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Fail of Your Day



  • Falcon is not a kid's name.

    EDIT: That kid's nickname is now Captian Falcon.
    I was wondering how long the, "who the fuck names their kid 'falcon'?" was going to take.
  • That is an awesome name. I like odd names.
  • I think this balloon boy deal is the straw that broke the camel's back for my respect for conventional news sources.
  • There's a party tonight I said I'd go to, but now I really wish I hadn't. Also, I am very worried that I will be underdressed once I'm there.

    All I want to do this weekend is watch Kung-Fu movies and stay inside. Goddamn it.
  • Huge Day tomorrow of waking up early, buying ingredients, driving to my brother's place, making curry, then making enchiladas later and meeting with family.

    Could be epic fail or epic win, so who knows.
  • edited October 2009
    I am very worried that I will be underdressed once I'm there.
    If you have a tie and sports jacket, you need never feel underdressed again. Go show them who's boss.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Yoinked from Viga.
    Fun Christmas Eve
    How Japanese Otaku spend the most romantic night of the year.
    Mostly sad (and why so many ones of the girls from Ichigo Mashimaro? They are in Elementary School!), but some were lol worthy.
    Keep your eyes peeled for funnies like Hokuto no Ken Chicken.
  • edited October 2009
    I'm not sure whether they're all doing that on account of nothing better to do or if they actively made the effort to do this instead of other things.
    In addition, until the cake transmission protocol is finalised, please refrain from applying baked goods to your monitor's screen.

    (If the links don't work, hit the back button.)
    Also, Joseph Stalin is near the bottom.
    Wait, this is far better.
    NSFW: By far, one of the most worrying. The screen itself is shocking but the rest is almost as bad.
    NSFW: Worrying but somehow artistic.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • My girlfriend and I might have just broken up. It wasn't mutual.
  • My girlfriend and I might have just broken up. It wasn't mutual.
    I knew it was a bad idea to post those images..
  • NSFW:By far, one of the most worrying. The screen itself is shocking but the rest is almost as bad.
    Is the chicken leg just happen to be there or is there something I'm missing from the rest?
  • I knew it was a bad idea to post those images..
    Haha. Thanks, Omnutia.

    And apparently I have one week to show her I care about her. She's coming to visit next weekend, and we'll decide after that if we should stay together (translation: she'll decide if I'm worth it).
  • edited October 2009
    NSFW:By far, one of the most worrying. The screen itself is shocking but the rest is almost as bad.
    Is the chicken leg just happen to be there or is there something I'm missing from the rest?
    Between the chicken leg and the monitor..

    @Yosho: Please insert appropriate courage wolf.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • That is an awesome name. I like odd names.
    Ditto. I could name my kid Hunter, Horatio, or Roy and not even care that people think they sound weird. Especially since I get to tell them that I named my kid after Hunter S. Thompson which would shut them up immediately.
  • It sounds corny, but reading some Courage Wolves actually cheered me up a great deal. Thank you.
  • It sounds corny, but reading some Courage Wolves actually cheered me up a great deal. Thank you.
    Courage wolf has been repeatedly demonstrated to be super-effective. Anyway, good luck with your situation -- I hope it works out for the best, whichever way that might be.
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2009
    I just found out this happened a few days ago, and I'm very saddened by this because I always went here when I was in the area which was very often. Viga is probably the only other person who had heard of this man and this legendary restaurant. and his very tragic death. I tell ya...when I ate there...that was the best hot dog and the best goddamn chili I'd ever eaten in my life.

    If you are ever in DC, oh my god stop by here! You will not regret it, I guarantee it. If they ever open another con in DC and the FRC and the forumites are there...we should eat here simply because.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited October 2009
    If you are ever in DC, oh my god stop by here!
    I have family in DC; I might roadtrip out there this summer. I'll be sure to check it out.
    NSFW:By far, one of the most worrying. The screen itself is shocking but the rest is almost as bad.
    If there was ever a time where I immediately thought, "What is this I don't even," it was when I clicked that link. What the fuck.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited October 2009
    My girlfriend and I might have just broken up. It wasn't mutual.
    Enjoy being a free man. I recommend pushing some boxes into teleporters and causing a few resonance cascades.
    Post edited by Railith on
  • Enjoy being a free man. I recommend pushing some boxes into teleporters and cause a few resonance cascades.
    Well played, sir.
  • Feeling pretty depressed today, after seeing some Eva stuff, and some others. I'm going out to town in hopes of cheering myself up, hopefully this episode won't last as long as the last one did.
  • Fail of last night: I slipped and fell onto my palms, in the process gaining a nice centimeter long cut on my left one. It's now draining fluid. I have no Neosporin. I hate this.
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2009
    This isn't a fail more-so than it is a realization that makes me sad, but something that I've somewhat made my mind up on. I've made the decision to give up on my film dreams. What's the point? I question my own logic for wanting to become involved in the film industry which is because I love movies. There are millions of film buffs out there, but how many of them ever seriously consider the possibility of getting a career in the film industry? I really don't think I have a chance out there, and I'm pretty sure I'll mostly be resigned to doing commercials or something similar which is just abominable and completely uninteresting in my opinion as there really isn't any actual creativity in most ads out there. Also looking at the state of Hollywood and how much it is in the shitter disheartens me greatly. The indie circuit doesn't look too much better either because in most cases, indie films barely get any notice by the media or anything and that angers me quite a bit. I had a dream and high expectations...well guess what...I woke up and my plane just crashed and burned. The real question remains though...what the hell am I gonna do with the rest of my life?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Who cares if indie movies don't get media? Just do what you like. If you wanna make movies, buy a camera and make movies. Education couldn't hurt either, though.
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2009
    Who cares if indie movies don't get media? Just do what you like. If you wanna make movies, buy a camera and make movies. Education couldn't hurt either, though.
    Well I care because I want them to get noticed and should I ever get into that circuit, I want them to be known by as many people as is possible. You know it must be so easy to say that as you must have money to burn to do those things. That's not the problem I have and the reason why I don't wanna become a filmmaker though.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I've made the decision to give up on my film dreams.
    Quit crying. There's literally never been a better time in history to be a filmmaker. If you can scrape together a few thousand bucks for a DV camera and some software and rope some buddies into helping you, can make any movie you want. Unless you care more about making money than making art. If that's the case, just major in business or something.
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2009
    I've made the decision to give up on my film dreams.
    Quit crying. There's literally never been a better time in history to be a filmmaker. If you can scrape together a few thousand bucks for a DV camera and some software and rope some buddies into helping you, can make any movie you want. Unless you care more about making money than making art. If that's the case, just major in business or something.
    Well thanks good sir, your vote of confidence is staggeringly overwhelming by an order of magnitude. I don't care about making money, I care about making art. But you need to have a balance between the two otherwise it doesn't work (both in terms of personal satisfaction and audience viewership/enjoyment.)
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Do you want to make art or do you want to get attention?
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2009
    In many ways technology has been the messiah for and the Antichrist for filmmaking. Now anyone can make movies which is both a good thing and a bad thing. I'm not saying people shouldn't make movies, I'm saying that people should have a general grasp on the concept of and the techniques involving film making, otherwise you've got nothing and you'll end up like Phobias.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited October 2009
    But you need to have a balance between the two otherwise it doesn't work (both in terms of personal satisfaction and audience viewership/enjoyment.)
    Calling bullshit. I know artists who have struggled and paid in blood, sweat, and tears to do what they love, and they never cared from square one if millions of people loved their art. They did it for the sheer joy of creating. Your success in any field you love is a byproduct of honing your craft to the point where you have a clear superiority over anyone else who does what you do. An interest in a subject is like being handed a piece of steel rod stock. Heavy, but almost useless unless you do something with it. Put that rod in a lathe and draw it out to a point; eventually, you win.
    The indie circuit doesn't look too much better either because in most cases, indie films barely get any notice by the media or anything and that angers me quite a bit.
    They get noticed by film festivals, critics, and big-time people who still want to produce movies with depth. Gus Van Sant started with little-known indie flicks like Drugstore Cowboy; fast-forward to last year, he directs a relatively arthouse-type film (Milk), which goes on to win 2 Oscars, after being nominated for 8.

    As such: stop whining, get Courage Wolf.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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