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Fail of Your Day



  • muppet said:

    "What also aggravates me is when gay people or television shows constantly bombard me with justifications about how their lifestyle is normal and how everyone must not only accept it but embrace it. ... I don't have to like it and it really wouldn't matter if I liked it or not if they would keep it to themselves and not involve me.

    I have 2 lesbian cousins. ...they have enough respect as to not fondle or make out with each other in front of the family, just as I wouldn't do that with my wife or girlfriend. Its just disrespectful behavior in general.

    I'm too tired of this kind of argument to make a long point, but imagine they were talking about black people, and how their "cousins married black guys, but at least those guys aren't uppity." Yeah, that's basically the level that this person is playing at.
  • How the fuck am I so hard on audio cables, and why is it always the LEFT channel that fucks up first?

    Weird, same here. I always lose left channel first. But it's only earbuds - my headphones lasted until the headband kinda came apart, and I just haven't got around to epoxying it back together.

  • muppet said:

    "What also aggravates me is when gay people or television shows constantly bombard me with justifications about how their lifestyle is normal and how everyone must not only accept it but embrace it. ... I don't have to like it and it really wouldn't matter if I liked it or not if they would keep it to themselves and not involve me.

    I have 2 lesbian cousins. ...they have enough respect as to not fondle or make out with each other in front of the family, just as I wouldn't do that with my wife or girlfriend. Its just disrespectful behavior in general.

    I'm too tired of this kind of argument to make a long point, but imagine they were talking about black people, and how their "cousins married black guys, but at least those guys aren't uppity." Yeah, that's basically the level that this person is playing at.
    100% agreed. I pointed this out. Was ignored. Whatever. I gave up. I also said that the position of "I don't care if you're gay, I just don't want to know about it" is pretty similar to "As long as the KKK isn't trying to lynch me personally, I don't care what they do." in that one of the main reasons gay pride and overt gay activism exists is that violent persecution of gays exists.
  • How the fuck am I so hard on audio cables, and why is it always the LEFT channel that fucks up first?

    It's almost as though there is some sinister plot against you.

  • Churba said:

    How the fuck am I so hard on audio cables, and why is it always the LEFT channel that fucks up first?

    Weird, same here. I always lose left channel first. But it's only earbuds - my headphones lasted until the headband kinda came apart, and I just haven't got around to epoxying it back together.
    I get the exact same thing with earbuds, but in my case it's probably because I put random things in my mouth like a two year old does and I probably happen to prefer the left wire over the right.
  • Churba said:

    How the fuck am I so hard on audio cables, and why is it always the LEFT channel that fucks up first?

    Weird, same here. I always lose left channel first. But it's only earbuds - my headphones lasted until the headband kinda came apart, and I just haven't got around to epoxying it back together.

    Sounds like me kid, burns through ear buds every three months.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Sounds like me kid, burns through ear buds every three months.

    The odd thing is, it doesn't seem to matter about the quality of the headphones. I've gone through Senn earbuds in a matter of weeks, and then it takes 6 months for a pair of Samsung earbuds that came with my phone to go bung. I honestly have no idea.

    I do know that I hate that stupid braided cable a lot of brands use now, though - I used to be able to whip out the soldering iron, and put a new jack on there, but those silly hair-thin braid wires simply can't be fixed by any reasonable home tools.

  • I ruin earbuds within a few weeks without fail. My daughter, too. Not sure which channel goes first though.

    Even fairly inexpensive clamshells seem to last forever for both of us. Superior strain relief?
  • Can't seem to share the sentiment, Etymotic ER-6i lasted for 4 years, I thought they would have busted the number of times the cord was pulled out of a phone or music playing device or out of my ears by accident.
    I upgraded to the ER 4S for even better quality sound and I've been using them for over 4 years now.

    The latter model can be fixed at any time, each piece of the canal phones has a serial number on it as it is their professional model.
    Churba said:

    I do know that I hate that stupid braided cable a lot of brands use now, though - I used to be able to whip out the soldering iron, and put a new jack on there, but those silly hair-thin braid wires simply can't be fixed by any reasonable home tools.

    The ER 4S has a really thick well shielded main portion of the cord that then disconnects to 2 sets of thin braided cables for about 40cm, making the entire cable braided and unshielded seems to be asking for trouble.
  • Funny thing is that my ear buds last forever. I buy her a new pair and the left one goes dead sometime between six and twelve weeks. Does not matter the brand or price.
  • huh, I'll check those out. They don't make the ER-6i anymore, but the successor, the MC5 might be worth the look.
  • Churba said:

    huh, I'll check those out. They don't make the ER-6i anymore, but the successor, the MC5 might be worth the look.

    If you want something with a microphone, the MC3 has the same cables, ear pieces and jacks.
  • sK0pe said:

    If you want something with a microphone, the MC3 has the same cables, ear pieces and jacks.

    Alright, that's the ones then. I'll let you know how they go.

  • Well, an executive at Uber just basically outlined outlined is grand idea to try and crush any negative press against uber by using opposition researchers, using data Uber has collected. To a crowd filled with reporters.

    Further commentary from Jalop.
  • Churba said:

    sK0pe said:

    If you want something with a microphone, the MC3 has the same cables, ear pieces and jacks.

    Alright, that's the ones then. I'll let you know how they go.
    I just bought the MC5 myself, they're quite a nice pair of headphones.

    I'm also one of the people who tend to wear out IEMs pretty quickly, but the main reason is probably that I don't take care of them well enough—I often stuff them in my pocket even though I really shouldn't do that.
  • Argh... The politics of Facebook... It burns...

    More specifically people spreading the "according to politifact (insert name here) lies almost all the time!!!" Meme. Wrong, the data can not be used to draw that conclusion because they only cover controversial topics!!! Then they respond back with similar off the wall responces ,"oh, so you think (insert name here) always tells the truth?" Or "oh, so politifacts articles are useless or wrong?" No dumbfuck, YOU are just misreprenting the data to push your own ideology.

    It would be like calculating an MLB players batting average by only counting games that involved fights with an umpire.

    Sorry, had to rant...
  • If someone misrepresents the facts on controversial topics most of the time (in other words, everything important), then I really don't give a fuck if they tell the truth otherwise...
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Argh... The politics of Facebook... It burns...

    More specifically people spreading the "according to politifact (insert name here) lies almost all the time!!!" Meme. Wrong, the data can not be used to draw that conclusion because they only cover controversial topics!!! Then they respond back with similar off the wall responces ,"oh, so you think (insert name here) always tells the truth?" Or "oh, so politifacts articles are useless or wrong?" No dumbfuck, YOU are just misreprenting the data to push your own ideology.

    It would be like calculating an MLB players batting average by only counting games that involved fights with an umpire.

    Sorry, had to rant...

    I don't really get into that, Facebook for me is just where all my Tweets go and I have to sometimes use for groups relating to university (even though Google Communities would be better and they already have the entire student database in a private database from Gmail to Drive and everything in between).

    Also some family overseas only use Facebook.

    Ignore everything else or if you have to use just start using the drop down and click 'I do not want to see this', filtering will start happening.
  • I think Steve meant, Politics on Facebook and the fact that the person was making a large point with data that doesn't support that :-p Politics discussion is no better pretty much anywhere else.
  • For the most part my feed is full of kittens and gaming stories but occasionally something political shows up. I usually only chime in when someone that I consider to be intelligent posts something highly inaccurate.
  • But why chime in at all?
  • Challenging friends and family on political stances is the only way to make any progress. The taboo just encourages more tribalism and polarization.
  • muppet said:

    Challenging friends and family on political stances is the only way to make any progress. The taboo just encourages more tribalism and polarization.


    Better to lose a relative than to let them think they have your tacit support on abhorrent politics.

  • edited November 2014
    I dunno, guess I've always tried to position myself with friends and family to which I have pretty similar views. If someone doesn't really agree with me on an important issue I usually just say so and ignore them. I don't really feel a need to justify myself to anyone.

    If there was anything that I learned growing up in conservative Mormon town is that you will rarely change someone's opinion. Possibly if you are close enough with them you can make them see some sense but usually its just an uphill battle with no legs and your arms tied behind your back.

    Luckily none of my family is dumb enough to post their political views on Facebook of all places.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • RymRym
    edited November 2014
    Well, I'm really only interested in spending any amount of non-obligatory time with people who will openly debate even their most closely held beliefs.

    So someone who can't abide my presence if I question them really has no place at my table. Debate and discourse are my bread and butter.

    If someone is truly unconvincible on any issue, there's little point in earnestly engaging them. Buzz Aldrin and move on.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited November 2014
    I can agree with that. I sorta follow the logic that someone who has somewhat radical stance on a position generally has enough faith in whatever evidence they came across that it becomes difficult to convince someone to shake that faith. They'll either figure it out on their own, never figure it out, or if you can identify that they're speculative that's a good point to engage.

    In that case I suppose it may have been justified on Steve's part. The difference being that if someone is "intelligent" I always wonder how intelligent they are if they choose to get their message across on Facebook.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I've found arguing with people on Facebook about politics a complete waste of time. Once faced with opposition people just dig in regardless of facts or arguments.

    People see Facebook as a place to rant, they don't actually want a discussion.
  • I've found some interesting conversation on Facebook when discussing politics. Usually you can get people to delete a crappy post if you point out why it's wrong or horrible. I consider that a win.
  • edited November 2014
    Rym said:

    muppet said:

    Challenging friends and family on political stances is the only way to make any progress. The taboo just encourages more tribalism and polarization.


    Better to lose a relative than to let them think they have your tacit support on abhorrent politics.

    This is one of the main reasons I really don't interact with 95% of what's left of my family. Breaking away has been an intensely positive decision that I haven't regretted for 4+ years.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Politics is much more debatable in my family however when family friends come over who have no idea what they're talking about, it is a fine line between casual discussion and wrecking dreams.
    Cremlian said:

    I think Steve meant, Politics on Facebook and the fact that the person was making a large point with data that doesn't support that :-p Politics discussion is no better pretty much anywhere else.


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