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Fail of Your Day



  • Pulled over and checked for warrants despite having not broken any laws.
  • Bank charged off our second mortgage basically without warning over a clerical error on my part that I managed to miss for several months, mostly because of serial medical emergencies involving myself or my girls. Even though we're less than $200 in arrears, they refuse to reverse the charge-off and let us just pay up and resume and instead have opted to putting us into collections/foreclosure Hell.

    TIFU, but this escalation seems pretty disproportionate. One certified letter saying "Heads up, fool!" would have fixed all of this.
  • I would lawyer up, start contacting activist agencies, and get the media involved. I'd double down as hard as I possibly could.
  • Yeah, any sane organization would also probably contact you between when you became delinquent and now and say "Hey uh, we noticed you stopped sending us money, is there anything we can do to help?"

    Honestly it sounds like the bank wants to take your money, and then take your house anyway.
  • edited October 2014
    Yep it seems that way. "You can make payments (that we refuse to document in any way or agree to any written terms over.)"

    I'm worn out. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, I almost died twice in the last 10 months, with the most recent being 3 weeks ago. I haven't got the freaking energy for this.

    I've filed a complaint with the CFPB after being referred there from the US Treasury after being referred there from our state's Banking Commission. They all seem pretty toothless.

    I may try the media but honestly I bet they get calls about Bank of America on the hour at this point.

    I've contacted multiple lawyers. Only one actually returned my calls and SHE says she's never seen a situation like this before and advises waiting until someone worth talking to contacts me from BoA, but meanwhile they could foreclose, sue, etc.

    I'm slightly worried that the stress is literally going to kill me, which is an idea I'd have laughed at before 4 cardiac arrests, 3 seizures, and a fractured spine all since last December...

    A certified letter from the bank at any point between November 2013 when I made my last $10 payment on the line of credit they used as an excuse to charge-off our mortgage and September 2014 when they actually charged it off would have solved this utterly. I'd have paid the arrears in a heartbeat and asked how to make the payments automatic from then on. Instead they let it go and then escalated the shit out of it and are now playing dumb.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • edited October 2014
    It's a tactic to screw you out of your house and a lot of cash. They'll play dumb because no one at their agency had a fucking clue as to how is supposed to work, and are still using a play book from 2001.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • In our favor slightly, it's a second mortgage. The house is very unlikely to sell for enough to cover the first, were they to foreclose, let alone the second or the cost of actually foreclosing.

    Still, they can sue for a judgment, etc.

    It's a lose-lose-lose situation, although evidently some people have successfully settled second mortgages/HELOCs with them recently. Who knows.
  • edited October 2014
    They don't lose in that scenario, the write the whole thing off as a loss and have to pay taxes on that many fewer profits because they're a corporation. They still don't want to own your house because it's a hassle for them.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Lose lose for us. No idea about them. I can't figure out the motive for writing off 30k with clockwork payments for 7+ years over $158 in arrears on an associated line of credit.
  • Also there's a difference between charged off and forgiven. Nothing at this point is forgiven.
  • Well my bike got stolen. Thanks Ohio State for having two bike racks at my building that end up in the dark at night with no security cameras!
  • There's a five-hour commercial.

  • Why? Why the hell not?! You know what? I'm down. I'm gonna watch it. ALL THE WAY.
  • It should be one of those ads where you don't know what it is an add for before the reveal in the very end.
  • Mouse broke :/

    Any suggestions on a new one?
  • Wyatt said:

    Mouse broke :/

    Any suggestions on a new one?

    Any mouse will do fine, really. Amazon has a nice list.
  • Wyatt said:

    Mouse broke :/

    Any suggestions on a new one?

    I have a Razer Imperator. It's a good simple gaming mouse. Simple meaning is doesn't have a bajillion buttons.
  • Had to skip breakfast and lunch to miss a bus back to Boston. Now I'm on another bus but can't eat until we get back at five. Fine way to end one of the greatest weekends of my life.
  • edited November 2014

    Someone actually posted this on a forum I frequent:

    "I think most people's problem isn't a problem with gay people in general, its that there are some that wish to jam it down other people's throats like some sort of badge of honor or something.

    I'm sure everyone has heard the argument before. I don't run around screaming that I'm straight so why do people have to get in my face every 5 minutes telling me they are gay? Its like the person at a party that everyone tries to avoid because the minute you say hello to them, they will unload their life story on you which you didn't ask for.

    What also aggravates me is when gay people or television shows constantly bombard me with justifications about how their lifestyle is normal and how everyone must not only accept it but embrace it. I won't go as far to say its not normal because that sounds harsh to say, but that lifestyle is different than what most people are accustomed to. It just is. I don't have to like it and it really wouldn't matter if I liked it or not if they would keep it to themselves and not involve me.

    I have 2 lesbian cousins. While you can obviously tell by the way they act that they are gay, the one thing they do not do is get in anyone's face about it or demand that everyone acknowledge how normal they are. I can respect that. Its their lives and they can do whatever they want. They bring their significant others to family events but they have enough respect as to not fondle or make out with each other in front of the family, just as I wouldn't do that with my wife or girlfriend. Its just disrespectful behavior in general.

    I don't even know how to respond to this. I'm having trouble fathoming that there is still a person on Earth who earnestly thinks like this. I guess I'm sheltered or something. I'd have expected a classmate in my high school in the mid 90s to say things like this. What the actual fuck? I don't know how to "explain" homosexuality at this fundamental a level and I'm not sure I should even bother. I need a "The Berenstain Bears and the Big Stupid Bigot" book for this situation.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • I don't know how to help with this problem, but I'm slightly perplexed by the fact that you frequent other forums.
  • edited November 2014
    muppet said:


    Someone actually posted this on a forum I frequent:

    "I think most people's problem isn't a problem with gay people in general, its that there are some that wish to jam it down other people's throats like some sort of badge of honor or something.

    I'm sure everyone has heard the argument before. I don't run around screaming that I'm straight so why do people have to get in my face every 5 minutes telling me they are gay? Its like the person at a party that everyone tries to avoid because the minute you say hello to them, they will unload their life story on you which you didn't ask for.

    What also aggravates me is when gay people or television shows constantly bombard me with justifications about how their lifestyle is normal and how everyone must not only accept it but embrace it. I won't go as far to say its not normal because that sounds harsh to say, but that lifestyle is different than what most people are accustomed to. It just is. I don't have to like it and it really wouldn't matter if I liked it or not if they would keep it to themselves and not involve me.

    I have 2 lesbian cousins. While you can obviously tell by the way they act that they are gay, the one thing they do not do is get in anyone's face about it or demand that everyone acknowledge how normal they are. I can respect that. Its their lives and they can do whatever they want. They bring their significant others to family events but they have enough respect as to not fondle or make out with each other in front of the family, just as I wouldn't do that with my wife or girlfriend. Its just disrespectful behavior in general.

    I don't even know how to respond to this. I'm having trouble fathoming that there is still a person on Earth who earnestly thinks like this. I guess I'm sheltered or something. I'd have expected a classmate in my high school in the mid 90s to say things like this. What the actual fuck? I don't know how to "explain" homosexuality at this fundamental a level and I'm not sure I should even bother. I need a "The Berenstain Bears and the Big Stupid Bigot" book for this situation.

    What exactly is the problem with what they're saying?? It sounds rational enough to me, basically just that if you want society to accept you as normal, quit acting like you're different. There seems to be a culture among homosexuals (largely in the media) of flaunting their sexuality and ignoring the bounds of modesty to a degree normally associated with immature kids. Everyone knows that homosexuality exists, many don't understand or approve of it, but it is accepted by and large as a fact of life so why does the media keep acting like people being gay is something new?
    Post edited by Ilmarinen on
  • Because that's not what he's saying. Your summary does not match the rant.
  • I don't know how to help with this problem, but I'm slightly perplexed by the fact that you frequent other forums.

    Because this one is absolute, or because I post so much crap here you figure I haven't got time for others? :)
  • Beware the Gay Agenda. Hide yo kids, Hide yo wife, and Hide yo husband cause they gaying everybody out here.
  • I'm so freaking depressed. A very old, very dear, and very bright friend of mine who I have deeply respected for 15 or more years has basically chimed in and more or less agreed that the place for gays is in the closet, and venturing out earns them persecution and is therefore their own fault.

    I'm at a loss.
  • @muppet Sorry to hear that. That sucks.
  • Maybe don't regularly visit a forum called CrazyOnTap?
  • edited November 2014
    Oh I never go there anymore. It got syndicated. :P

    Trust me, you don't want to go to CrazyOnTap. I've received credible death threats from there and twice have had my real name and address posted to scam busting sites representing me as a con man. It's like 4chan except kinda worse in some ways, and I have moderation rights there...

    The problem is that it allows anonymous posting and the ban is essentially toothless, plus the culture and people there are just horrendous.

    I re-posted it there hoping for a scathing rebuttal from one or two specific people, but they didn't bite. I was having trouble writing something concise and sharp enough. I was pretty pissed.

    No I'm talking about, which is just about dead but not FULLY dead.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • 04/09/2007 - 12/11/2014
  • How the fuck am I so hard on audio cables, and why is it always the LEFT channel that fucks up first?
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