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Fail of Your Day



  • I had a cold for like, 5 hours last week. I couldn't believe how fast that one passed. Unprecedented for me.
  • Cremlian said:

    Chris is definitely of stronger stock than George in my opinion :-p Higher CON score

    CON was one of my dump stats, I spent most of my points on INT, WIS and some DEX.
  • From what I understand, I actually took pneumonia quite well. I wasn't hospitalized, however that mother fucker had me down for 2-3 weeks. I was very weak and could not walk at a normal pace.

    Now it's the leftover residuals of coughing and more coughing. Ricola and Halls are my BFF. Also my appetite is still not fully back, but meh.

    So much leave used. :( I can't wait for the Work At Home program to be in effect for my job. It's going to be great.

  • Had pneumonia for a few days but was still up and about. Pseudoephedrine is nuts.
  • Wow you guys get infected lungs really easy, no one in my immediate family or my friends have ever had pneumonia.

    Do you have weaker immune systems from prior problems or is it an unusual occurrence?
  • He's still getting used to American germs.
  • sK0pe said:

    Wow you guys get infected lungs really easy, no one in my immediate family or my friends have ever had pneumonia.

    Do you have weaker immune systems from prior problems or is it an unusual occurrence?

    I had bronchial pnumonia once in the UK, because I had regular bronchitis, and then decided to go work with my antiques mate standing on a freezing fucking airfield for two days, with bonus fever. Treated it by swigging beecham's extra strength from the bottle and switching to menthol cigarettes.

  • sK0pe said:

    Wow you guys get infected lungs really easy, no one in my immediate family or my friends have ever had pneumonia.

    Do you have weaker immune systems from prior problems or is it an unusual occurrence?

    American work structures often make it difficult to take sufficient sick time to recover properly, leading to an increased incidence of complications from relatively simple ailments.

  • edited December 2014
    I'm reading this at work. I'm sick *cough*
    Post edited by Chrisislost on
  • Nuri said:

    sK0pe said:

    Wow you guys get infected lungs really easy, no one in my immediate family or my friends have ever had pneumonia.

    Do you have weaker immune systems from prior problems or is it an unusual occurrence?

    American work structures often make it difficult to take sufficient sick time to recover properly, leading to an increased incidence of complications from relatively simple ailments.

    Preach. I had a mean flu about 3 weeks ago. I worked the first 2 days of it,, couldn't take it anymore, called in the three days I am afforded, and went back to work sick. I worked through the remaining 9 days of illness.

    Bonus: First thing out of bosses mouth after coming back in after calling in, still sick, mind you... "Why'd you call in? You weren't that sick."
  • UPS was supposed to deliver my monitor today. Claim they came by around 1PM... My kid has been home all day!

    Called up to do pickup at their local hub, supposed to get a call back in under an hour... No call. Will drive there tomorrow morning cuz I don't feel like waiting until Friday just to have them not deliver it again.
  • Churba said:

    sK0pe said:

    Wow you guys get infected lungs really easy, no one in my immediate family or my friends have ever had pneumonia.

    Do you have weaker immune systems from prior problems or is it an unusual occurrence?

    I had bronchial pnumonia once in the UK, because I had regular bronchitis, and then decided to go work with my antiques mate standing on a freezing fucking airfield for two days, with bonus fever. Treated it by swigging beecham's extra strength from the bottle and switching to menthol cigarettes.

    Classic bit of Beechams, always does the job.

    My fried put my hat in his pants, like his dick and balls are in it. Despite offering to wash it I now can not wear the hat. I have lost a had is what I'm getting at.
  • I guess the depressed immune system from prolonged cold weather was a variable I didn't factor in.
    Nuri said:

    sK0pe said:

    Wow you guys get infected lungs really easy, no one in my immediate family or my friends have ever had pneumonia.

    Do you have weaker immune systems from prior problems or is it an unusual occurrence?

    American work structures often make it difficult to take sufficient sick time to recover properly, leading to an increased incidence of complications from relatively simple ailments.

    I had no idea that sick leave was at this status nationally in the US.
  • sK0pe said:

    I guess the depressed immune system from prolonged cold weather was a variable I didn't factor in.

    I blame it on the Gypsies. But no worries, I got them back, I taught them to play two-up.
  • Churba said:

    sK0pe said:

    I guess the depressed immune system from prolonged cold weather was a variable I didn't factor in.

    I blame it on the Gypsies. But no worries, I got them back, I taught them to play two-up.
    I'm not sure how many people laughed at this but you have mine sir.
  • Steam's Community Choice votes have been failing me. The voters had the choice of getting a discount on Hatoful Boyfriend or Kentucky Route Zero, and instead voted for some Civil War wargame. Booooring.
  • Hey back the fuck up.

    That Civil War wargame is Ultimate General Gettysberg, and it's made by the guy who made the super crazy popular Darthmod series for the Total War games. Shit is tight, yo.
  • Oh, I didn't know it was good. But over a dollar off a pidgeon dating simulator?
  • Pigeon dating sim>Total War.
  • I'm in no way implying that pidgeon dating simulator isn't the tightest shit, I'm just saying the competition is worthy.
  • This exists. It's a book of Kim kardashian selfies
  • Oh, I didn't know it was good. But over a dollar off a pidgeon dating simulator?

    So GMG had Hatoful for 2.50 during their christmas sale AND had a coupon which brought it down to 2 bucks. I figured that Steam would have it for the same price or so and I waited. Only to find that it never even went close to that price :(

    Guess I'll just wait until I see it again at that price. Although, that also seems like a game that is bound to be in some sort of Humble Bundle eventually.
  • Light pollution, clouds, and snow. Everything is bright outside at 2AM.
  • It was 60F yesterday so I thought it was a good time to get the differential oil changed before it was too cold to work for the rest of the season. So got the nasty old fluid drained, scrapped off all the old gasket material, put on new gasket goo only to discover it needs to cure for 24 hours before I can fill it. Fast forward to 20 minutes ago, it is now 34F and windy. I have no feeling in my finger tips. Fucking cold.
  • Over the weekend I had take out. The rice was pretty dry so I had to bargle. While bargling the residuals of my pneumonia had me cough at the same time. This results in things going up into your sinus cavity. I had to blow my nose for the next 30 minutes and did not like it at all.
  • You've never bargled into your sinuses before? That's the number one reason I hate ever having to bargle.
  • No. I never want to experience that ever again.

    I'm pretty good at controlling stuff going up my nasal cavity when I bargle. Stupid dry rice.
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