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Fail of Your Day



  • RymRym
    edited October 2009
    I have a friend that lives in Rochester within reasonable biking distance of RIT that doesn't have a car,
    Can't bike in the snow. That's difficult even for experienced mountain bikers, and is basically impossible with a street bike. It also doesn't help if the job isn't also on campus.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited October 2009
    I have a friend that lives in Rochester within reasonable biking distance of RIT that doesn't have a car,
    Can't bike in the snow. That's difficult even for experienced mountain bikers, and is basically impossible with a street bike.
    I know that, but he still gets around fine, which is my point. He bikes in summer and takes the bus in winter.

    Regardless of the selling car/taking transit option, I was advocating for cutting back his expenses. Housing and transportation costs are just a few ways to accomplish that. Rochester and the greater Rochester region has a reasonable transit system, particularly for such a vast area to cover. I can't speak regarding RIT's internal bus system, but Rochester buses are fine for commuters.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited October 2009
    only runs into trouble if he wants to go out later at night when the bus runs stop
    This is the exact problem I run into when I want to go out drinking with friends at night. I live just outside the DC beltway, if the nation's capital can't figure it out, we're all screwed.

    EDIT: by the way, it's a mere 8 miles to the bar we all gather at.
    Can't bike in the snow. That's difficult even for experienced mountain bikers, and is basically impossible with a street bike.
    I biked in snow for all of 10 ft before I fell on my side. The riding is fine, it's the stopping that kills you.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • As you waited two weeks now, you might want to just being payed biweekly like everyone else and just manage your funds better. Less of a chance of a fuck up that way.
    I just talked to the Office Manager (in charge of HR, too), and cleared a shit-ton of things up. They were still under the assumption that I was being paid biweekly. That's why, when I invoiced them every week, sometimes they wouldn't pay me on time. Everything should be sorted out now.
    Maybe see if public transit can get you to and from and sell your car or get a less bitchin' apartment that also costs less/includes more utilities or live closer to school
    Rym is completely right about Rochester public transit. It's arse. Plus, my apartment is actually pretty cheap. I have a studio on Park Ave (the nice part of town) for $400/mo. Most of that is being paid by the government. My car is the cheapest I could find (that would survive the winter). I don't go out to restaurants, and don't buy media.

    Fortunately, I should still be making at least $1600/mo, now that my job and I finally sorted things out. That's pretty good, both for part time (20 hours/week) and for Rochester.
  • If you guys remember, I whined about what I am calling a "Blood and Thunder situation" a week or two ago... well I asked the girl out and didn't get a definitive answer. Yay.
  • If you guys remember, I whined about what I am calling a "Blood and Thunder situation" a week or two ago... well I asked the girl out and didn't get a definitive answer. Yay.
    Well, time to break it out, I suppose. BREAK YOUR BACKS AND CRACK YOUR OARS, MEN:

  • edited October 2009
    I fucking hate clowns.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Video
    I fucking hate clowns.
    But clowns don't hate you? They only wanna make you laugh. Personally I love clowns, I just find them funny to mock.
  • But clowns don't hate you? They only wanna make you laugh. Personally I love clowns, I just find them funny to mock.
    They scare the living shit out of me.
  • They scare the living shit out of me.
    I've always suspected that the "scared of clowns" thing was a bit of an affectation. They're genuinely scary? What is it about them?
  • They scare the living shit out of me.
    I've always suspected that the "scared of clowns" thing was a bit of an affectation. They're genuinely scary? What is it about them?
    I think it's the way the makeup is applied which gives psychological uncomfortableness; that and people like John Gacy.
  • people like John Gacy.
  • that and people like John Gacy.
    Okay, now that's really not even fair. :)
  • They're genuinely scary? What is it about them?
    I don't know what it is about them, but they are really creepy. I'm not scared of the Joker, though, which really surprises me.
  • that and people like John Gacy.
    Okay, now that's really not even fair. :)
    How so?
  • How so?
    Well, you associate any group with a horrifying serial killer, that group takes on an air of menace that it wouldn't necessarily have otherwise. If clowns are scary, they've gotta be scary on their own, without the serial killer association.
  • edited October 2009
    I remember reading an article a year or two back on coulrophobia, but I couldn't find it on a quick search online. I will try and find the article, but I do remember clearly some of the possible underlying causes for the phobia. I recall that the article mentioned that traditional clown make up pales the face and accentuates a permanent large grin that can be likened to a skull. Moreover, it creates a permanent unmoving expression that is similar to some diseases that cause the facial muscles to tense constantly. The face paint also acts as a fixed mask that creates anonymity and uncertainty of the clown's true intent. The frozen smile and mad eyes that do not change regardless of circumstance are also terrifying for some as only a sociopath would be able to smile during certain events. Owing to this discord between emotion and circumstance, clowns have been portrayed in film as soulless, dark figures that smile through even the most violent of acts. As Lon Chaney said, ""There is nothing laughable about a clown in the moonlight."
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I think you hit the nail right on the head, Kate.
  • But....but what about the sad clowns?

    No, that's a pretty good analysis. Makes sense to me. I just never found clowns scary or unsettling unless they were obviously supposed to be.
  • I find things like the Idolmaster games to be quite disturbing. When something has a body that moves like a human but a face that moves like some mechanical device.
  • Glad I don't live there.
    We get the crazy surveillance, you get the crazy Christian types and Australia will try to kill you at every turn. It all works out in the end.
  • We get the crazy surveillance, you get the crazy Christian types and Australia will try to kill you at every turn. It all works out in the end.
    All subtle hints left by the gods of tomorrow. Move to the stars, where everything is better. Albeit the rain is more acidic.
  • This makes me really leery of anything I read from the Washington Post in the future.
  • Today I cleaned out some cabinets with old files, report cards, bills, letters and stuff and found pictures from my old high school class. I am pretty horrible with names and while I could remember the people, who they were and how they generally behaved and what character they have, for some I simply could not remember the names. On the oldest picture I got though there was a guy I can remember only being in our class for a year and he was absent much, but for the life of me I can not remember anything else about him let alone his name.

    Now I feel kind of bad about it :/
  • This makes me really leery of anything I read from the Washington Post in the future.
    Their JavaScript/PHP/whatever is probably just screwed up. It says nothing about their journalistic abilities. Also: Those polls don't mean shit. Ever.
  • edited October 2009
    It says nothing about their journalistic abilities.
    The fact that the graph is automatically skewed to make yes look better doesn't bother you? Alright...

    It continues to drizzle and be cold here in the nation's capital. Walk to and from work is currently unpleasant.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • The fact that the graph is automatically skewed to make yes look better doesn't bother you? Alright...
    It's more likely that it's not actually a 50/50 split and the code to create the labels is fucked up. So, no, it doesn't bother me at all from a journalistic standpoint. As a CS major, I want to claw my eyes out, but that's irrelevant.

    In other news, the Heenes (Balloon Boy's family) are douchebags:

    At Mr. Heene's YouTube channel, you can see him promote pseudosciency things like UFOs and NASA's lies about life on Mars.
  • edited October 2009
    Falcon is not a kid's name.

    EDIT: That kid's nickname is now Captian Falcon.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
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