or couldn't pay. It's that I just screwed up. The last payment I made on the rotating line of credit was just before I was hospitalized with a series of mysterious cardiac arrests. After that I just lost track of that one account.

    No phone calls, no certified letters, nothing from the bank except the word "overdue" on page 17 of a combined statement mailed to us monthly. Yeah, I should have read the whole statement, but it seems like pretty steep enforcement action on their part for a $150 error on ours.

    Don't relax around banks.
  • That's bullshit and they know it. They only get away with shit like that because people are too afraid they'll take their homes.
  • I made a mistake and I own it, but the response from the bank has been a case study in the business being run by "the computer". Nobody anywhere is empowered to engineer a non-insane solution, so my house will probably be foreclosed over $150. The only options they've offered me are a potential settlement (but they refused to document it) or a "temporary payment plan" where I send them $X per month for 6 months (but they refuse to document that, either.)

    Maybe I'm crazy but I'm not hot to send blind checks to a PO BOX with no written agreement and no account number. For all intents and purposes, that's a gift not a payment.
  • This is how you fail to capture an art fight

    MAGFest 8.5: Super Art Fight!:
  • The state of commentary upon the media and in particular journalism on the internet is today's fail of the day. And every day, really.

    "Most journalists don't actually do any journalism in Australia. When was the last time a major news organisation blew the lid off a controversy?"

    This Year. Like, five months ago. And do you seriously think that journalism only occurs when you're blowing the lid off some big scandal? Fucking idiot.
  • Posted on facebook with an image of an invoice:

    Juliane's just looking at the ALS Association finances for last year, and it seemed like only a third of the money raised went to actual research into ALS. The rest of the money went on raising the money. This year I'm sure they'll have better proportion than that, due to the Ice Bucket Challenge, but it seems like a very inefficient way to spend money on helping disabled people.

    Anyway, I just spent about £3,800 on a new disabled access bathroom for my father, who has a non-ALS motor neuron disease. If anyone wants to pour ice water over their head and send cash my way, it would really help out my bank balance.
  • Is your fail the actual article, or the godawful "answer a question to continue reading"?
  • I was just collateral of that incident.
  • Churba said:

    Urgh, I hate the smell of burning Hare.


    Get a whiff!
  • I think I messed Maple up big time. I was using it to brute force the solution to a couple of exponentials I was too lazy to solve, and it's been running for several minutes with my CPU at ~3.5 GHZ and us currently using over 1,200 MB of RAM. I probably should just close it but I'm holding out hope that it will eventually solve it and I need these values for a lab report due in the morning.
  • It's two years (almost to the day) since a friend died of cancer. Another good friend of mine has cancer problems now, and for the last year. He's blogging about his sickness and his treatments. But he's obviously getting worse. It's like he's blogging his own death.

    I feel pretty bad.
  • It's two years (almost to the day) since a friend died of cancer. Another good friend of mine has cancer problems now, and for the last year. He's blogging about his sickness and his treatments. But he's obviously getting worse. It's like he's blogging his own death.

    I feel pretty bad.

    Cancer fucking sucks, especially in younger people.
  • Can we hurry up with becoming The Culture and not having things like cancer anymore?
  • RIT's career fair was today, and two companies were potentially going to call me for interviews, but it's getting later and not seeming so likely.
  • Twilight is coming back. I thought we were done with this dumb fad.
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