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Fail of Your Day



  • Remember that takedown of Lars Anderson, the so-called world's fastest archer with his nonsense trickshooting technique? Well, Lars responded, and guess whose side reddit has taken. And naturally, this now means that reddit has taken to twitter laying into her En masse for the crime of being a woman on the internet who dared have an opinion.
  • I know not of this series of events. I shall have to look into it. I know of Lars but who did the takedown that everyone is now BBQing?
  • edited April 2015
    Anna Maltese, from Skeptically Pwned. Here's the video -

    Curiously, the majority of dudes who had something to say about his video have been largely left alone.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I can't find my fire-safe that has my ID stuff in it (passport, social security card, etc.).
  • edited April 2015
    chaosof99 said:
    When I was in 8th grade at a Catholic middle school, we had a group come in for a 2 day (as in two entire days, as I remember it) chastity program. It didn't involve any sort of pledge, but it did involve discussions of why abortions are wrong. This included such gems as "the baby is part of God's plan" and "the woman has to live with her mistake" (they may have phrased that one slightly better, but still). My personal favorite moment happened when someone asked about women who are raped and become pregnant, and thus are in no way at fault. The response was that the whole thing is still "part of God's plan". Even as an 8th grader that made me furious.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited April 2015
    Funerals claim to be there to help people mourn the loss of a love one but having a service that pretty much disses everyone who isn't christian isn't exactly what I call relief, My Uncle (who died) was an Agnostic and at least one of his kids is an Atheist. Why they have to talk the "Your life has no meaning without Jesus" aspect of Christianity for the majority of the service during a period of mourning to an audience that included Muslims, Jews and Atheists just is freaking rude. Second funeral I've almost said something at.. My Cousin came up and mentioned that it was annoying too. Why cause anxiety during a Funeral of a loved one. If it's truly meant to be an event to help the living then quick your freaking attempts to convert while people are sad.

    One of my biggest peeves with Christians
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited April 2015

    That was my dad's funeral.

    It was a sermon by an evangelical who said that God decreed it was his time to go, and that dad was lucky for being chosen. Because he got to go up before the rest of us.


    I'm still furious.

    People are assholes who don't understand how to deal with other people's suffering.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • So rage inducing, but your stuck being polite because it's a Fing Funeral. Not exactly the best place to throw a scene
  • The last funeral I went to was my partner's granddad.

    The priest knew the guy personally and wrote the speech before sending a copy to the family. We went through it and the bits that weren't about religion were about the priest!

    Effectively: "Fred was a great man because he helped out at our daycare centre which is open from 12 til 6 at your local community centre!"

    I came up with a few rewrites which he went through with (thank god :P ).

    Really it takes the focus off of the person and puts it onto themselves. "I thought we were going to get Grand Theft Funeral" said one well wisher.
  • I went to the funeral of an acquaintance in college who had a catholic family. The funeral was among the same vane as the "We're so lucky God took him! Praise Jesus! Sinners will go to hell! Hurrah!"

    There was a lot of unpleasant silence from the large group of friends.
  • They aren't all that bad. The priest at my grandmother's funeral said some generic stuff before opening the floor for the people who actually knew her (my dad and his siblings) to speak about her and her life. It was good.
  • He literally calls women like he'd call a dog.

    And he wonders why the No Catcalling signs are up I bet.
  • Jesus, until about halfway through I thought it was a lunchables commercial or something.
  • edited April 2015
    A job came up in the Livonia school district that would be great for me.
    I want to know if anyone else would be as infuriated by this as I am:
    In your own handwriting, please describe:
    1) Why you are interested in this particular position?
    2) What particular strengths you would bring to this district.
    3) What additional personal information you would want to be considered in the evaluation of your application, including honors received, special talents or interests, travel, publications, advanced work etc.
    My own handwriting?
    Want me to film myself jumping through a hula-hoop also?
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • A job came up in the Livonia school district that would be great for me.
    I want to know if anyone else would be as infuriated by this as I am:

    In your own handwriting, please describe:
    1) Why you are interested in this particular position?
    2) What particular strengths you would bring to this district.
    3) What additional personal information you would want to be considered in the evaluation of your application, including honors received, special talents or interests, travel, publications, advanced work etc.
    My own handwriting?
    Want me to film myself jumping through a hula-hoop also?

    Methinks they're sending the applications to a handwriting analysis expert for evaluation.
  • One of my new colleagues threw a temper tantrum on Friday because for his accomodation we booked him a week in a £110 a night hotel instead of the £140 a night hotel.

    He didn't show up there on Sunday night and when we tried to call him to ask why it turns out he's not at work this morning and won't answer his phone either. Wow!
  • So, I thought this was mostly an obnoxious meme and not a thing that goes on regularly, color me naive. Was watching some cosplay stuff on Youtube with my daughter and I think were watching MegaCon 2015 or something. Some smarmy looking dude, first dressed like Iron man in a cheap stuffed costume, but then going through some costume changes, is going around doing interviews.

    I think in total he interviewed like 5 dudes and 50 young women. For all 5 dudes he's like "Hey cool costume I love it" and then "interview" lasts about 2 minutes. For practically all 50 young women he's like "So, do you know who you're cosplaying? I will now grill you about this character's backstory. Hey here's a clever reference o the fact that you have boobs. Oh you're doing SEXY whatever [eye roll]."

    I thought he was straight up just being a troll but there was a series of like 8 of these and apparently he was being totally serious. Good fucking grief that's ridiculous. At least a few of the girls had a chance to roll their eyes on camera before the edit/cut. At one point, one woman "admitted" that her boyfriend had made one prop for her, which was like maybe 15% of her costume, and dude shoots a knowing glance at the camera.

  • All too fucking common, I'm sure he was trying to make a point about female cosplayers only doing it for attention from males.
  • edited April 2015
    If they were doing it for the attention, then the appropriate response would be not to pay attention to them, which is exactly the opposite of what that guy and his ilk do.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I just thought it was a schtick and then had a look at his channel and unless he's like some sort of neo Andy Kaufman type, it wasn't a schtick. Guy's gotta be freaking kidding. How is he not just thrown out of the con for harrassing people?
  • Pedophile allowed to live in mother's home as long as her daughters are locked up in their bedroom.

    And authorities allowed this!
  • Apparentaly I bought at some point in the past..... Goodbye How did I forget I did that?
  • was like $1200 last time I checked.
  • Super dumb in a tiny test I took today, I messed around with Excel array formula for more than half the time and had to quickly try and remember how to program in Matlab for the 2nd half of the exam (except I had to squash it into 10 minutes).

    I've been doing too much real programming, competitive programming, data structures and algorithms to be hit with Matlab's silliness. It's just embarrassing considering I did 3 major assignments for the unit in less than an hour at home (for some reason they gave kids 6 weeks for the 3 assignments). It's really weird how low the bar is set.

    Also met a "career mentor" who turns out not to be a developer but an Oracle Primavera specialist. He basically explained that he does very boring GUI stuff and translates what clients want to the actual devs yet gets paid very well. He said he literally can't code and has a Computer Science degree.
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