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Fail of Your Day



  • That is on some next level stupidity, even for that channel.
  • Wait, isn't Channel Awesome Doug Walker's thing? I find it hard to believe he'd do something that dumb.
  • Wait, isn't Channel Awesome Doug Walker's thing? I find it hard to believe he'd do something that dumb.

    Dan Olsen, not Doug, did this. They recently picked him up due to the Chez connection.
  • I had to pull my RPG Collateral Damage from the internets. Turns out there's already an anime-themed board game with that name; my search for RPGs didn't turn it up and I hadn't even considered there would be a similarly themed board game. Now I need to figure out something else to call it.

    P much what I deserve, I guess.
  • Damage Collateralé
  • Huh. I would have thought RPG names would be like book titles. You're not prevented (so far as I know) from duplicating a book title. Lots of books share titles. I guess in the case of an RPG it could be trademarked. I wonder if you can trademark a book title? Now I have homework on Christmas Eve...
  • It's not so much that he's not allowed to use the title so much as that people can't find his RPG when they look for one with that title because the other one shows up more.
  • No one is coming over for Christmas because I'm too sick to host. :(
  • If it makes you feel any better, the game is not that great.
  • It's not so much that he's not allowed to use the title so much as that people can't find his RPG when they look for one with that title because the other one shows up more.

  • After flirting with "Crisis Mismanagement" I'm going with "Damage Control". I'm also using this as a chance to clean up some of the art (which got a little rushed at the end when I was just like aaaargh i want to get this out and done and not think about it anymore) and maybe re-add a rewritten example of play page I cut because it was flowing poorly.
  • Beard has hit the 6inch mark and is now getting trapped in hoodie zips and needs daily combing. I love the thing but go dam is that the most painful thing in the world when it gets caught.
  • muppet said:

    Huh. I would have thought RPG names would be like book titles. You're not prevented (so far as I know) from duplicating a book title. Lots of books share titles. I guess in the case of an RPG it could be trademarked. I wonder if you can trademark a book title? Now I have homework on Christmas Eve...

    Sure. It'll just be subject to the same limitations as all trademarks. You have to actually use it in commerce to identify a source of goods/services (not just as the title of a work, which is Copyright territory and applies to the work as a whole, including the title), and you're limited to enforcement within a reasonable sphere of possible confusion.

    I bet you anything "Twilight" is trademarked.

  • My younger brother got a PS4 today. He has been unable to play it due to their T.V. being too old for HDMI cords.
  • Because DriveThruRPG doesn't let you rename products, I had to lose all my old links in reuploading my game. Thanks, Obama.
  • I was mostly fine all day, but as soon as I try to sleep I'm coughing up a lung. This fucking sucks.
  • I feel you. I mostly sit up sleeping so I don't cough these last three weeks. Hope you get better soon.
  • I'm starting to get cranky from lack of restful sleep.
  • Two of my friends received literally nothing for Christmas except my gifts (and in one case a gift from a mutual friend once I explained their situation).
  • Greg said:

    Two of my friends received literally nothing for Christmas except my gifts (and in one case a gift from a mutual friend once I explained their situation).

    Not really that bad, I would often gift things to friends and family when living abroad or interstate and not get anything. Personally I have more fun finding gifts for people.

    Even this Christmas I didn't get anything but I gifted a lot. Instead I bought myself stuff I've been wanting for a while.
  • edited December 2014
    I gifted a few steam games. Typically if a game comes in a 4 pack and I see friends that want it, I buy the 4 pack and gift away.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • thanks steve you the best (and Sean too)
  • edited December 2014
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • Chris is sick now. :(
  • Chris is sick now. :(

    How fast did you get over it? She's got two and a half days to kick its ass.

  • Nuri said:

    Chris is sick now. :(

    How fast did you get over it? She's got two and a half days to kick its ass.
    It's day 10 for me and I'm not 100%, but I feel well enough to venture forth with spreading germs everywhere. But she's a different person, so she might just kick its ass in a day and half.
  • Chris is definitely of stronger stock than George in my opinion :-p Higher CON score
  • I got over my sickness in 12 hours :)
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