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Fail of Your Day



  • The problem is that basically every "Reddit replacement" is designed to be a haven for disaffected shitlords. There's no way to have a similar platform and avoid them.
  • You're probably right. No matter what you would build there will be people eager to troll it to death or try to use it for vile shit while the getting is good. Yay humanity.
  • And once again, we come back to my axiom:

    Every community is great until people start showing up.
  • I dunno. This community has a ton of people and it's still great to me.
  • This community is 100% open to anyone, and we've actually banned very, very few people.
  • edited June 2015

    I dunno. This community has a ton of people and it's still great to me.

    You think this is good? You know nothing, Vick Frost. You should've been around for the high-quality glory days of discussion. But those are gone forever now, ruined by You Kids.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Rym said:

    This community is 100% open to anyone, and we've actually banned very, very few people.

    But how many left out of shame?
  • Rym said:

    This community is 100% open to anyone, and we've actually banned very, very few people.

    This community can get very hostile around a handful of things. Some folks get scared off by that. Y'all know I'm fond of you, but there have been times where I've spent a month or two away from here because a discussion gets too toxic.
  • Guns and religion?
  • From the other thread...
    Apreche said:

    ...we made this seperate forum here for the teeming masses ...

    I knew it! Holding out on the premium Grade A content all these years! GeekNights is a sham!
  • This is how all communities function. As they grow and collect more perspectives, there evolves a sort of community mind, which will accept or reject members based on their interactions with said mind.

    Undesirables will be rejected when the community mind is sufficiently developed, and they will form their own community, which will then undergo the same process.

    It's a funny process from start to finish, because you get the Voat phenomenon. Someone starts a community, and when that community is small and largely an echo chamber, it's "great," because it's not under any social pressure. As the community grows and tries to encompass more people, it is subjected to internal pressure - and the choice is to either watch the community mindset evolve away from your "great" beginning into something else entirely, or to aggressively reject new ideas and perspectives and eventually whither away into irrelevance.

    This community has changed and evolved as people have come and gone. We're just small, so the rate of change is small.
  • Guns and religion?

    Also Gomergators.

  • Well, gomergate is dumb, religion is objectively incorrect.

    At least guns are complicated.
  • Religion used to be the big one, but the argument there has fizzled over time. Also the glory days of HMTKSteve and Hungryjoe arguing about politics, and Nine trolling as hard as he could.
  • Religion could easily be discussed here again if anyone could present a novel argument in favor.
  • Tyrion Lannister mentions a god of tits and wine.

    A god of tits and wine would be a novel and compelling argument in favor of religion.

    Add in dicks, too, just to cover most people's favorites.

    We should start that church.
  • edited June 2015
    I've never in my life, even living half my years in a very religious part of the US, heard an interesting argument about religion.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • We should start that church.


  • Rym said:

    Religion could easily be discussed here again if anyone could present a novel argument in favor.

    I've presented several novel arguments in favor in the past. Every time your response is an objection to a common opinion that I did not put forth.
  • Rym said:

    Well, gomergate is dumb, religion is objectively incorrect.

    At least guns are complicated.

    To be fair, if anyone starts to sound vaguely gamergate-ish, everyone instantly starts shitting down their throat. They don't have to actually say anything objectionable, just suggest it.
  • Well like, even if it happened to be the worst case scenario, its like the most first world problem bullshit ever.

    "Oh no the media that covers VIDEO GAMES is colluding with people that make VIDEO GAMES and it makes me upset for NO RAISIN."
  • Video games are a huge industry. If there were collusion (big if) then it would be worth getting upset about.
  • Google's war against the homeless. I'm linking to the reddit comments though, because they're somehow even worse.
  • Showers now take 30 or 40 minutes in total due to preparation of towel wrapping my leg, then bagging it, then taping it closed, followed by an awkward shower (because I can't weight bear on my leg. Then removing all the hair around the tape on my leg as I rip the tape off my skin and hobble around getting my clothes on.

    I've resorted to showering every 2nd or 3rd day. Sad times lol.
  • My muffler nearly fell off as I was driving on the highway. It was dragging and making sparks. People flagged me down, pointed out my issue, and I got a ride home. Car got towed and is at a muffler shop specifically to get new mufflers. (The old ones were almost completely rusted to shit) However, I won't get my car repaired/back by next Thursday. On top of that, I have to get an oil change AND state inspection.

    So after I pick up my car, I have to immediately get home without getting pulled over for a ticket. I had an inspection scheduled for today actually, but the events have made me reschedule. The business repairing my muffler is a one-man operation. It makes me wonder why so many mechanic/auto shops are done as small business, 9-to-5 operations. I'm already strapped for cash, so I need everything to be mellow.
  • Well, at least part of the reason compared to a muffler shop is that exhausts are pretty simple to install - if you can TIG or MIG weld, you can install an exhaust. The most complex part, manufacturing wise, is pipe bending if you're making a whole new exhaust system, which most shops won't do anyway.

    Running a one-man mechanic's shop, you're going to struggle to make bank, because you don't have the throughput, and some jobs simply require more than one pair of hands to be done efficiently.
  • My laptop died a death after something like six years. Came at one of the worst times for me as it will wipe out my savings for when I move. I'd always planed to go back to PC so now have the joy of finding the right balance of it being able to do what I want and is in my price range. Also got a parking ticket for parking outside my house. Thanks traffic wardens you honking dicks.
  • I get five downvotes on Reddit, threatening to hide my comment with one more, because I said I believe in Keynesian economics more than Classical.
  • Ikatono said:

    Video games are a huge industry. If there were collusion (big if) then it would be worth getting upset about.

    I literally don't see why anyone should ever get upset about it. Like... one person's game gets more exposure than others? That's literally the worst thing that can happen?
  • I get five downvotes on Reddit, threatening to hide my comment with one more, because I said I believe in Keynesian economics more than Classical.

    Eh, that's not so bad. I went -50 once for daring to point out the literal fact that Buzzfeed employs multiple Pulitzer prizewinners. I went -15 at one point yesterday for daring to suggest that name-based background checks are fucking garbage - which is stone-cold fact, it's got an error rate of about 45%, it's barely better than a coin-flip - because Name-based checks are the kind Uber uses.

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