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Fail of Your Day



  • Rym said:

    She's pursuing criminal charges against her deputies who issued marriage licenses while she was in jail.

    I'm sure that will end entirely the way she hops.

    I will lose a lot of faith in humanity if that doesn't get thrown (or laughed) out of court immediately.
  • Well, the right wing militias are gunning for a standoff with the feds if they try to arrest her...
  • Dear Zombie Lincoln,

    You should've let them secede.

    No love,
  • RymRym
    edited September 2015
    If we'd let them secede, we'd have a backwater shitshow sovereign power sharing a massive land border with us...

    At least federal authority has dragged the worst of southern culture and society up to a minimum level. The south has cities now: that wasn't true even unto the eve of the Civil War.

    The American South, through the antebellum period, was in many ways quite culturally distinct from the rest of the country. The Union may have had (and still has) all manner of problems, but it's still superior to the base society that was formed in the south when it was still semi-independent.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • How popular was the Civil War among the Confederate peasantry that was fighting it? They had huge poverty problems, and most people couldn't afford slaves (source). The preservation of the institution of slavery really only helped a third of the population, most of whom were rich enough to not fight. Did Confederate infantry give a damn, or was there a lot of apathy towards the cause?
  • There was a broad anti-government movement within the Confederacy among people who didn't like the tyranny of Jefferson Davis and high taxes. They thought the southern federal government was too powerful

    The society itself was highly stratified, had a de facto aristocracy with many de jure protections, and was deeply rejecting urbanization.
  • Even the anti-Davis wing was largely aristocrats. I'm wondering about the proletariat of the war. One of us really ought to read Davis' Rise and Fall of the Confederate States of America, given how frequently we talk about this stuff.
  • Greg said:

    How popular was the Civil War among the Confederate peasantry that was fighting it? They had huge poverty problems, and most people couldn't afford slaves (source). The preservation of the institution of slavery really only helped a third of the population, most of whom were rich enough to not fight. Did Confederate infantry give a damn, or was there a lot of apathy towards the cause?

    Confederate soldiers were damn eager; it was one of the few advantages they had over the better-trained, better equipped Union counterparts. They put up with conditions that would have been absolutely unacceptable for Union troops for just a chance to get to battle. It is utterly absurd.

    Lemme put it this way; the Union army was filled out with conscripts and immigrants, especially in the later parts of the war. The Southern army was largely volunteer, and by the end of the war, a third of the young white men in the South had died and they were still willing to fight right up until some of their upper officers like Lee threw in the towel. Remember that Jefferson Davis was caught trying to flee to Texas to meet up with a fresh army!

    There's a couple of reasons for this. One is classic American culture; sure, most of these poor Southern whites weren't slaveowners, but they possessed the "not poor, temporarily disposed millionaire" mindset that ought to be familiar. There was the totally crazy hatred of the North and their sense of superiority to the soft city-livers, which was a fair motivator to keep throwing themselves into the fray. There was also the honour thing.

    Dixie culture had no small resemblance to the honour-shame cultural ideal, thanks in large part to the specific tone of the religious revival in the southern United States combined with the culture of the aristocracy being held as the ideal culture of the populace. The usual Christian morality dynamic is, you know, original sin, no man is perfect, etc. The Southern Gentleman's morality was that the South was God's country and they had to maintain its honour and integrity. They were a dueling culture and such as well. This wasn't uncommon for the culture of European-style nobility, but there was a bit of an American twist.

    Usually, the poor doesn't give a shit about the insane bullshit of the rich. In Dixie America, though, there was an impression of much greater social mobility and status was less tied to blood (if you were white). Nobility was achievable! The poor, who aspired to the status and refinement of the rich, doubled down on this philosophy; the hardship they experienced had to be met with dignity or they were failing their homes and families. Even though it wasn't nessesarily their fight, they had to keep to the example of their society's nobility.

    If this sounds familiar, this was similar in many ways to the ways that Imperial Japan used Bushido and the samurai ideal to motivate their soldiers. Southern soldiers were similarly tenacious and often suicidal brave in tactically dubious situations. To give you an idea, it was generally held as much as 50 years earlier by most tactical scholars that a line of trained shooters would break an advancing column of infantry or cavalry alike before they reached range to use bayonet or blade, all things being equal. This is before everyone got minie-ball shooting, rifled muskets with sights that were dead accurate out to 300 yards. This in no way discouraged Confederate troops from trying to press to contact in some of the dumbest situations possible. In regular situations, the Rebels were crazy clever and innovative; they made excellent use of horse and sharpshooters and some of the most interesting battles of the war turned on their brilliant use of the environment and whatever was on hand. They also unfailing acted like morons the moment anyone suggested doing something brave and stupid because they were culturally unable to call out suicidal behavior. General Lee had a hell of a time trying to convince his peers and underlings how incredibly fucking stupid guerrilla warfare was as a possibility in the lead-up to his surrender.

    TL;DR: Confederate troops were 300% down with the war despite the fact it was systematically killing them all.
  • Greg said:

    All I have to say about Kim Davis is God bless the WBC.


    You know you're wrong when the WBC's opinion about you actually aligns with the bulk of the population.
  • Rym said:

    Well, the right wing militias are gunning for a standoff with the feds if they try to arrest her...

    Of course they are, they wouldn't miss a chance to play dress-ups with their Bench-queen rifles and their epileptic fit in an army surplus discount bin uniforms.

    I wonder if they'll start threatening to shoot the other militias that will inevitably show up, like they did at the Cliven Bundy nonsense..
  • For a group that has such a hard on for the constitution they seem to be forgetting the whole separation of church and state thing. And how is being arrested for violating a court order being "illegally detained?"

    Now I do get that there are some people concerned with the way the gay marriage ruling went down. Some were concerned that because it wasn't just a law saying its legal but that they interpreted something to mean something that it originally didn't, that could have consequences in further rulings. But that's not what she's saying, she's explicitly doing it because of her religion.

    At least with the whole Bundy ranch debacle the BLM was kind of going overboard and mistreated a lot of the animals and I think some even died so I get why the militia's were there even if Cliven Bundy is a racist asshole.
  • RymRym
    edited September 2015

    At least with the whole Bundy ranch debacle the BLM was kind of going overboard... I get why the militia's were there

    You get nothing. The militias were there because they wanted to finally have their last stand with the evil revenuers in the federal government and their NATO allies. Those militias that showed up to help Cliven Bundy were doing everything they could to provoke a confrontation without being the ones who shot first. They don't believe the United States exists, nor respect its laws.

    The BLM was involved in a dispute with a squatter. He said the keywords that brought the crazies in. They're still there. That situation is far from resolved, and he's formed a fucked up anti-government coalition with state representatives and local functionaries with long-term aims at anti-federalism...

    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited September 2015

    At least with the whole Bundy ranch debacle the BLM was kind of going overboard and mistreated a lot of the animals and I think some even died so I get why the militia's were there even if Cliven Bundy is a racist asshole.

    AFAIK, the only source for that is Bundy's mob, and there's no evidence. The only evidence we have indicates that the BLM only killed two cattle, which they claim posed a significant threat at the time - we don't really know if they were, but it doesn't seem unlikely, cattle can be very dangerous animals.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Also, if that backwater moron had followed the laws in the first fucking place, NONE of that would have happened.
  • My calculus professor has now missed lecture twice. What the fuck?
  • RymRym
    edited September 2015

    My calculus professor has now missed lecture twice. What the fuck?

    That happened to me with a class at RIT.

    Turns out the professor was hospitalized in dire straits. Dean came to the class one day to explain what happened, and we all got As.

    Post edited by Rym on
  • Rym said:

    My calculus professor has now missed lecture twice. What the fuck?

    That happened to me with a class at RIT.

    Turns out the professor was hospitalized in dire straits. Dean came to the class one day to explain what happened, and we all got As.

    Getting an auto A would be nice. Doesn't seem likely here though
  • My pyscology teacher gto appendi- Well. I apparently can't type today. That's my fail.
  • Rym said:

    She's pursuing criminal charges against her deputies who issued marriage licenses while she was in jail.

    I'm sure that will end entirely the way she hops.

    In another media circus that sets her up well for a speaking tour and maybe book deal on how she was so oppressed?
  • Also yesterday I missed a test in statistics because I slept through my alarm after working a 12 hour shift the night before. I've emailed my professor but it is looking like it'll have to be my one dropped test.
  • Also yesterday I missed a test in statistics because I slept through my alarm after working a 12 hour shift the night before. I've emailed my professor but it is looking like it'll have to be my one dropped test.

    Well at least you get one dropped test, it would suck extra hard if you had to take the 0.
  • I lost my wallet sometime during a five-minute bike ride to the grocery store. I am officially the most pathetic person on the planet.
  • I lost my wallet sometime during a five-minute bike ride to the grocery store. I am officially the most pathetic person on the planet.

    It happens, man. Nothing pathetic about it, just unfortunate.
  • That's why you need a wallet chain, plus it's always in fashion.
  • The thing is, it's a bright orange wallet. I walked the area twice, nothing. There's still a good chance I put it down someplace and can't find it again.

    Well, I didn't have any cash in it, so it could be worse.
  • Windows 10 just blocked me from logging in to my desktop because I didn't have a username and password.
    Because I never made one.
    Because I didn't want a Microsoft account.
    And I've already told it not to ask for a login screen. Repeatedly.
    But it did it anyway.
    I have much, deep anger at them right now.
    Problem is fixed for now, but I'll go back to Windows 7 in a fucking heartbeat if that bullshit happens again.
  • Windows 10 just blocked me from logging in to my desktop because I didn't have a username and password.
    Because I never made one.
    Because I didn't want a Microsoft account.
    And I've already told it not to ask for a login screen. Repeatedly.
    But it did it anyway.
    I have much, deep anger at them right now.
    Problem is fixed for now, but I'll go back to Windows 7 in a fucking heartbeat if that bullshit happens again.

    Yea best way to avoid that is to set you accpunt as local only in your settings. Alternatively when installing W10, unplug all internet connection until after setup.
  • Not even required, just make a local account and during set-up skip live account altogether.
    There is a link with words to the effect of "skip login" during installation.
  • edited September 2015
    It's all un-borked now. And it's a shame too, because I'd actually try more of the windows 10 features like Cortana if the privacy statements weren't so egregious and the number of permissions and basically limitless access to all your private information weren't so innumerable.
    Having an AI personal assistant shouldn't require signing your digital life over in its entirety to an outside company for them to exploit and inject advertising.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
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