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Fail of Your Day



  • I had an 8th grader tell me today that if it doesn't have singing, it's not music. He was not being ironic. Other students agreed.

    Play them some Joe Satriani or Miles Davis and blow their tiny little minds.
  • That's oldies stuff. You gotta connect with their generation. Aren't the damn kids these days listening to dubstep? I've never heard vocals in a Skrillex track.
  • Car having more trouble. Smells funny, poor acceleration, fuel seemed to go down further during normal trip...probably a fuel leak. Hopefully I can get it repaired before the beer/music fest on Saturday.
  • Daikun said:
    Physical safety I can let go. Kids are stupid and will run headlong into anything and everything during a game. Emotional safety? What is a kid gonna get PTSD because they were tagged?
  • Shit. It's nearly October and I've done jack all about setting up this years FRCF Secret Santa.
  • Set myself up to get ahead of all the University classes and projects, literally nothing available during "University study week".
  • edited September 2015
    I smell the delicate smell of bullshit in the air.
    Fair Work Commission has determined that an administrator's decision to unfriend a fellow employee on Facebook constituted evidence of bullying
    So, considered evidence of. And, as made clear in the FWC report, purely for the purposes of decisions made by the FWC in this case. On top of that, it was part of the evidence for ONE allegation, and was evidence for a "Lack of maturity" and "Indicative of unreasonable behavior", not bullying.

    If you read the linked report, it wasn't the focus of an allegation - of which there were 17 in all, including harassment, sexual harassment, and actions which were causing very direct financial harm to Ms Roberts. It's as clear-cut as clear-cut gets, and almost certainly would have been found in Ms Roberts favor regardless of that evidence or not.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Churba said:

    I smell the delicate smell of bullshit in the air.

    Fair Work Commission has determined that an administrator's decision to unfriend a fellow employee on Facebook constituted evidence of bullying
    So, considered evidence of. And, as made clear in the FWC report, purely for the purposes of decisions made by the FWC in this case. On top of that, it was part of the evidence for ONE allegation, and was evidence for a "Lack of maturity" and "Indicative of unreasonable behavior", not bullying.

    If you read the linked report, it wasn't the focus of an allegation - of which there were 17 in all, including harassment, sexual harassment, and actions which were causing very direct financial harm to Ms Roberts. It's as clear-cut as clear-cut gets, and almost certainly would have been found in Ms Roberts favor regardless of that evidence or not.

    Welp I feel dumb now. Thanks misleading headline.
  • Life pro tip: don't share things you haven't read.
  • Greg said:

    Life pro tip: don't share things you haven't read.

    I read the Engadget article, but I should have also read the source, which makes it abundantly clear the headline is wrong.
  • Yeah, while Pichu gets some of it, it's certainly the smallest part - the Engadget article was straight up misleading, and intentionally so. Jon Fingas would have read the report - he quoted language from it - and still chose to misrepresent it in the article, because "Facebook unfriending is bullying!" is much better "highly shareable content" than "Real Estate agent wins case with Fair work commission against employer for bullying, this also happened outside the US and has nothing to do with tech so none of you fucking care."

    He was deliberately misleading, and Pichu simply got caught short by it.
  • I guess it's a difference in mentality. When I see a provocative headline like that, I skim the article looking for the source so I can draw my own conclusions. Then, after having read the data, I decide whether to read the first article or not.
  • Greg said:

    I guess it's a difference in mentality. When I see a provocative headline like that, I skim the article looking for the source so I can draw my own conclusions. Then, after having read the data, I decide whether to read the first article or not.

    Yeah that's usually what I do, not sure why I didn't this time.
  • edited September 2015
    Post edited by Daikun on
  • 0 Days since the last mass shooting.
  • What a day, what a day! So, I was up all night working on an assignment that was to be demoed in my software engineering lab. I wasn't sure how much of it was to be completed for the lab, the assignment isn't actually do for a couple days. I only managed to get 1 out of 3 parts done, and hoped I would be lucky enough that that was all that was due. At this point I didn't know just how unlucky I would be.

    This morning, even though I was a few minutes early, the bus passed me by along with 3 or 4 other students. Maybe it was full? I'm not sure. No matter, I've got about 20 minutes before my lab starts, I shouldn't be too late. I'm not super familiar with the street the bus stop is on, and the others seem to know where they're going so I assume they know a shortcut nearby or something. Nope, they were walking home for some reason. I continue on, figuring there should be a turn in the direction of the university somewhere along the way. Wrong again. I walk back to the bus stop, but I'm pretty sure there won't be another bus for a while so I walk the bus route. This was my only correct assumption of the day.

    On the way to campus, I spot a path through the woods and wind up in someone's backyard. Luckily, it's the University's family housing, so I'm not too far off. By the time I get to the campus, I'm muttering incoherently to myself, things like "Fuck you and your eyebrows," to no one in particular. I'm still about 15 minutes from my lab and I'm roughly half an hour late at this point. Along the way to the engineering building, I spot a No-Face cutout staring at me through a window. I'm not sure exactly what that means but I figure it's an ominous sign at the least. So, I get to the engineering lab wing, check my printed-off schedule and head to ELW B215. I get to B215 and there's only a couple people there, no professor or TA. I double check the sign on the door, ELW B215. I check my schedule through the university portal and find it's in B326. That's right, they changed it last week. I finally arrive at my lab.

    Along with the demonstration, there's a quiz I have to complete. There are no available lab PCs so I boot up my laptop. In hindsight, I'm lucky it worked at all, it's been blue-screening a lot lately. But it can't connect to the wifi. Eventually a lab PC becomes available and I start the quiz. Before I can finish, the quiz server is shut down, and I doubt it recorded any of my answers beforehand. Someone tells me all 3 parts are to be demonstrated, and I scramble to get one of the other 2 to work, to no avail. Hey 1/3 is still better than 0/3.

    It's finally over. I walk to my next class, find an unfamiliar professor, check my schedule and realize I've gone to the wrong class. On the way to the right class, I realize I forgot my flash drive and keys in the lab. I get to the right class, and the little writing platform in the chair I sit in is broken. Oh, and by the way, I have a calculus midterm this evening.
  • Fail count: 10
  • Walked all the way downtown to apply for a job at a laundromat and the place didn't even look open. I don't know if they closed early or what. Actually It looked it has been shut down for about ten years and if it wasn't for the job posting online I would have believed it. There wasn't even a clear sign as to what door to go into. Like every door looked like a back door, blacked out and with a bunch of shit in the way and noone in there from the little bit I could see inside, and the one that wasn't looked like it just went to someones apartment upstairs. I even walked around the block a little ways because I was convinced this had to be their old location or storage building.
  • 0 Days since the last mass shooting.

    So this makes it way more fucked up.
  • MATATAT said:
    Well, at least SBS has never fired someone for giving their mate's band a bad review, Noisey. Or ripped off almost in it's entirety an indie music blog.
  • Guys, I asked you to wake me up when September ends.

    Now I'm late for work.

    Geez . . .
  • Churba said:

    MATATAT said:
    Well, at least SBS has never fired someone for giving their mate's band a bad review, Noisey. Or ripped off almost in it's entirety an indie music blog.
    Yeah I don't endorse Noisey, but that was the link that Anthony shared out on Facebook.
  • Nukerjsr said:

    Car having more trouble. Smells funny, poor acceleration, fuel seemed to go down further during normal trip...probably a fuel leak. Hopefully I can get it repaired before the beer/music fest on Saturday.

    Smells funny and low fuel economy? Is it an auto? Is your automatic transmission fluid leaking?

  • Rym said:

    Nukerjsr said:

    Car having more trouble. Smells funny, poor acceleration, fuel seemed to go down further during normal trip...probably a fuel leak. Hopefully I can get it repaired before the beer/music fest on Saturday.

    Smells funny and low fuel economy? Is it an auto? Is your automatic transmission fluid leaking?

    Turns out...the car didn't have a problem. Mechanic elevated it, took it for a drive, checked everything, there were no issues or leaks at all. The poor acceleration was from the rug getting stuck under the accelerator pedals. I think the smells just came from my senses overreacting to the sounds and odors in my car. It is an auto.

    The whole incident of the day before when I was driving slowly triggered a panic attack. I smelled something similar to fire and thought the car was going to breakdown. When I pulled over, someone checked me and could also smell something odd, but after taking it to the mechanic, it was just my over-reactive, fucked imagination. I nearly passed out that day when I got home and tried sorting things out. Stood up after laying down and felt really dizzy.

    The car doesn't apparently have only problems. Just me. But the driving has not been fun lately because of the nonstop gray, rainy, wet weather since Wednesday.
  • Tumblr has meth bloggers.
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