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Fail of Your Day



  • edited September 2009
    Except for the breaking.
    Apparently a rodent got into our engine (we don't have a garage) and damaged the wiring which caused the power-train control module to go wonky. Despite this, the repair was completely covered by teh warranty and I am working with Chrysler to get my rental reimbursed.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • (we don't have a garage)
    You know, this matters fuck all. It's not that hard for rodents to get in a garage either. And then they just climb under the hood via the wheels.
  • Yeah, I am going to try the moth ball, peppermint oil, or dryer sheets method to deter them. Any suggestion from forumites?
  • as I turn to ignition, it stops half-way and doesn't even try to start, no sound no nothing.
    I'm sorry, you mean the key doesn't turn all the way? What sort of engine work did you have done? If it's an automatic try shifting it to neutral and then attempting to start it.
    Apparently a rodent got into our engine (we don't have a garage) and damaged the wiring which caused the power-train control module to go wonky. Despite this, the repair was completely covered by teh warranty and I am working with Chrysler to get my rental reimbursed.
    That's actually really nice of them to fix a problem that was very much no their fault.

    What is with rodents chewing car wiring? Does it taste good or something?
  • Yeah, I am going to try the moth ball, peppermint oil, or dryer sheets method to deter them. Any suggestion from forumites?
    I know it's likely to be not very practical, but getting a cat fixed my rodent problem immediately. Pior to that, I tried the peppermint oil trick and it didn't work. They were highly persistent. I don't know about the other two methods you posted, though. Sorry. :[
  • I don't keep outdoor animals (we don't have a garage) and Mr. MacRoss is allergic to cats. We don't have a rodent problem in the home. I honestly think it is one of our yard chipmunks. I love those little dudes despite their chewing ways.
  • ......
    edited September 2009
    What is with rodents chewing car wiring? Does it taste good or something?
    ROOTS! They think they're roots! Roots most likely taste good to animals since these transport liquid and various elements up in the plant/tree/bush.

    EDIT: My method against rodents is not living in the USA. And not having a car. Though rodents eating through wiring is probably as rare in the USA as it is here.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Though rodents eating through wiring is probably as rare in the USA as it is here.
    It's not really the "norm." Having worked as a mechanic and looked at project cars that had sat for a while, I've probably seen this a lot more than most people.
  • edited September 2009
    as I turn to ignition, it stops half-way and doesn't even try to start, no sound no nothing.
    I'm sorry, you mean the key doesn't turn all the way? What sort of engine work did you have done? If it's an automatic try shifting it to neutral and then attempting to start it.
    It doesn't turn all the way, I think one of the contacts inside the cylinder got bent so the key wont turn all the way, It must that because I was able to start it shorting the starter with screwdriver (since mine is an automatic and thus can't be push-started).

    EDIT: BTW I know the risks involved in shorting the starter.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • I fail. I can't tell what day of the week it is anymore!
  • My entire school building failed life today. We got yelled at for being atrociously slow to evacuate the building during the fire drill.

    In our defense, what kind of fire alarm sounds like an epileptic squirrel doing cartwheels inside a box? It took us 3 minutes to figure out that it was a fire alarm.
  • edited September 2009
    My entire school building failed life today. We got yelled at for being atrociously slow to evacuate the building during the fire drill.

    In our defense, what kind of fire alarm sounds like an epileptic squirrel doing cartwheels inside a box? It took us 3 minutes to figure out that it was a fire alarm.
    That's annoying. Our fire alarms sound normal, but are loud and obnoxious anyways. Mandatory fire drills are useless at a certain point, as no High School student is going to follow procedure if there is a real fire. If there was ever a dangerous fire, most kids would be stupid and bolt in every which way. Organized fire drills will never prevent this.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • I fail. I can't tell what day of the week it is anymore!
    I aspire to that.
  • Mandatory fire drills are useless at a certain point, as no High School student is going to follow procedure if there is a real fire. If there was ever a dangerous fire, most kids would be stupid and bolt in every which way. Organized fire drills will never prevent this.
    In my experience, if you regularly go inside a building, you generally know the quickest way in and out. The fire drills only focus on ONE method, so they are useless. If fire drills were more like fire safety hour, where you learn all of the potential exit routes from your building, then they would be useful. However, simply forcing us to interrupt class, go down 4 flights of stairs, and then go back up them is retarded.
  • I fail. I can't tell what day of the week it is anymore!
    I aspire to that.
    Haha! Just make sure you put the garbage out on the right day!
  • I fail. I can't tell what day of the week it is anymore!
    I aspire to that.
    Haha! Just make sure you put the garbage out on the right day!
    I have a google alert for that. :)
  • Mandatory fire drills are useless at a certain point, as no High School student is going to follow procedure if there is a real fire. If there was ever a dangerous fire, most kids would be stupid and bolt in every which way. Organized fire drills will never prevent this.
    In my experience, if you regularly go inside a building, you generally know the quickest way in and out. The fire drills only focus on ONE method, so they are useless. If fire drills were more like fire safety hour, where you learn all of the potential exit routes from your building, then they would be useful. However, simply forcing us to interrupt class, go down 4 flights of stairs, and then go back up them is retarded.
    In my school, each class learns the fastest way out of the building. They do it at different periods on different days, so you leave from a bunch of different exits. But, you're expected to leave by the one closest to you, which is obvious, but dumb for fire drills, because too many of them are centers of the school and super crowded.
  • image
    This is true. The three of us are there.
  • edited September 2009
    Just now, my bodged together desktop's CRT monitor made a loud snapping sound and everything went blurry, after that, there was just enough time to tweet something along the lines of "Shit, shit, shit!!" before something else happened and the display was totally buggered.
    I'm now on the laptop, having disconnected the monitor.
    At least it doesn't smell like anything is burning.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • This is a good fail:
    The local subtitled screenings of Ponyo was sold out as I was in the line to buy tickets for it (all secession today), furthermore the dub was not, make of it what you will.
    I shall try again either near the end of the weekend or next weekend, and hopefully the screenings will remain sold out but with me getting a ticket.
  • In my school, each class learns the fastest way out of the building.
    This is a good habit for all aspects of life. Always know the quickest exit. Always have an escape plan, and, if possible, have a couple of alternative escape plans.
  • This is a good fail:
    The local subtitled screenings of Ponyo was sold out as I was in the line to buy tickets for it (all secession today), furthermore the dub was not, make of it what you will.
    I shall try again either near the end of the weekend or next weekend, and hopefully the screenings will remain sold out but with me getting a ticket.
    The dub wasn't bad. If you prefer subtitles, that is excellent, but the dub really was quite good.
  • Yeah, I liked the dub. Disney's been treating Ghibli films pretty damn well, as far as dubs go. I was annoyed at them for sticking a Miley Cyrus proxy in there again, but her performance wound up being adorable.

    (The only thing that bugged me was the replacement of the ending song, but that's just one tiny piranha in an ocean of awesome.)
  • (The only thing that bugged me was the replacement of the ending song, but that's just one tiny piranha in an ocean of awesome.)
    That song is a travesty.
  • edited September 2009
    (The only thing that bugged me was the replacement of the ending song, but that's just one tiny piranha in an ocean of awesome.)
    That song is a travesty.
    I listened to the original song and they are fairly similar until the "mixed" portion comes in on the U.S. version.
    I think both versions are cute.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I listened to the original song and they are fairly similar until the "mixed" portion comes in on the U.S. version.
    I think both versions are cute.
    I don't have a problem with the lyrics, it's the shitty remixing that I hate.
  • The remix is cute. If you were a tot, you would have been dancing in the theatre (like the tots were dancing in ours).
  • One thing is for is hella catchy. It was stuck in my head for days after seeing the movie.
  • edited September 2009
    I kept singing it at band practice between songs.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Today, I found out that I'm ineligible for financial aid because of my residency status.
    Sometimes, I wish I was born in the US.
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