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Fail of Your Day



  • 2bfree said:

    I feel this whole anti-vax thing survives because people just can't admit that they were fooled.

    That's pretty much how every person who has believed in a hoax has kept going.
  • 2bfree said:

    I feel this whole anti-vax thing survives because people just can't admit that they were fooled.

    That's pretty much how every person who has believed in a hoax has kept going.
    I still believe it's butter.
  • Java keystores and SSL keys are taking me over a barrel today. What the fuck?
  • edited July 2015
    Fucking christ, I hate uber enthusiasts.

    "Hey, if I have an accident driving for Uber in Queensland, will my insurer cover it?"
    "No, probably not. You're doing something illegal, so that probably voids your coverage."
    Cue a fucking shower of feckless shitgolems trying to pick apart everything you say on every possible issue of pointless semantics and generally trying to "That Guy" you into submission. You want a compelling argument as to why the human race not only could end, but absolutely should, I've got some fucking examples.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • My Skype account got hacked. Not really sure how. Changed password and running antivirus.
  • edited July 2015
    My credit card was compromised, ugh. Luckily Chase caught it immediately but it is annoying, especially not knowing how they got into it.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • My mom visited and kept complaining incessantly about my apartment being messy because my roommates stuff was laying around, but her complaining bothered me way more than the mess. And what really bothers me is that she took it upon herself to clean my roommates room. I don't care how messy it was, that's her personal shit. You don't just go into a strangers room and decide its too dirty. Most of it was done when I was asleep but afterwards whenever I tried to protest she said something like "well that's too bad" or "well I'm the one that pays half the rent" despite the fact that she doesn't live here and I can't say shit because I can't find a job and I'd be homeless or at my parents house otherwise. Maybe I'm just overreacting but It really bothers me and I think my roommate is pissed too.
  • An old friend fell off his apartment balcony and died yesterday. Ben Beever was a groundbreaking juggler in many areas, including numbers juggling.

    Ben and I broke the 17, 18 and 19 ball juggling records together back in the day. I always presumed we'd get together and retake those records some day, once we had the time and motivation to give it another go. I guess not now.

    I'm fucking devastated. This is the fourth time in three years that I've learned via Facebook that an old juggling friend has died. The others were from various forms of cancer, so didn't come as a surprise, even if they were heartbreaking. But this is just so sudden.
  • A man in Canada has reenacted Up in real life. That's pretty awesome.

    Unfortunately, he's facing police charges. Dafuq, man?
  • edited July 2015
    Launching an uncontrolled, manned craft into public airspace sounds police worthy. Also, another article says he made it to cloud level, which probably put him at about 1600ft, within Class E or D Canadian airspace levels, I believe. Though, honestly, he was probably in a class G space.

    Not saying I wouldn't have done it too, mind. That looks awesome as hell.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck I blew that interview.
  • edited July 2015
    I had to leave work early today due to a health issue. Thankfully I was able to see a doctor and it isn't serious, just a few changes in how I live that I was already planning on doing and things should get better.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • edited July 2015
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • So uh, my sperm might be of the jailbreaking variety. Seven nights, seven condoms, and my GF might have morning sickness.
  • I wouldn't be too concerned, Morning sickness is a lot like a million other things that could be going wrong with her.
  • shmashmortion?
  • So uh, my sperm might be of the jailbreaking variety. Seven nights, seven condoms, and my GF might have morning sickness.

    Yeah, things don't happen that rapidly either.

    Well, I suppose you could've knocked her up like two or three weeks ago. That's a more plausible time frame.

  • It was about two weeks ago now? July 2-8. Plus she had her period in the middle of it and we didn't stop bumping nasties.
  • Dropped the dogs off for a dental cleaning. Malcolm ended up having four front teeth pulled because of abscesses in the roots.
    The vet never called to ask if we wanted the teeth pulled (he has been showing no sign of pain) and I got hit week a $774 bill and a Malcolm doped out of his mind.
    The vet apologized, showed me the teeth (they were pretty bad), and took the extractions off the bill. That still left me with a $660 tab when we were told two dogs getting cleanings is around $400.
    Not pleased, and my poor little guy is missing his front top teeth.
  • That's a fucking bargain, I would have given you an estimate of anywhere between $800 to 1600 for 2 dentals without knowing anything else about them.
    Veterinary clinics who charge for extractions are idiots, going by time is always far more fair to all parties involved, removing your dog's incisors would take me anywhere between 5 seconds to 30 seconds for each tooth however if it was a molar or canine it could take me 15 minutes to 45 minutes. Your Veterinarian not giving a range for the estimate and using a fixed price is patently idiotic, dentals are the operations which swing in price the most as you can't see what you're getting into unless you've done dental radiography which most clients don't want to pay for.

    The Veterinarian should have definitely called you if they were going to extract and didn't explain that this was potentially possible. I would tell clients that extractions are possible with all dentals.

    Malcolm being doped out of his mind may be due to the Vet also not knowing how to do nerve blocks before extracting teeth and covering with a systemic opiate for analgaesia or it could be due to the nature of the abscess

    Well, further confirmation that the profession is as fucked up in the US as it is in Australia and the UK.
  • Daikun said:
    As someone who works for Comcast in a tech/dev/research position, fuck Comcast.
  • "Fail"?

    He probably meant to put it in the "Things of the Day" thread.
  • Yes, it's a fail because it's fucking stupid.
  • But it's hilarious.
  • It's also pretty well deserved. Outkast are nearly universally loved and praised, and have been a huge influence since they came out.
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