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Fail of Your Day



  • This is a good fail:
    The local subtitled screenings of Ponyo was sold out as I was in the line to buy tickets for it (all secession today), furthermore the dub was not, make of it what you will.
    I shall try again either near the end of the weekend or next weekend, and hopefully the screenings will remain sold out but with me getting a ticket.
    What at Cinema Nova?
    I'm going tomorrow, so thanks for the heads up, I'll book my tickets online
  • One of my best friends applied to a horrible nazi college, and despite me and the rest of her friends repeatedly telling her she shouldn't go, she went anyways.
  • edited September 2009
    In accordance with their position on the Bible, the creation account in book of Genesis is the foundation from which all study of origins is taught, specifically PCC teaches young Earth creationism and flood geology...
    Taking a firm stand against Freudian psychological principles, PCC instead teaches psychology and counseling based on teachings from the Bible, with the Bible being the source of help for non-organic psychological problems...
    Regulations govern many aspects of the residence hall students lives, including dress, hairstyles, cleanliness of residence hall rooms, styles of music (PCC only permits its students to listen to classical music, traditional Christian music or Sacred music), borrowing, off-campus employment, and internet access...
    PCC also has strict policies regarding mixed-gender interaction. Physical contact between members of the opposite sex is not permitted under any circumstance. Written permission of the deanÂ’s office must be procured for all off-campus meetings between members of the opposite sex...
    That is infuriating.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • image
    Thats not a fail! That's Hilarious! Thing of the Day material for sure!
  • One of my best friends applied toa horrible nazi college, and despite me and the rest of her friends repeatedly telling her she shouldn't go, she went anyways.
    Nothing says "Filled with fringe weridos" like an unaccedited collage
  • Testamints.
    Thats not a fail! That's Hilarious! Thing of the Day material for sure!
    I've had Testamints before; our UPS delivery guy used to give them to us when he delivered a package. "You gotta read 'em before ya' eat 'em!" he'd say, and he was always raving about how smooth his skin was after using the goat milk soap we sold him. He was a cool guy; it's a shame he doesn't deliver here anymore.
  • This week was awesome, but this is the fail thread, so here's the basic summary. Moved into RIT this week, met a girl that I've been talking to on Facebook. We really hit it off, and quickly started dating. Everything with her is fantastic, and I love being around her.

    Here comes the bad part. She has epilepsy, and she told me what to do if she ever has a seizure on the day we met. Basically, keep her head on a pillow or in someone's lap so she doesn't get a concussion, and if she seizes for more than 5 minutes or is unconscious afterwords for more than 15 minutes, seek immediate medical attention. Today, she was roughhousing with a "friend" she's known (but doesn't really like) for a while. She wasn't really happy about this, and told him to stop, and asked us (me, her roommate, and friends that were around) to help. Before any of us could do anything, he kicked her legs out from under her, and her head fell onto the ground hard. She yelled "Fuck! My head!" and started seizing seconds later. The jackass just stands there while me and her roommate struggle to get her onto my lap. She seized for about 1-2 minutes, then was unconscious for 4 minutes. This was all within the "safe" range of time. She was a little light-headed, so we got her some water and told her to lay down. She took an aspirin to fight the headache the bump caused. After a little while, she was totally fine, save for a little bit of light-headedness.

    So that would be fine. But the story gets worse. Around 7:00 today, while she was hanging out with a friend of hers, she went for a walk (which I told her not to do). She fainted, and soon regained consciousness. She called for medical help, but had to wait at the medical center for the ambulance because the medical center's closed on Sundays. I got there in time to talk to her a little bit and watch the EMS guys do a quick checkup and put her on the stretcher to get her on the ambulance.

    Now I'm sitting in my dorm next to my phone, waiting for her to text or call me. UGHHHH TOO MUCH STRESS! Classes start at 8am tomorrow, and there's no way I'm sleeping until I hear something about her condition.
  • My housemate drank all my green tea. Now this doesn't seem very large of a thing, Until one considers these points :
    • I brought this tea with me from home, and after Catherine left, it is one of the few things I have here that remind me of home.
    • This is incredibly expensive tea, from a very, very limited batch of Queensland-Mango-infused green tea - not teabags, rough cut loose leaf, cut by hand.
    • This tea is irreplaceable. The Tea-maker who created it had been making tea all his life, and was, most likely, one of the greatest tea-makers to have ever lived - Note the past tense, because he has, to my great sorrow, passed away.
    • This tea-maker was also one of my close friends.
    • There was enough left in that bag of tea for at least ten large pots. In her usual greed to put anything in front of her down her all consuming gullet, She used the lot, making two pots, and then ruined it by dumping sugar in the pot till the horrible mess she'd made of making the tea was acceptable to her numb, greedy palette.
    • It is obvious she didn't want me to discover her consumption of the tea, because the teapot was almost where I left it, though with tea and a crust of un-dissolved sugar at the bottom, the tea right where I'd left it, and even the strainer cleaned, with an enormous clump of the used tea-leaves in the bin. This shithouse attempt at cleaning does clearly indicate deception, because of three points - A)She actually honestly thinks she's the smartest person alive, among her other claims that she's superior in every way to everyone else, so naturally thinks that her clumsy attempts at subterfuge are absolutely impenetrable. B)I told her not to touch it, and I told her why, and exactly how angry I'd be if she went against my wishes on this - and she knows that I'm creative enough, vicious enough, and far and away knowledgeable enough to punish her in ways she cannot imagine. C)She is utterly incapable of living like a human being, and cleaning up after herself is as alien of a concept as theoretical physics is to an amoeba, as evidenced by the various plates and kitchenware scattered around her desk, often covered in or half full of rotted and stinking food with mould that has, in it's own right, become a separate entity to the mess that spawned it, collecting next to the - at the moment of this post - 16 separate takeaway remains, the hundreds of cigarette butts(all stripped for the tobacco left over, for after her welfare money has run out and she's reduced to smoking hand-rolls made with the leftovers) thus marking this clumsy and pathetic attempt at cleaning up after herself a conscious and concerted effort.
    • Not only is the kitchen table covered in cold, spilled tea, One of the filthy and moldering saucepans in the kitchen sink is half full of the tea, marking the fact that after she turned my tea into an undrinkable mess, she poured at least one pot of it down the sink
    I'm now going for a walk, a long one, because I'm beyond angry. It would be fine if I were angry, because I never do things when I'm angry, because only bad things result. Right now, I've gone past angry and well into calm, rational, and above all, cold - and that is the point where I do things that do nothing but harm, but I don't regret in the slightest.

    If I'm in the house for another second, after I finish this sentence, I will most likely turn on her computer, erase everything in her GAIA account, change it's password and login details, ditto that for her every online account, the same with every one of her IM accounts after blocking and deleting all of her friends(and when I say All of her friends, I mean that she has literally no friends outside of the computer, there is only two people who can stand her when she can't just put up as many fakeries and falsehoods as she pleases to make people like her online), and then wiping every hard drive she has, which includes such things as Years of Yahoo messenger logs that she considers priceless and irreplaceable - though the more I consider that thought, the more it tempts me - Her Prized collection of anime (without exception, all either Bishonen, Moe, or Kawaii shows, she won't watch anything else), and of course, the rough drafts of her on-going Novel, which she considers to be the greatest pinnacle of Literary achievement, and every other soul who has glimpsed so much as a page of it to be stupid Self-insertion mary-sue drivel, Packed to the gills with purple prose and every single horrible literary trope and example bad writing known to man, though admittedly it holds the sole distinction of being the only thing ever written that is worse than both the poetry of Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings and Twilight, simultaneously.
  • edited September 2009
    You definitely need that walk, Churba. I know you already know this, but anything too rash that you do now is only going to make everything worse. But, either way, you need to either get a new room mate or start looking for a new apartment. It seems like you've exceeded the point where you can sanely live with her.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • You know, normally I think this would be in poor taste, but I know the value of excellent tea, so:

  • I don't blame you at all for being angry, Churba- but I think a walk is definitely a good idea. After you've calmed down a bit, confront her about it in a calm, rational way.
  • A better way to teach her a lesson is to purchase something that isn't tea, but resembles tea and leave it for her to use. Preferably something that will taste terrible and/or make her slightly ill.
  • A better way to teach her a lesson is to purchase something that isn't tea, but resembles tea and leave it for her to use. Preferably something that will taste terrible and/or make her slightly ill.
    My Marine Bio teacher from two years ago used to tell a story about how he used to room with a bunch of hippie-types and vegans. Being the only meat eater, he was often ridiculed by them. So, one day, he took their hummus jar and mixed in smashed up beetles. They all ate it and said it was good hummus.

    I've also heard a similar story from a bosun who replaced their roommate's protein shake with a blended ground beef concoction, earning him the nickname "Meatshake". Except that that story ended in vomit.
  • You definitely need that walk, Churba. I know you already know this, but anything too rash that you do now is only going to make everything worse. But, either way, you need to either get a new room mate or start looking for a new apartment. It seems like you've exceeded the point where you can sanely live with her.
    Oh, I wouldn't regret it in the slightest, which is the problem. Also, if you'd have read any of her novel, you'd agree that though rather cruel, it would be a service to every literate being on earth. But I've secured at least one new roommate - a friend from back home, as mentioned in my post in the BooYah thread about not being alone at Christmas, and Omnutia is considering coming along for the ride - though I just need to get paid from work and find a place, now. The point where I could sanely live with her was exceeded by the third day, believe me.
    I don't blame you at all for being angry, Churba- but I think a walk is definitely a good idea. After you've calmed down a bit, confront her about it in a calm, rational way.
    I plan to do that after work tomorrow, when I've had a chance to calm down, and plenty of time away from her.
    A better way to teach her a lesson is to purchase something that isn't tea, but resembles tea and leave it for her to use. Preferably something that will taste terrible and/or make her slightly ill.
    I'm pretty good with all things medical and drug related, as well as being very familiar with herbal medicine and having a lot of friends who are Medical and Pharmacological students - I toyed with the idea, now that she's spent her entire welfare check on takeaways and Smokes, and now cannot afford toilet paper, to put something in her food that would cause cramps, gas, and have her shitting through the eye of a needle for a week, however, I was stopped by two things -

    A)Without a warning and a similar act being performed, the lesson would be lost because with the hygiene level she maintains in the kitchen, she'd just assume she caught food poisoning or something, and on top of that, her sheer greed would pretty much ensure she'd do something like it again, given the opportunity.

    B)She's disgustingly unhygienic, it's been three weeks since there has been any toilet paper in the house other than my personal stash, and I'm not exactly handing that over, considering how rapidly it vanishes - and the state of the bathroom (and the stench of her) Indicates that she doesn't shower for days at a time. At one point, I performed an experiment, putting the showerhead on the floor(It's a hand held one that normally sits in a bracket) after every time I had a shower, to see if she was actually showering on a daily basis - it was six days before her sheer stench got so bad that I could stand it from across the living room where I normal sit at my laptop, and I had to all but hold her at gunpoint to make her take a shower.
  • edited September 2009
    [Point B]
    Jesus. And here I was thinking the puddles of urine left about the toilet by one of my roommates were bad.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • O wonder!

    How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world! That has such people in't!
  • One day, I will be able to post in a Forum and not immediately kill all conversation. One day.
  • This week was awesome, but this is the fail thread, so here's the basic summary. Moved into RIT this week, met a girl that I've been talking to on Facebook. We really hit it off, and quickly started dating. Everything with her is fantastic, and I love being around her.

    Here comes the bad part. She has epilepsy, and she told me what to do if she ever has a seizure on the day we met. Basically, keep her head on a pillow or in someone's lap so she doesn't get a concussion, and if she seizes for more than 5 minutes or is unconscious afterwords for more than 15 minutes, seek immediate medical attention. Today, she was roughhousing with a "friend" she's known (but doesn't really like) for a while. She wasn't really happy about this, and told him to stop, and asked us (me, her roommate, and friends that were around) to help. Before any of us could do anything, he kicked her legs out from under her, and her head fell onto the ground hard. She yelled "Fuck! My head!" and started seizing seconds later. The jackass just stands there while me and her roommate struggle to get her onto my lap. She seized for about 1-2 minutes, then was unconscious for 4 minutes. This was all within the "safe" range of time. She was a little light-headed, so we got her some water and told her to lay down. She took an aspirin to fight the headache the bump caused. After a little while, she was totally fine, save for a little bit of light-headedness.

    So that would be fine. But the story gets worse. Around 7:00 today, while she was hanging out with a friend of hers, she went for a walk (which I told her not to do). She fainted, and soon regained consciousness. She called for medical help, but had to wait at the medical center for the ambulance because the medical center's closed on Sundays. I got there in time to talk to her a little bit and watch the EMS guys do a quick checkup and put her on the stretcher to get her on the ambulance.

    Now I'm sitting in my dorm next to my phone, waiting for her to text or call me. UGHHHH TOO MUCH STRESS! Classes start at 8am tomorrow, and there's no way I'm sleeping until I hear something about her condition.
    Medical Center that is closed on Sundays? WTF?

    I pre-empt this post by having epilepsy diagnosed since 1999, I have been on drugs since then but have been seizure free from 2001 onwards.

    No need to stress, she is most likely still in a post ictal state, sleeping like a log and once she wakes up, it will tend to dawn on her that she has had a tonic clonic seizure. I usually feel very tired and groggy for about 1-2 minutes and am then back to normal, often wondering why I'm sleeping on the floor rather than on the bed or wondering why I'm in an ambulance instead of having scored that goal I was just about to get.
    However some post ictal stages can last for hours to days.

    I have an aural stage all of 2 seconds, this is the period when I know that I'm just about to have a tonic clonic seizure.
    From your description it sounds like as similar time frame for her.

    I'm not sure of your friend's age but epilepsy often manifests with the maturation of the brain during puberty unless there is some other physical issue like a space occupying lesion in the cavity of the skull.
    Also, from your description, her attack is most likely due to a build up of stress from the "roughhousing" and then the stress from losing balance and hitting her head or just hitting her head.

    It's a very rocky road to finding the suppressant for epilepsy. I had it during my final 2 years in highschool and my triggers are lack of sleep and extreme stress, an equation which leads to fail. I've had a seizure during year 11 calculus and year 11 chemistry. The highschool medical centre became a regular visit.
    The worst was when I was on a trial of a drug which seemed to be working but instead of blocking the tonic clonic seizures completely they would cause me to have a petit mal seizure (where I looked zoned out for a few seconds) and simultaneously lost control of myh urethral sphincter (wet myself). The best one of these was 3/4 of the way through my final Economics exam. I was halfway through writing my last essay, I felt a little funny for a second during writing then continued writing. About 10 seconds later I realised I was sitting in my own urine, the testers asked if I would like to reschedule the exam I said no, finished the exam and got second highest score (I blame the epilepsy).

    You get watched during your post ictal stage by intensely stupid medical interns which is about the most annoying thing about the experience. It always seemed to have a more profound effect on people around me than to myself.

    Hopefully this post will help you understand that your friend is not going to be in too bad a state and that she will most likely not want people to single her out or be overprotective (unless she has a very specific trigger that has been diagnosed).
  • Churba, grind down every last piece of utensil down to its handle, time and time again, just outside of its room. Watch its hunger drive it to feed by hand. Puncture its eardrums and watch its deteriorated mind drip out. Flush away the cigarette buds, watch it start shaking. Drive nails through nails, abort filth from filth... safe the world Churba, safe the world of one more.
  • edited September 2009
    Churba, I had a idea regarding your tea issue. Buy a tin of cheap tea, and a bag of shag. Empty tin, pour in tobacco. Hilarity hopefully ensues.

    Edit: Better yet, mix the shag through the tea. She'll be less likely to notice the difference in texture.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2009
    She'd probably try to smoke it and then brew the fag-ends.
    Can you get tobacco who's smell wouldn't overpower the tea smell?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Can you get tobacco who's smell wouldn't overpower the tea smell?
    I am assuming that if her palate is numb enough to use the equivalent of ten pots worth of green tea for two pots of sweetened gunk, she's probably not wasting any time savoring the tea's aroma before brewing.
  • Part of me wants to hold you back from doing anything...though the more you describe her to me, it's harder to defend her. My question is, if she's on welfare then how the fuck does she even live in a house. She already acts like a hobo with a laptop.

    My only suggestion for taking any did tell her that bad things would happen, so I think bad things SHOULD happen because she may think she can walk over you for drinking your precious tea. I'd attack that novel of hers, because even though Twilight is shit, it DID get published. SMeyer had to go to like, 25 publishers, but it happened.
  • [Point B]
    Jesus. And here I was thinking the puddles of urine left about the toilet by one of my roommates were bad.
    That happens to you too! Man, I thought it was only these guys I live with.

    Churba, why not just move somewhere else? Fuck that roommate. I know it sounds so simple off the tongue, but harder to do. Seriously, there's only so much a person can live with. She sounds like a super nerd with a severe hygiene problem and an undeserved heightened sense of self. Or at least tell her off and set some ground rules. Don't be anyone's bitch, Churbs.

    So you know, I've been through this with someone similar. Needless to say it didn't last long at all.
  • Update on the girlfriend: I picked her up from the hospital at 11:00 last night. Her fall caused a mild concussion and the seizure brought her blood pressure down dangerously low. Together, this caused her to faint. She's fine now, though she can't remember a lot of what happened yesterday, even some important details. All in all a scary day, but everything's fine now and I'm happy.
  • edited September 2009
    My question is, if she's on welfare then how the fuck does she even live in a house.
    European welfare is a LOT different than what we know as welfare in the US. In the US, a welfare check will buy you a hunk of Government Cheese and rent on Low Income Housing, while in Europe you can live pretty comfortably on the dole if it's just you using the check. It's really meant to keep you at your normal standard of living while you get a job.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Update on the girlfriend: I picked her up from the hospital at 11:00 last night. Her fall caused a mild concussion and the seizure brought her blood pressure down dangerously low. Together, this caused her to faint. She's fine now, though she can't remember a lot of what happened yesterday, even some important details. All in all a scary day, but everything's fine now and I'm happy.
    You should knock that guy's block off for messing around with the girl and subsequently not helping her when she needed help.
  • edited September 2009
    Part of me wants to hold you back from doing anything...though the more you describe her to me, it's harder to defend her. My question is, if she's on welfare then how the fuck does she even live in a house. She already acts like a hobo with a laptop.
    European welfare is a LOT different than what we know as welfare in the US. In the US, a welfare check will buy you a hunk of Government Cheese and rent on Low Income Housing, while in Europe you can live pretty comfortably on the dole if it's just you using the check. It's really meant to keep you at your normal standard of living while you get a job.
    Oh, it's easier than that - her parents own the house. She pays 30 GBP rent a fortnight, and most of that goes to covering her internet bill.
    Churba, why not just move somewhere else? Fuck that roommate. I know it sounds so simple off the tongue, but harder to do. Seriously, there's only so much a person can live with. She sounds like a super nerd with a severe hygiene problem and an undeserved heightened sense of self. Or at least tell her off and set some ground rules. Don't be anyone's bitch, Churbs.
    I'm trying so hard, you wouldn't believe it. I'm so desperate to move out that I'm working in Cold-calling telesales, because it pays in money. I spend 8 hours a day being cursed out, abused, and generally treated like shit while under the constant threat of unemployment if I don't sell the shit they want me to sell, because I need the money to GTFO. Also - I have no ability to draw public funds, so no welfare for me.
    I would have torn her a new one tonight, but omnutia and I were walkin' around, lookin' around in the city after work, and I was busy being out of my mind with tired, and freaking squares by randomly eating fire or using my wooden bootheels to make the noises of an invisible horse while people weren't looking, by the time I got home, she was in bed.

    Edit - also, omnutia suggested we take a "Hard and fast solution, but how?" to the problem. He meant clean it up and keep things really clean, possibly going off at her or rubbing her nose in it if she doesn't comply, however, my immediate response was "Bullets are cheap."
    Post edited by Churba on
  • @Churba: I understand that your tea was irreplaceable. I can see why you are angry. But I concur with Loganator. Besides, teaching her a lesson as Lady MacRoss implied is not a good idea. Revenge, no matter how mild, rarely does anyone any good.
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