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Fail of Your Day



  • I saw some on amazon but I don't know if the price or quality was good or not. I'd look at the local thrift shops and see what I could find. I've seen them around before.
  • edited September 2015
    Greg said:

    Hadn't occurred to me, but looking into it it seems non-USB turntables are no longer in production. I suspect this has been the case for quite some time, so one of comparable quality to a new USB one is going to be very rare at best.

    What? Every turntable I've seen (and I, too, have been looking to buy a new one recently) has audio out as well as USB. Where have you been looking?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Lost phone at pax
  • Greg said:

    Hadn't occurred to me, but looking into it it seems non-USB turntables are no longer in production. I suspect this has been the case for quite some time, so one of comparable quality to a new USB one is going to be very rare at best.

    What are you talking about? Every turntable I've seen (and I, too, have been looking to buy a new one recently) has audio out as well as USB. Where have you been looking?
    That's not what I was talking about. All the turntables I've seen have both, but NinjaRabbi was suggesting using a non-USB only turntable to cut costs, using a device to record the sound going between the turntable and the stereo.

    Nice to know you're joining the cult of vinyl, tho.
  • edited September 2015
    Greg said:

    Greg said:

    Hadn't occurred to me, but looking into it it seems non-USB turntables are no longer in production. I suspect this has been the case for quite some time, so one of comparable quality to a new USB one is going to be very rare at best.

    What are you talking about? Every turntable I've seen (and I, too, have been looking to buy a new one recently) has audio out as well as USB. Where have you been looking?
    That's not what I was talking about. All the turntables I've seen have both, but NinjaRabbi was suggesting using a non-USB only turntable to cut costs, using a device to record the sound going between the turntable and the stereo.
    Ah, serves me right for not scrolling up for context.
    Greg said:

    Nice to know you're joining the cult of vinyl, tho.



    I've got two more crates worth in storage. That's some Boston Pops on there right now.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Only two crates?
  • Churba said:

    Only two crates?

    When I've got more space, I'll get more records.
  • My discogs lists 215, but it's probably closer to 250 because of all the stuff that's not in their database. Plus my parents collection in the basement that my dad says is around 600 but it seems like a hell of a lot more than that.
  • edited September 2015
    Someday, when I have my own place and cabinets to properly keep and display them in, I will start buying records like nobody's business. Meanwhilst, I'm eyeing the vinyl version of Random Access Memories.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I kinda wish I could be ultra hipster and buy albums on big ass analog reel-to-reel tapes.
  • Someday, when I have my own place and cabinets to properly keep and display them in, I will start buying records like nobody's business. Meanwhilst, I'm eyeing the vinyl version of Random Access Memories.

    Omnutia has a copy of Discovery. If for some mad reason you want modern music on vinyl, DJ shops are a good source.
  • I kinda wish I could be ultra hipster and buy albums on big ass analog reel-to-reel tapes.

    My eventual life goal is an office that is filled with blinking lights, useless switches, and a big reel-to-reel tape system crunching in the background as I work.


    The dream.
  • Holy fucking shit, I cannot focus today. This is incredibly frustrating, and I'm actually getting angry about it.

    I don't normally have this issue. If anything, I have too much focus.

    I just want to fucking throw a bottle against the wall and yell at things in the hopes that I can bludgeon my brain into focusing on something.
  • Holy fucking shit, I cannot focus today. This is incredibly frustrating, and I'm actually getting angry about it.

    I don't normally have this issue. If anything, I have too much focus.

    I just want to fucking throw a bottle against the wall and yell at things in the hopes that I can bludgeon my brain into focusing on something.

    I feel your pain. I have hardcore adhd, even with medication I have days like that.
  • edited September 2015
    Well, this is a legal and moral headache. A 17 year old is being tried as an adult for taking nude pictures of himself, a minor. I want to cry War on Children, but actually every law involved here makes sense. It's the unfortunate combination of them that created this situation that could potentially ruin a young man's life before that life began.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • I wouldn't go so far as to say every law involved makes sense. It sounds like a lot of them are "tough on crime" bullshit, or sex crimes moral panic stuff.
  • A child decided to pierce his ear in my lesson today. Just thought now was the time to do it, the mad little fucker.
  • Holy fucking shit, I cannot focus today. This is incredibly frustrating, and I'm actually getting angry about it.

    I don't normally have this issue. If anything, I have too much focus.

    I just want to fucking throw a bottle against the wall and yell at things in the hopes that I can bludgeon my brain into focusing on something.

    I feel like this occasionally, what I find helps is doing something that doesn't take focus but requires time, like cooking, exercising or other things that relax me, like a nice walk. The most important thing is not punishing yourself for being unable to focus, because it will only give you more anxiety and divert your thoughts to what you are thinking, and not what you are doing.
  • Turns out I was hangry that day. Food fixed it pretty much straight away.
  • Turns out I was hangry that day. Food fixed it pretty much straight away.

    Yeah, being hangry makes my ADHD completely uncontrollable.
  • Turns out I was hangry that day. Food fixed it pretty much straight away.

    Yeah, being hangry makes my ADHD completely uncontrollable.
    That's exactly how it works for everyone, you don't need to be ADHD for your brain to have difficulty with cognition when having a glucose slump.
    Also how do so many of you have "ADHD".
  • I have ADHD, went through a full IQ test (I think it was the WISC) as part of the diagnosis and had huuuuuge discrepancies between tasks that did and didn't require attention.
  • I'm not diagnosed anything but my gf is convinced I'm ADD. I've done some reading about it and concede that I could be but at 36, what the fuck am I gonna do about it?
  • Medication can help. My brother is about your age and was just diagnosed.
  • Ikatono said:

    I have ADHD, went through a full IQ test (I think it was the WISC) as part of the diagnosis and had huuuuuge discrepancies between tasks that did and didn't require attention.

    Same, a doctor that actually specialized in ADHD diagnosed me at a young age (1st grade). I remember some of the tests.

    How do other people here with ADHD get treatment as an adult? Being as bright as I am I can function like an average adult, but I feel I could probably live up to a much greater potential if I was on a low dose of ritalin again.
  • edited September 2015
    I was diagnosed with ADHD back around second grade. It gives me pretty bad time management and a low frustration tolerance, which I can barely compensate for by being smart.
    I have a prescription for Concerta (an extended-release Adderall) that controls it somewhat.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I was diagnosed in first grade and have taken almost every medication under the sun at this point (including a really weird one that was an adhesive patch). I'm currently on Vyvanse and it works pretty well for me.
  • These parents are angry that their children are being taught about Islam in school.

    As in, they're being taught that Islam exists, and what it is...
  • edited September 2015
    My dad freaked out over my brother being taught about the contributions of Islamic culture to the world, including Islamic architecture, because he thought they were pushing Islam. He did end up slowing his roll, but only after I talked to the teacher and found out that the lesson was utterly benign.

    He and his family had to basically flee Iran after the fall of the Shaw, so I understand his resentment towards Islam, but still.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I wonder what these people think of us teaching Islamist concepts like algebra.
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