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Fail of Your Day



  • I myself would freak out if I had more than one kid.
    I am with you. I only want one; however, I can see why others might want two. More than two just seems excessive.
  • I myself would freak out if I had more than one kid.
    I am with you. I only want one; however, I can see why others might want two. More than two just seems excessive.
    Plan all you want, but be prepared for the fact that sometimes kids will happen. ~_^
  • I myself would freak out if I had more than one kid.
    I am with you. I only want one; however, I can see why others might want two. More than two just seems excessive.
    While I only want two, I figure anyone with 5 or under is not super crazy :-p
  • While I only want two, I figure anyone with 5 or under is not super crazy :-p
    Only if you want to start your own band.
  • I myself would freak out if I had more than one kid.
    I am with you. I only want one; however, I can see why others might want two. More than two just seems excessive.
    Plan all you want, but be prepared for the fact that sometimes kids will happen. ~_^
    I've been sexually active for over ten years and never had an issue. Seriously, modern birth control methods are incredibly effective. If someone has a child "accidentally" then they simply weren't using them or weren't using them correctly.
  • Statistics work both ways in this regard. Yes, odds are it won't happen, but the odds are still greater than 0.
  • Statistics work both ways in this regard. Yes, odds are it won't happen, but the odds are still greater than 0.
    In the extremely unlikely chance of an issue (using two methods), there are always the options of abortion and adoption.
  • Statistics work both ways in this regard. Yes, odds are it won't happen, but the odds are still greater than 0.
    In the extremely unlikely chance of an issue (using two methods), there are always the options of abortion and adoption.
  • I had a dream last night where I was going to take a train from DC down to South America with a friend. I thought it left at 11pm, but apparently it left at 6am. The first thing I thought of (in the dream) is that I should post in the "Fail of Your Day" thread. Maybe I'm on the forums too often?
    Last night I dreamed that I was meeting in India with Viga in a Gothic Lolita dress, Emily dressed as a catgril, with balls of what looked like falafel and little metal spikes on her hands as paws and claws, and Daryl Surat dressed as a Japanese butcher, or so the dream logic went. We met at the back of a produce market with a cheap hotel room in the back, and we planned to go trick-or-treating in the streets of the run down city. I think it had something to do with reading the Halloween thread and wondering what I plan to dress up as.
  • quiverfull movementIt's a group of christians that believe that you should have as many childern as you can and leave managing them in "god's" hands.
    I grew up in the South suburbs of Chicago, with tons of family on the Southside. As such, we had tons of Irish Catholic family friends. As devoted as they were to their faith, any of those families who reached an amount of children which became borderline dangerous in relation to the amount of support they could offer would go to the Cardinal (as I recall) through their bishop, to receive special dispensation for birth control. Which they received.

    Because of this, I'm going to deem "QuiverFull" a bunch of crazy fucks. There's no way in hell that if you can get special dispensation for birth control from the Roman Catholic church that somehow you are compelled to mass-produce offspring.
  • I gave up hoping my parents would take interest in my taste in film and music a while ago, but for fuck's sake. Does my dad really have to sit down at the climax of a movie and start making fun of it? This is the third time he's killed the moment like that.
  • I gave up hoping my parents would take interest in my taste in film and music a while ago, but for fuck's sake. Does my dad really have to sit down at the climax of a movie and start making fun of it? This is the third time he's killed the moment like that.
    What was the movie?
  • What was the movie?
    Millenium Actress in this case, Stalker and Cowboy Bebop being the other major offenses.
  • edited October 2009
    Stalker and Cowboy Bebop being the other major offenses.
    Next time he's enjoying a movie, do the same to him. Just sit down and say something like, "Man, I didn't think Mel Gibson could be more of a dickless wimp than he was in Mad Max, but this Braveheart shit sure proved me wrong!" Then, make popcorn and consume it loudly.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Next time he's enjoying a movie, do the same to him. Just sit down and say something like, "Man, I didn't think Mel Gibson could be more of a dickless wimp than he was in Mad Max, but this Braveheart shit sure proved me wrong!" Then, make popcorn and consume it loudly.
    He doesn't watch movies that he finds emotionally involving, and makes fun of the rest of them. If I ever try to talk about a movie I enjoy, or mention one I think he might enjoy, he changes the subject to how expensive the Netflix account he isn't paying for is. I can dish it out, though; through parenting that tends to fall in line with what I've described he has raised me to have a pretty sharp and remorseless tongue when I want to. We're basically dicks towards each other all of the time, in a perfectly friendly way, but sitting down and killing the final scenes of Stalker and Millenium Actress is going too far.
  • Work hasn't paid me in 2 weeks (they agreed to pay me weekly). Now I have effectively no money. Anybody have a job opening for a Jr. Sysadmin or techie in the Rochester Area?
  • Work hasn't paid me in 2 weeks (they agreed to pay me weekly). Now I have effectively no money. Anybody have a job opening for a Jr. Sysadmin or techie in the Rochester Area?
    You seem to ping-pong between Boo-yahs and Fails on a daily basis.
  • You seem to ping-pong between Boo-yahs and Fails on a daily basis.
    Hypothetically, I have an awesome job that pays more than anything else I could get at my age and skill level. I attend one of the best IT schools in the world, and have a bitchin' apartment. Unfortunately, I got off to a VERY ROUGH START this quarter, and periodically hit stumbling blocks. If work stops paying me, I have no financial stability. I won't be able to afford gas to get to school, and shit will collide with the fan.

    tl;dr I have a high potential for awesome in my current position in the world, but shit seems to keep happening which threatens to ruin it all.
  • Have you brought this up with work? Living paycheck to paycheck sucks.
  • Have you brought this up with work? Living paycheck to paycheck sucks.
    I would literally kill to be working paycheck to paycheck.
  • Have you brought this up with work? Living paycheck to paycheck sucks.
    I have. I was originally paid biweekly, but they agreed to pay me every week after they dropped the ball one time. I talked to the CEO today; apparently our HR person was out sick for a week. That explains a lot. They said they'd send me my paycheck today.
    I would literally kill to be working paycheck to paycheck.
    Apparently mafia hitmen make great money. Not so sure about the job security, though.
  • I have. I was originally paid biweekly, but they agreed to pay me every week after they dropped the ball one time. I talked to the CEO today; apparently our HR person was out sick for a week. That explains a lot. They said they'd send me my paycheck today.
    Just an FYI to you and everyone here, Federal law says payday has to be declared and you must be payed. Pay roll person being out sick is not an excuse. For example, I get payed on the 15th and the last of the month, every month no matter what happens.
  • Yeah. I'm a wage slave though. I could quit and sue my employer, but then I'd be out of a job. Lose-lose situation.
  • edited October 2009
    Apparently mafia hitmen make great money. Not so sure about the job security, though.
    Have you seen the state of organised crime around here? The most organised it ever gets are dime-bag slingers who think they're fuckin' Godfather and Brick-top all rolled into one. They'd have me shaking down students for dope money, and that's a bad scene, students have good memories and fast cop-dialing fingers.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Yeah. I'm a wage slave though. Icouldquit and sue my employer, but then I'd be out of a job. Lose-lose situation.
    Don't sue, just kindly remind them that payday mean you get payed. ~_^

    As you waited two weeks now, you might want to just being payed biweekly like everyone else and just manage your funds better. Less of a chance of a fuck up that way.
  • OH GODS OF SCIENCE! Mendal, Charels Darwizzel, A-Money, Bunsen and Beaker. Why have you chosen today to screw with my autoclave? Did it really need to go from an optimal 121 degrees Celsius to a chemical denaturing 145? Does it make you smile to tripling the pressure for no apparent reason? Is it because I have no been to a bar in about a week? Though your wrath is mighty. I shall seek forgiveness for my trespass by visiting a house of drink later this evening. For some trivia and New Castle and though I shall not partake, perhaps some eye candy too.

    Find mercy upon my equations! For this is your humble lab jockey thanks you.
  • edited October 2009
    @ YoshoKatana: You say you have a bitchin' apartment and have to drive to school? Maybe see if public transit can get you to and from and sell your car or get a less bitchin' apartment that also costs less/includes more utilities or live closer to school. Look for ways to cut back on your expenses and insist that they pay you on time.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • @ YoshoKatana: You say you have a bitchin' apartment and have to drive to school? Maybe see if public transit can get you to and from and sell your car or get a less bitchin' apartment that also costs less/includes more utilities or live closer to school. Look for ways to cut back on your expenses and insist that they pay you on time.
    Summary: try living more within your means.
  • RymRym
    edited October 2009
    Maybe see if public transit can get you to and from
    In Rochester? Those buses were a nightmare as I recall. Even the on-campus buses were unreliable and slow. It was faster to walk to campus from Colony than it was to take that stupid bus, nevermind the times it would show up full, not let anyone on, and then leave. Grocery shopping took almost four hours just for the pathetic bus schedule, and you still had to carry all of the groceries yourself and hope that the bus didn't just stop briefly at the Chase Pitkin and then leave your foolishly-standing-where-the-bus-stop-actually-is ass behind.

    There are very few places in the US where one can get away with not having a car for any length of time and live a reasonable life.
    or get a less bitchin' apartment that also costs less/includes more utilities or live closer to school.
    Unless you live on campus, there's nothing close enough to make the commute cheaper enough to make the difference in rent matter. On-campus apartments, even crappy ones, at least when we were there, were basically impossible to get except through extreme luck. Had I not gotten an apartment my sophomore year, I would have applied to stay in the dorms.

    Worse, if you need to commute to anywhere other than RIT or downtown Rochester, there are basically zero mass transit options.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited October 2009
    @ Rym: I have a friend that lives in Rochester within reasonable biking distance of RIT that doesn't have a car, has cheap rent, and gets around fine with the Rochester buses for his daily needs and only runs into trouble if he wants to go out later at night when the bus runs stop. Even then, he saves money by just not going out as often.

    EDIT: Rochester's Transit System
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
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