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Fail of Your Day



  • ThatGent said:

    The construction team left all the rubber seals on top of the rack, which nobody noticed until the machines were running hot enough to have them melt down the pores.

    How hot do those things get?
  • Australia's first female Muslim MP flew into LAX today. All was fine, until she arrived at Border Control, at which point they checked her biometrics, confiscated her passport, and took her off to be interrogated as to where she got an Australian passport and Australian government ID.

    Good work, America.
  • Churba said:

    Australia's first female Muslim MP flew into LAX today. All was fine, until she arrived at Border Control, at which point they checked her biometrics, confiscated her passport, and took her off to be interrogated as to where she got an Australian passport and Australian government ID.

    Good work, America.

    I'd like to think someone lost their job, but that might be some idealistic thinking.
  • MATATAT said:

    Churba said:

    Australia's first female Muslim MP flew into LAX today. All was fine, until she arrived at Border Control, at which point they checked her biometrics, confiscated her passport, and took her off to be interrogated as to where she got an Australian passport and Australian government ID.

    Good work, America.

    I'd like to think someone lost their job, but that might be some idealistic thinking.
    Oh no, someone lost their job, but it's probably the fucker that misspelled their name on their impending employee of the month plaque.
  • Don't even need Trump in power for this bullshit.
  • I'm more surprised TSA did their jobs.
  • I'm more surprised TSA did their jobs.

    TSA doesn't do border control, that's CBP.
  • Banta said:

    I'm more surprised TSA did their jobs.

    TSA doesn't do border control, that's CBP.
    I'm still surprised someone came in and decided to do their fucking job.
  • “It is quite ridiculous, nerve wracking and scary to be treated so suspiciously for no reason and sent off to be interrogated,” she continued. “There is no excuse for treating people this way. I’ve come to the US to find out more about drugs policy reform and to meet family. To be treated with such hostility at Los Angeles airport is the last thing you expect.”
    Madame Parliamentarian, have you heard nothing about the US in recent years?
  • Daikun said:
    Well, fair enough, really. I can't speak for other countries where it's offered, but it's reasonably priced here, and there's an ever-expanding selection. They have to enforce their licensing agreements, or risk losing those licenses.
  • Were I staying in Japan for more than a few months more, I'd be a bit miffed. The selection here is not very good, and what things they do have often don't have subtitles that are available in other areas.
  • 10 or so local schools got evacuated due to bomb threats, including my little sister's.
  • Daikun said:
    Solution: run your own vpn on a vps. They're probably just cracking down on the big vpn providers.
  • Pegu said:

    Daikun said:
    Solution: run your own vpn on a vps. They're probably just cracking down on the big vpn providers.
    I think what they'll do is attempt to region lock accounts whereas it currently only region locks content, allowing the user to login in any country.
    Then again that doesn't make sense if a user was going to go overseas.
    I guess this is just to get media attention for the content providers who are complaining about licenses, if you can work OpenVPN this won't affect you.
  • The MOST annoying thing is when I travel for work, settle into a hotel in Australia with some time to kill, and have to fucking VPN back to the States to watch Netflix. ;^)
  • edited January 2016
    I get the licensing reasons to do so, but I find it funny how they've called people pirates for doing so despite being paying customers. Cracking down on VPN users will just make them actually pirate the shows not available in their area.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • Am I a bad Republican because I don't automatically react with anger and scorn at anything we do that involves Iran and isn't declaring war on them?
  • Probably but I'd be proud of that. Not matching either party is a sign that you think for yourself and don't blindly regurgitate what the figureheads tell you.
  • Just broke up with my girlfriend because I realized I didn't love her. I know it was the right thing to do, but it still fucking sucks.
  • Yeah that is the worst, but you know it was for the right reasons. Sucks now but better than living a lie.
  • Just broke up with my girlfriend because I realized I didn't love her. I know it was the right thing to do, but it still fucking sucks.

  • Sorry to hear that, Vic.
  • Thanks guys. It's kinda worse because, on paper, everything should have been awesome between us. We had so much in common I was almost afraid she was agreeing with me for the sake of it (tested and proven false). I hope we can still be friends after some time passes. She's an awesome lady.
  • Yeah man there is always a good chance of it. Im really good friends with one of my exs but not the other, swings and roundabouts really. Best advice I can give is get blind drunk, like throwing up outside of weatherspoons drunk, one night then throw yourself into work for a couple of weeks. Gives you enough time to get your head around things.
  • I feel like Victor has been throwing himself into work/projects pretty-much full bore as it is? But if he had time for a girlfriend in the first place who knows. Either way, I suggest not using work as a distraction since it should probably already be one. Instead do the fun things?

    It's hard to be the one to end it, especially when things aren't going bad actually. But if the love ain't there, it probably is indicative that something is already wrong but you just don't know what yet. It still sucks. I've been there, when I realized my feelings just weren't actually strongly with a girl, and that I wanted different things: even though there were a lot of things that looked great between us! It's hard to do and actually stick to it, but not as hard as being on the opposite end of it: when you love a person but they wake up and realize they don't have the same spark and it ends. Those are the deals that can fuck you up for years on end, apparently.

    So I dunno. Keep up the good work tho Frost, cuz you're kicking ass anyway.
  • edited January 2016
    She and I talked later on last night and, while we both wanna be friends still, we need a cooling period. She understands and agrees that it was the best thing to do but, y'know, it still hurts. She was really into me. All in all, this was about as good as it could have gone.

    And yeah, SWATrous, I've been picking up the pace on my art-ing. I talked with my parents and they're willing to support me 100% while I throw myself into this full time. I'm even consolidating all my stuff under one umbrella and finally making an actual, incorporated production company: FrostWorks.

    List of Projects Currently Active:
    Steven Universe Universe
    Friday Night Party Line
    Acceptable Vices

    Sounds of the Commons

    Projects in Pre-Production:
    Man V. Fashion
    Shower Thoughts (Working Title)

    The good thing is that, time suck though they may be, I fucking love doing this shit.
    SWATrous said:

    Keep up the good work tho Frost, cuz you're kicking ass anyway.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
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