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Fail of Your Day



  • Amp said:

    Have you been reading the daily mail again?

    Honestly don't know if the DM has reported this, but probably. I've mostly only seen more left-leaning places like boingboing running with it so far, though.

  • Churba said:

    Amp said:

    Have you been reading the daily mail again?

    Honestly don't know if the DM has reported this, but probably. I've mostly only seen more left-leaning places like boingboing running with it so far, though.

    I was going with their statement that everything causes cancer, think Russell Howard did a song on it.
  • Is there some handy catch-all site on the internet I can direct idiots to who say any of the following:

    * Why isn't there White History Month?
    * Why doesn't Disney World have a "Straight Day?"
    * Why do Gay people have to be so gross in public?

    And etc? Really I just need somebody to compile a comprehensive list of articles dismantling these tropes for when somebody says this and a whole peanut gallery starts going "Yeah! Hear hear!" and so on.. :-P
  • I would like to know what happens when straight white guys become a minority. Well, actually, globally they are, on account of all those billions of Chinese people.
  • AmpAmp
    edited March 2015
    HMTKSteve said:

    I would like to know what happens when straight white guys become a minority. Well, actually, globally they are, on account of all those billions of Chinese people.

    I think its the issue that there might be billions of Chinese blokes but they have a fairly shitty time, as opposed to millions of white dudes who have a much better time of things. They might be a "minority" but still have a higher quality of life.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • Sometimes quality can go down when you mass produce things at that level.
  • Ba dum psshhhttt.
  • I just realized how many shit kickstarters that I've contributed to that haven't had updates for more than a year. Definitely done with this shit unless it's someone reputable that has dealt with production schedules at least a few times in their career.
  • Today I have learned that my brother has been taking advice from Mike Cernovich to change his life. If you don't know who he is, he has been the "Based-Lawyer" for the Pro-Gamergate Side. It explains why he has been juicing, obsessing over fitness, and overall changing his life. As Mike is noted as bully who not only goes after women, but also fat people, minorities, and is a full-on rape apologist.

    As I talked to my brother about this guy, I stumbled upon this wikipedia article about this unique subject:

    Dear god, the writing was on the wall for my brother becoming an MRA for nearly a decade now. He has been a big follower of Maddox since his days on SomethingAwful and owns The Alphabet on Manliness. Maddox may be on the more humorist side, but my brother has accepted these ideals as a form of philosophy when it comes to treating women. When I have talked about meeting a friend's cool new partner, he noted things about how "Women keep up really good appearances with other people. Domestic skills are alteast a plus with some of them."

    Makes me sick. It's hard to deal with this stuff when they are a member of your family AND you cannot move from their bullshit.
  • Is he one of those "Alpha vs Beta"-male dudes?
  • I forgot to put a continue statement in one of the loops of a programming competition, it cost my team getting first place, we got second.
  • Is he one of those "Alpha vs Beta"-male dudes?

    I believe so. He has expressed to mutual friends of ours that he has had worries that "I don't know if Nukerjsr will become a real man. He has all these beliefs and beta-attributes that make him weak."
  • Yeah... I have the alphabet of manliness. That in itself wasn't the worst thing in the world.

    Not directly related, but tangentially, I actually just found a photograph of myself from 2007. I would have been ~22 or ~23. I look fucking sick in this picture. Like giant dark bags under my eyes. About 50 pounds heavier. Horrible facial hair that is just... gross looking. My brothers are both standing in a suit and dress shirt next to my awful polo shirt that doesn't fit well. They look way better than me here, and they're smiling, and I just look like shit.

    But 7 to 8 years later... the situation has reversed heavily. My slightly younger brother was probably 19 at the time getting married. My other brother hadn't yet had to face the world and his own battle with mental health. It is just... crazy to see. For me, it's really interesting to see how much better off I am today than I was back then.

    Just keep living your life. If your brothers values end up dragging him down... that's his choice (assuming he's not still super young).
  • I was told in a meeting on Friday that my justification for funds for art supplies in my class needed to be simpler and include more detail.
    My response:
  • Mom told me about something the pastors at her church said that she "wasn't sure if she agreed with."

    They believe that the government will alter the requirements of a non-profit legally to say that the church has to give marriage ceremonies to gay people, and that the Christian church that chooses to not give those ceremonies in order to be "true to the Bible" will have to go underground.

    I told her it was stupid, and her response simply seemed to be "I'm just saying it could happen."

    No. It can't. Because the government is really good at upholding that end of separation of church and state. Just not the other end, unfortunately.

    I just...How can people in that position really think they're possibly the victims? It boggles my mind.
  • Gay people are like Skynet.
  • That is crazy.
  • Frankly, I don't think churches should be able to perform legal weddings at all. The actual legal part should be a court document and nothing more.
  • Churches shouldn't get protection as non-profits/charities to begin with. They have an agenda.

    But then, you could say the same of Birthright, PETA, etc...
  • Rym said:

    Frankly, I don't think churches should be able to perform legal weddings at all. The actual legal part should be a court document and nothing more.

    It already is, right? You do the ceremony and then sign and witness the paperwork, not even necessarily in that order.
  • edited March 2015
    muppet said:

    Churches shouldn't get protection as non-profits/charities to begin with. They have an agenda.

    But then, you could say the same of Birthright, PETA, etc...

    Yes, every charity has an agenda, and that really isn't the issue.

    Tax exempt status ought to require non-profits to have an explicit philanthropic/charitable purpose, and merely being a religion should not in and of itself be considered such a purpose.

    Moreover, it shouldn't be enough simply to do some charitable work, as some religious organisations do; it ought to be the entire purpose of the organization. In such cases, the religious organization in question should be required to form a charitable sub-entity, so that tax exempt status can be specifically granted to that sub-entity alone.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Well, BirthRight has an explicit purpose, but I still think it's so tied up in a very specific political/social agenda that it's kinda squicky to let them do it tax free. I dunno, this is a thorny issue.
  • Because of Obama's speech here nobody can make it to class, but we that are here can't leave.
  • muppet said:

    Well, BirthRight has an explicit purpose, but I still think it's so tied up in a very specific political/social agenda that it's kinda squicky to let them do it tax free. I dunno, this is a thorny issue.

    Oddly enough, my birthright trip made me less of a fan of Israel than its organizers probably intended.

  • My life, just in general.
  • edited April 2015
    EDIT: False alarm.
    (Damn, I wish the forum would let us delete our posts.)
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • So, this morning I decided it would be delicious to drink the rest of the coffee in the moka pot. I proceeded to take it to work in a travel mug and warm it up with some hot water, essentially an americano, but what I didn't realize is that the coffee brewed in this way apparently has more caffeine than espresso and I drank roughly 6 ounces of the stuff. I felt like superman and sounded like a used car salesman on speed. Oh yeah, it has also been about 6 months since I quit drinking on the regular. Wow, what a crash.
  • I've been racist'd at for the second time in my first year in Japan. As I was walking home from the grocery store, a car stopped in the crosswalk, rolled down one of the windows, and what can be best described as a Japanese chav (tracksuit and all) started yelling at me before his friends convinced him he should shut up.
  • you should have leaned in and said, in your best Kentaro, "omae wa shinde iru" and held eye contact till he blinked.
  • Ruffas said:

    I've been racist'd at for the second time in my first year in Japan. As I was walking home from the grocery store, a car stopped in the crosswalk, rolled down one of the windows, and what can be best described as a Japanese chav (tracksuit and all) started yelling at me before his friends convinced him he should shut up.

    I truly hope you can triumph over the intense adversity you have encountered.
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