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Fail of Your Day



  • The map is pretty BS. In the Pacific Northwest there were many permanent settlements and fairly well established boundaries, especially fishing locations. One reason was the over abundance of natural resources compared to the plains. One reason that PNW Native art is so much larger and more 'complex'. I say complex in quotes because the amazing art that came out of the plains is not inferior or less complex in any way, but it had to be more portable and lighter.
  • edited August 2015
    Daikun said:
    I went to go see Straight Outta Compton yesterday. My girlfriend brought some candy in her purse. She just barely popped it open and had her wallet on top. They barely even looked in there and said "Ok, cool." Theaters are almost always run by high school kids that don't give a shit unless you get unlucky and the manager is there or something.

    I used to always bring my backpack into the movie theater and people would always look at me like I was crazy and I'd say "I guarantee no one will say anything". 95% of the time literally no one said anything about it. The one time they did was when the manager was like running the ticket counter or something and I think they asked me to leave and I headed for the door and she looked away and I just walked into the theater. I've also considered saying that my backpack has some medical stuff I may need. Because then no one will question you after that.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Hit a pigeon while driving. I went through an overpass like everyone else on Interstate 81 and the bird just started flying from the side and crashed into the windshield. Like watching a death play out in slow motion. Thankfully there is no damage, just a mark from impact and a solid line of poo.
  • I dunno what went through his head. Oh yeah, the glass.
  • I borrowed my Dad's automatic car because I can't use my left foot for my manual.

    I tried to put into 3rd at one point and was actually shifting it into "Park" as I was speeding up after a turn.
  • Yeah I got fired.
  • Yeah I got fired.

    Shit, what happened?
  • malzraa said:

    Yeah I got fired.

    Shit, what happened?
    I posted about it in the random questions thread but basically I didn't work there for very long, got barely any hours and none last week. Went to get my schedule yesterday and was told to come back in the morning and ask (person) and this morning he said she decided to let me go. They have a policy where they can fire someone for pretty much any reason within 30 days of starting work. No reasons were given, just that's that.
  • sK0pe said:

    I borrowed my Dad's automatic car because I can't use my left foot for my manual.

    I tried to put into 3rd at one point and was actually shifting it into "Park" as I was speeding up after a turn.

    Oh shit. Is the car okay?
  • sK0pe said:

    I borrowed my Dad's automatic car because I can't use my left foot for my manual.

    I tried to put into 3rd at one point and was actually shifting it into "Park" as I was speeding up after a turn.

    Oh shit. Is the car okay?
    Yeah it was for a split second and I corrected it immediately, I couldn't stop laughing at myself for a good minute.
    Driving an automatic is so weird, my left hand does virtually nothing for the whole drive. Plus his car has soft suspension so it feels like I'm driving a whale, no clutch control also feels weird.
  • There has been another shooting the US time on live TV, to make matters worse the guy filmed himself from a go-pro then posted that online. Its fucking sick man, just don't watch any video to do with it for a couple of days. Kind of shitty really.
  • edited August 2015
    Apparently the Virginia News shooting was a response to the Charleston shooting. Nothing actually concrete yet, but leaked pieces of a 23-page manifesto the shooter faxed to ABC suggest that, among other possibilities.

    The killer shot himself afterwards and is now dead. The third victim is now in stable condition.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • Just like with the Charleston shooting, this is showing yet again how they're just cowards who want attention. In the Charleston shooting he blamed gang violence other societal problems on black people, yet he didn't go after any gangs, he shot a bunch of innocent people in a church. If this was supposed to be some revenge for that, shouldn't he have gone after the KKK or Neo-Nazis or other white supremacists? No, he picked easy targets who will get more attention to his violence and possibly lead to more as we've continued to see happen.
  • Fuck that miserable shithead. The only good that came out of any of this is that the interviewee is still alive and that miserable shitstain killed himself.
  • Why does America have more mass shootings than anywhere else in the world? I know you guys want to say guns, but it's clearly more than that, because there are many countries with worse gun violence, but fewer mass shootings. Why is this violent pastime so strictly American?
  • Because your country was founded on it.
  • Well I think a big part of it is that it becomes this viscous cycle with the news plastering the name of the shooter everywhere and then some other asshole sees that he'll get that recognition and decides to do the same.
  • It's the Laughing Man effect.
  • Speaking of car related fails, my girlfriend and I were rear ended last night.

    Something bad always seems to happen to me before PAXes that I attend.
  • Also, the season finale of Mr. Robot was delayed a week because it's apparently too similar to the shooting :/
  • Banta said:

    Apparently the Virginia News shooting was a response to the Charleston shooting. Nothing actually concrete yet, but leaked pieces of a 23-page manifesto the shooter faxed to ABC suggest that, among other possibilities.

    The killer shot himself afterwards and is now dead. The third victim is now in stable condition.

    The reporter used to work for my college newspaper. My manager and my editor knew her well. ;-;
  • American media loves to frighten the audience to boost sales of everything and anything.
    Mass murderers are the rock-stars of the USA. Better put your guitar down and get yourself a fully automatic rifle.
    Also messed up political system, giving stupid power to individual states. Being a patch work coalition of developed and undeveloped populaces. Pretending like the 2nd amendment and freedom of speech is like getting a star in Mario.
  • That makes me think of this
  • My turntable broke in a bizarre way that revealed that all my digital copies of vinyl songs were improperly recorded. It's subtle enough to go under my radar for this long, but does explain the bizarre mixing on certain tracks (Krog Street Revisited by Blair Crimmins was totally messed up in ways I heard but didn't understand the root of), so there's some number of albums I'll have to do over. The bigger kicker is that I need a new USB turntable, and the bottom tier ones that are too low quality for me to bother with are more than I'd want to pay for one.
  • Can you just get a good quality regular turntable and record it over the line-in? That's what my dad did although I think he used a USB sound card with it.
  • Hadn't occurred to me, but looking into it it seems non-USB turntables are no longer in production. I suspect this has been the case for quite some time, so one of comparable quality to a new USB one is going to be very rare at best.
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