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Fail of Your Day



  • It's not the fail of this day, but the fail of some day soon. My laptop has been taking a long time to boot up, and today it told me the operating system was not found (before then finding it next time I booted it). I may soon have to buy a new laptop while in Japan, which would mean a stupid Japanese keyboard.
  • That may be the hard drive, you can get a new drive, pull the old one and load your backup.
    And what's wrong with Japanese keyboard?
  • I did not know the G spot in Japan was that high up on the chest.
  • Oh god ear infections suck so hard.

    I'm past the blinding pain. Instead, I have pressure in my middle ear pressing against my eardrum. All the time.

    Imagine if someone was inside your brain poking your eardrum nonstop.

    Fuck ears. They're fucking stupid.
  • I've been there. Take morphine.
  • I have Vicodin. That's as good as it's gonna get.
  • HMTKSteve said:

    I did not know the G spot in Japan was that high up on the chest.

  • I have Vicodin. That's as good as it's gonna get.

    I sometimes wish they made St. Joseph's Junior Vicodin for when my kid gets ear infections...
  • I feel sorry for Reza Aslan. That dude must finish every news interview and just cry. I just watched his CNN interview, its crazy those people don't even seem to hear the words coming out of his mouth. How are people this stupid? How are they on the news?
  • Some younger people had a party down the street last night, which is cool enough, except for two things - I went out for a smoke, I'm standing there, this little arsehole drunkenly wanders over and starts messing with the mighty van, because he's too drunk to realize I'm standing right there, staring at him staring in my windows and eyeing up my tools. Just as I'm about to call out, he bobs down, and seems to stash something under the van with a rattling noise, then wanders off. Few minutes later, some more sober friends come after him, I direct them the right way, same with the two that come about a minute later. Once they've all fucked off, I go to look what he stashed under the van.

    Turns out the little arsehole had ripped a wing-mirror of some Mitsubishi, and tried to stash it behind/under my right rear wheel. Fucking little bastard. And, while I'm doing that, I can hear noise up the street he'd wandered up, like someone smashing up something, and then the sound of broken glass.

    Too bad for him, I saw where he wandered out from, and took a quick captain after sun-up to see what I could see. Didn't find the car with a missing mirror, but I did find the right house, complete with a pile of cans and bottles in the front yard. I'll be having a fucking word.
  • Churba said:

    Some younger people had a party down the street last night, which is cool enough, except for two things - I went out for a smoke, I'm standing there, this little arsehole drunkenly wanders over and starts messing with the mighty van, because he's too drunk to realize I'm standing right there, staring at him staring in my windows and eyeing up my tools. Just as I'm about to call out, he bobs down, and seems to stash something under the van with a rattling noise, then wanders off. Few minutes later, some more sober friends come after him, I direct them the right way, same with the two that come about a minute later. Once they've all fucked off, I go to look what he stashed under the van.

    Turns out the little arsehole had ripped a wing-mirror of some Mitsubishi, and tried to stash it behind/under my right rear wheel. Fucking little bastard. And, while I'm doing that, I can hear noise up the street he'd wandered up, like someone smashing up something, and then the sound of broken glass.

    Too bad for him, I saw where he wandered out from, and took a quick captain after sun-up to see what I could see. Didn't find the car with a missing mirror, but I did find the right house, complete with a pile of cans and bottles in the front yard. I'll be having a fucking word.

    Was this related to the police and ambulance vehicles on your street?
  • Daikun said:
    That's not a fail on Nintendo's part. What with the WiiU costing close to two grand US.
  • It's a fail on the part of Brazil putting that much tax on them. No wonder the Master System lasted forever there :p
  • sK0pe said:

    Was this related to the police and ambulance vehicles on your street?

    Nah, it was consecutive nights. The first one turned out to be some dude going nutso and running about with a weapon threatening to kill people. They dragged him away in restraints.

  • Some lady posted an anti-vax video on Facebook. Churba took her on. She pretty much ended the comments with "I have always believed vaccines are bad, and I always will no matter what."

    Confirmation bias wins again. (But at least the facts are now attached to that stupid-ass video via Churba.)
    I'm always going to use that as a reply to anti-vaxxers from now on.
  • edited January 2015
    Nuri said:

    Some lady posted an anti-vax video on Facebook. Churba took her on. She pretty much ended the comments with "I have always believed vaccines are bad, and I always will no matter what."

    Confirmation bias wins again. (But at least the facts are now attached to that stupid-ass video via Churba.)

    I can't be too hard on her, she's my good mate's mum, and practically my second mother. She's never going to change, she's been this way for as long as I've known her. Her daughter's worse. Luckily, my mate isn't like that, he's always thought it was nonsense. But, for all that, I can at least fill her in on the people who are absolute scam artists shut up Scott I'll make whatever distinction I like rather than genuine believers, because at least the genuine sorts aren't straight-up out to bilk you out of your cash. I mean, they kinda are, but at least they genuinely believe they're helping, rather than strictly believing in fattening their wallets. And if there was any actual, serious medical problem, then we'd all have her down at the doctors rather than the woo-peddlers.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Not vaccinating humans is just so stupid.
    This is how it goes as a Vet (without powder coating for clients).
    Dog comes in with bloody diarrhoea or vomiting or seizures.
    Vaccination not up to date?
    Your dog is going to definitely die unless he has this medical treatment which may still not work in 60% of cases after which we will still vaccinate your dog.
    Or the RSPCA will take ownership of your dog and I will carry out the plan outlined.

    It helped that virtually everything from kennels to flights and licensing required pets to be vaccinated. I doubt integrating legal vaccination would be possible or as a possible prerequisite for consideration in private schools.
  • I agree. It's absurd not to unless you've got a compelling medical reason not to. But still, thanks to bullshit artists like Meryl Dorey and the AVN, anti-vax bullshit has been on the rise for a few years.
  • Don't we still require vaccinations for international travel?
  • HMTKSteve said:

    Don't we still require vaccinations for international travel?

    Depends where you're going to and where from, but sometimes, yes.

  • The fail of my day is that that article demands you to take a survey before you can read it. Fuck that shit. It's almost as bad as all those sites saying "do you agree with this generic statement? Like us on Facebook before you've read any of our content!"
  • I didn't see that, but then again, ABP does catch a lot of that stuff.
  • This study makes me think of something my urologist said to me prior to getting my vasectomy, "people who have had vasectomies have a higher rate of prostate cancer than those who have not." On further questioning he rephrased it to "men who have had vasectomies have a higher rate of early prostrate cancer detection."

    Me thinks something similar may be happening here.
  • Nuri said:

    Some lady posted an anti-vax video on Facebook. Churba took her on. She pretty much ended the comments with "I have always believed vaccines are bad, and I always will no matter what."

    Confirmation bias wins again. (But at least the facts are now attached to that stupid-ass video via Churba.)

    I'm off at a convention for only a couple of days and I miss all the fun stuff.
  • I read a conspiracy theory that believed that Big Pharma is responsible for the anti-vaxx movement because it means more people developing illnesses, with treatments that are much more profitable than vaccinations. I don't believe it, but I really enjoy it.
  • edited January 2015
    American journalist asks a Muslim human rights lawyer if he supports ISIS.
    Greg said:

    I read a conspiracy theory that believed that Big Pharma is responsible for the anti-vaxx movement because it means more people developing illnesses, with treatments that are much more profitable than vaccinations. I don't believe it, but I really enjoy it.

    Vaccinations are more profitable than the treatments because of the cold transport cycle required for them versus the supportive antibiotics which do not need that much temperature control. It would be more profitable to the hospital that supplied the supportive care but also take up beds.
    Churba said:
    Post edited by sK0pe on
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