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Fail of Your Day



  • Digital distribution is so hampered that I'm driven to buy physical media.
    Seriously, depending on the movie, it may or may not be available in my region, it may or may not be available in HD, it will most likely not have all the extras as the Blu Ray disc, the cost varies quite a bit on region.

    I can buy a Blu Ray for half the price of a digitally distributed SD quality version of the film.

    I assume Netflix is way better than this, if so I can't wait for the Australian launch.

    I would totally pay money to the distributors if I got all the content, the highest quality and surround sound. I would even pay a premium over the cost of the Blu Ray discs because I could stream it on any PC or device I am logged into or in the case of the Play store, anything which has Youtube.

  • I have no words at this point.
  • OWCP is good stuff. It may be a pain in regards to the paperwork, but documentation for possible aggravation of any injury helps you in the long run.
  • In teasing Rym on twitter, I ended up with a bunch of ton-foil-hat accounts following me for using a hashtag ONCE.
  • Top button of my brand new peacoat fell off.
  • I met with the CIO on Monday and told him that after a month of trying to work with, then around my coworkers I've concluded that I can't be productive on this team and that I'm actively soliciting new employment, but can't afford to quit.

    I have not been fired...
  • That was very adult of you. Good luck finding better employment. FYI: Frontier is hiring in CT.
  • I'm not so sure if it was adult or not. At the risk of sounding like a prima donna, after two near death experiences in the past year I just haven't got patience for the dance anymore.

    The CIO had no idea what to say to me and now I guess we're all just pretending it didn't happen. My direct supervisor seems extremely nervous about the entire thing. I've only been here a month and we're an at-will state. They could simply fire me, so it's weird that they haven't.
  • Well, they are probably not used to the honesty and now they are so seeing how screwed up the team you are on is.
  • What I think they're doing is trying to convince themselves that I'm a crank and everything is fine. Either way I'm not interestedin trying to maintain a polite fiction while I get quietly trashed behind my back, or whatever.

    I'm in someone's sandbox and they DO NOT like it. I don't know how disgruntled you have to be to tell a 2 day old new hire "there's nothing here for you and you shouldn't have been hired."
  • Did you explain to the CIO that you left a good job in good faith to work for him and that the team you are supposed to be working with is preventing you from doing the job you were hired to do? You might even have a valid lawsuit here.
  • I told him exactly that. Almost word for word. Except the lawsuit part.

    HR was quick to tell me that I'm "not experiencing discrimination based on any protected status."
  • True you are not experiencing protected status discrimination but you DID leave employment elsewhere in good faith to work for them. IANAL but if they fire you now because the team you work with doesn't want you then that is all sorts of fucked up and you may have a valid labor lawsuit on your hands.
  • Yeah I might but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

    I had a very positive and encouraging phone interview with Yale University last week that I hope will pan out once the holiday season is over.
  • edited December 2014
    @VictorFrost will probably understand:

    Rinfernal's account on YouTube was closed out. :( I felt like some Nujabes Homework Edit music and just discovered his channel doesn't exist.

    At least Jazz has a lot of his stuff.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Yeah, that bummed me out when I found out.
  • edited December 2014
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • Daikun said:
    Admittedly, she could just copyright it and get almost the same protections without the paperwork, but honestly who's gonna try and enforce that?
  • edited December 2014

    Admittedly, she could just copyright it...

    No. She cannot. Because that's not how copyright works.

    You COULD trademark it IF you demonstrated a valid associated with a brand identity. And even then, trademark protection only extends to brand identification. You aren't infringing on Disney's trademark by going around saying the words "Mickey Mouse."
    Wyatt said:
    Pretty sure you meant he tried to Trademark it. Very different things.

    You can't "copyright something." You either have a copyright because you created a thing, or you have no copyright. Copyright exists automatically. Registering your copyright simply creates a record of it so that taking legal action to protect it is easier. It doesn't confer any additional rights.

    Post edited by Nuri on
  • We're good at a lot of things down here. Making Christmas carols isn't one of them.

  • I don't know what you're talking about. Those were great.
  • I have a sinus cold. It's ok while I'm awake and sitting up, but sleeping is really hard.
  • I have a sinus cold. It's ok while I'm awake and sitting up, but sleeping is really hard.

    After overuse/abuse of Sinex (old, discontinued formula) to treat raging allergies in the Fall, this is me pretty much 24/7/365 now. Sucks.
  • Treated myself to the expense root beer when we went to the store. My girlfriend would not listen to me when I said she was carrying to much up the stairs. On the first couple of sts
  • I had to remove a previous job from my online resume due to the company publicly dealing with Child Ponography, screw the gap rather not be associate with them at all at this point.
  • lol.....what?
  • Coldguy said:

    I had to remove a previous job from my online resume due to the company publicly dealing with Child Ponography, screw the gap rather not be associate with them at all at this point.

    8chan? Did you work for 8chan? =P
  • Story time?
  • Rym said:

    Coldguy said:

    I had to remove a previous job from my online resume due to the company publicly dealing with Child Ponography, screw the gap rather not be associate with them at all at this point.

    8chan? Did you work for 8chan? =P
    No I did not work for 8 Chan, but rather Channel Awesome who had the bright idea to DOWNLOAD AND BROADCAST child p0rn in order to prove a point about 8 Chan and gamergate. The amount of people defending this is really making me sick.
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