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Fail of Your Day



  • You already do that with google and facebook, though.
  • Yeah, I gotta say, this all comes across as more paranoid than prudent. Particularly when you use these other services that really are far grabbier with your data. Particularly Facebook.
  • Not to mention Amazon and any big tech company.

    Any software assistant works better the more it knows about you otherwise its useless.
    Like Google Now has already planned out all my reminders and calendar dates around my PAX trip because I granted access to Gmail.
    When I tell it to play music it doesn't play stuff I'm not into or curated by some radio DJ but plays stuff that I am into.
    Still waiting for Cortana in Australia though, that Australian English must be pretty hard to crack.
  • sK0pe said:

    Still waiting for Cortana in Australia though, that Australian English must be pretty hard to crack.

    You can get it if you're on the insider program, I just honestly can't be bothered to spend the effort.

  • I still can't get Australian Siri to say streuth.
  • Looks like I might have to move back in with my parents.

    My uncle is moving back to my grandfather's house that I've been looking over that he co-owns with my mom. Due to construction, the only working bathroom is the one connected to my bedroom. We have no kitchen at the moment because a sink pipe leaked and the room is currently being dehumidified. On top of that, my uncle is a very sketchy, pathetic guy who despite being a lawyer is constantly begging for money And he has been caught growing marijuana by the family in this very house I was staying in. I really don't want to stay here for my personal safety because he may start growing again. This is going to be like what happened again 5 years ago, but I atleast know what to do and how to ask. But man, it's a lot harder when family is in the way.
  • Can't you move out on your own?
  • edited September 2015
    Pegu said:

    Can't you move out on your own?

    I don't have anywhere else to go to. Still unemployed. If I were to stay with my parents, it would only be a few weeks so I could get a new apartment. The uncle says he would only need to be here for a month at maximum...but I really don't trust that. He slowly moved all of his stuff in over the course of this week.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • My PC is continually shutting itself down and I can't figure out why. It's getting to the point where I'm tempted to reinstall Windows 7, or install Windows 10, and see if that fixes it.
  • Banta said:

    My PC is continually shutting itself down and I can't figure out why. It's getting to the point where I'm tempted to reinstall Windows 7, or install Windows 10, and see if that fixes it.

    Windows 7 should be writing logs and you can find out which process is sending the instruction by looking in the Event Viewer.
  • Nukerjsr said:

    Looks like I might have to move back in with my parents.

    Me too. I just can't find a job and my dad retired so my parents can't really pay my rent so I'm kinda fucked.

  • Banta said:

    My PC is continually shutting itself down and I can't figure out why. It's getting to the point where I'm tempted to reinstall Windows 7, or install Windows 10, and see if that fixes it.

    Mine was closing everything when it went to sleep. Same issue?
  • Ikatono said:

    Banta said:

    My PC is continually shutting itself down and I can't figure out why. It's getting to the point where I'm tempted to reinstall Windows 7, or install Windows 10, and see if that fixes it.

    Mine was closing everything when it went to sleep. Same issue?
    No. Mine just freezes up and accepts no inputs before shutting down.
  • I just got suspended from work. No reason given but I have my suspicions.
  • No Vaguebooking. Do tell.
  • Gimme that dish, grrrl
  • I just got suspended from work. No reason given but I have my suspicions.

    They don't have to give you a written reasoning?
    Is it a casual job?
    That sounds crazy (but I don't know the circumstances of your profession).
  • sK0pe said:

    I just got suspended from work. No reason given but I have my suspicions.

    They don't have to give you a written reasoning?
    Is it a casual job?
    That sounds crazy (but I don't know the circumstances of your profession).
    At-will employment. Also security companies are so risk adverse they rarely take their employees' sides if the clients complain about them. there was an incident between me and a fellow officer last night that I won't go into details, but a client employee could have said I was giving her unwanted sexual advances and I'd be out on my ass.
  • I've played through the false accusation game myself and seen it as a 3rd party. It sucks pretty bad.
  • Well it was about what I thought it was, which wasn't a false accusation. I've been pulled from the site I was on, but I'm still with the company, so half and half reaction there.
  • Forum Scott has jumped the shark.
  • Forum Scott has jumped the shark.

    Citation needed.
  • Random Comments
  • Forum Scott has jumped the shark.

    Ikatono said:

    Random Comments

    Seriously guys? Sounds like normal Scott to me.
  • Wait, which Forum Scott :-p
  • Inquiring minds want to know.
  • Forum Scott has jumped the shark.

    Ikatono said:

    Random Comments

    Seriously guys? Sounds like normal Scott to me.
    I'm assuming that's what Luke was referring to. The timing matches up.
  • So tired and bored of work this week, why isn't it Friday.
  • I had an 8th grader tell me today that if it doesn't have singing, it's not music. He was not being ironic. Other students agreed.
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