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Fail of Your Day



  • edited October 2009
    Python's syntax will take you a week at most to learn. is pseudocode that executes.
    Seriously. That shit is EASY. Get Python for Software Design: How to think like a Computer Scientist and read it. PM me if you can't afford it. The Turtle module (which is what RIT's new Intro to CS class starts with) is a great way to start programming.

    EDIT: You know, now that I think of it, you can pretty much just take that course from home through the website. All the lecture notes, labs, and homeworks are available online. The only thing you don't get is the support resources (professor, TA, grades/feedback on assignments, etc.)
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • EDIT: You know, now that I think of it, you can pretty much just take that course from home through the website. All the lecture notes, labs, and homeworks are available online. The only thing you don't get is the support resources (professor, TA, grades/feedback on assignments, etc.)
    Also of note: Wikibooks's Python. It's ridiculously thorough, the first project is a text adventure, and there's a module to teach you how to program GUIs using PyGTK. Get started!
  • If I am wrong, I apologize for mistaking your age.
    For normal High School seniors, you would be right. But I take 4 AP classes, and despite not being very hard, they are a lot of work. And the teachers actually grade you on time and effort.
  • edited October 2009
    For normal High School seniors, you would be right. But I take 4 AP classes, and despite not being very hard, they are a lot of work. And the teachers actually grade you on time and effort.
    You overestimate Python. I had the same workload last year. Trust me, it's like the Dr. Seuss of coding.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • For normal High School seniors, you would be right. But I take 4 AP classes, and despite not being very hard, they are a lot of work. And the teachers actually grade you on time and effort.
    You overestimate Python. I had the same workload last year. Trust me, it's like the Dr. Seuss of coding.
    Alrighty. If you say so.
  • For normal High School seniors, you would be right. But I take 4 AP classes, and despite not being very hard, they are a lot of work. And the teachers actually grade you on time and effort.
    You overestimate Python. I had the same workload last year. Trust me, it's like the Dr. Seuss of coding.
    Alrighty. If you say so.
    I'm not trying to be pushy or anything, I'm just saying. If you're ever without anything to do on a Saturday night, load up the framework for it and script a "Hello, World." It will take you literally seconds. Hell, it's one line of code, you don't even need headers!
  • However, than being said, aren't you still in high school? If so, don't panic. Enjoy senior year, learn an easy language to help you gear up for college level comp-sci craziness, and take in the year of carefree living you have left. If I am wrong, I apologize for mistaking your age.
    I knew at age 13 that I wanted to be some kind of performer "when I grew up". I made sure I took the relevant class at school (performing arts) then did a full time performing arts class for two years at college (16 to 18), and that was when I took up juggling more seriously. After that I wasn't sure if I wanted to do at university; music or acting? I took a year off to give myself more time to decide, and in the end went for a technical music degree.

    It turns out that while at university I got more and more into what I worked out what I REALLY wanted to do, and that was, of course, juggling. I worked for two and a half years after university before I got to the point with my juggling that it could support me as a job. In late 2003 I went self employed as a juggler, about 10 years after first knowing my dream of performing on stage I was finally there. It only took another 4 years until I was making as much money by juggling as I did in my last "real" job, which was about 10 years after I got into juggling seriously.

    You probably don't know EXACTLY what you want to do in life right now, but you should have a good idea. It turns out that my diversion into music recording and TV production really helped, as I could mix these things with my juggling to create a unique identity as a performer, and even today I'm using music and video editing skills I learnt back then. As it happens, a big chunk of income (maybe $10k) this year may (or may not) come from a video project that should be completed by December.

    Oh, and to anyone says breaking into any business is down to good luck or being in the right place at the right time; this is true! But the harder I worked, the more lucky I became! And, as it happens, the harder I worked, and more I developed my skills, the more often I found myself in the right places at the right times. I think, among 99% of people who are even slightly successful in their respective fields, you'll find this kind of thing repeated over and over.
  • I'm not trying to be pushy or anything, I'm just saying. If you're ever without anything to do on a Saturday night, load up the framework for it and script a "Hello, World." It will take you literally seconds. Hell, it'sone lineof code, you don't even need headers!
    After trying out different website creation tools and services and content management systems, I could find any I liked or did the two or three very simple things I wanted. In about 20 minutes I made a Python script that did it all for me. Of course, I'd already learnt all I needed for the project, but I'm not any kind of computer geek or coder or anything. Python is so simple I think anyone who can understand html could pick it up in less time!

    Also, spending the few hours it took me to learn Python, and using it to make some simple scripts, has saved me so many more hours over the past year.
  • For the first time in 5 years, I've had to replace the lightbulb in my room.
  • I must agree with the previous recommendations to Axel:
    Learn Python!
  • My fail of the day is people obsession who is cited in a quotation on these forums, and then start blaming unchanged code for their own mistakes or intentional chances.
  • My fail of the day is people obsession who is cited in a quotation on these forums, and then start blaming unchanged code for their own mistakes or intentional chances.
    My fail is that some are that obsessed enough with these things to create an unrelated post instead of just taking it as a joke.
  • How droll, Omnutia.
  • edited October 2009
    My car has been leaking rainwater. I only noticed when mold started growing on the floorboards. The biggest problem is that I can't figure out where it's coming from.
    Post edited by Diagoras on
  • I can't figure out where it's coming from.
    The sky...
  • edited October 2009
    I can't figure out where it's coming from.
    The sky...
    We have standards in this forum. They may not be much but there have to be obvious jokes to which you will not stoop.

    Kinda weird fail: Having a look at an old ladies computer and seeing the words "[Something something] Cemetery" left in the search bar. Caught me kinda off guard.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited October 2009
    Dear Russia,

    Please ensure that you completely eviscerate your fish before drying them to the consistency of leather. Improperly eviscerated fish become very messy when they're dried, and it's very difficult to take a proper subsample. Also, it's the law.

    A very fishy smelling microbiologist

    P.S. Also, when you claim that your fish is "vacuum-packed," please ensure that you actually vacuum seal the package. Otherwise, we get moldy improperly eviscerated dried fish, and nobody wants that.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • In mother Russia, fish eviscerate you!
  • Otherwise, we getmoldyimproperly eviscerated dried fish, and nobody wants that.
    Except for Russia, apparently.
  • permalinkquote
    My fail of the day is people obsession who is cited in a quotation on these forums, and then start blaming unchanged code for their own mistakes or intentional chances.
    My fail is that some are that obsessed enough with these things to create an unrelated post instead of just taking it as a joke.I know, right?
  • Here's the score: Women: 14, Ryan: 0. Yay.

    Liverpool: 4.
  • Here's the score: Women: 14, Ryan: 0. Yay.

    Liverpool: 4.
    I hope you haven't actually been keeping track of that count.
  • Here's the score: Women: 14, Ryan: 0. Yay.

    Liverpool: 4.
    I hope you haven't actually been keeping track of that count.
    Keeping track of the count is one reason the count is so high. One must learn from all one's experience, but each new girl should be treated like she's the first. Women are like horses. They spook easily, they can smell fear and they will punish you for showing weakness, but you can make them jump fences if you know the right techniques.
  • I hope you haven't actually been keeping track of that count.
    The count is a bit fuzzy, and I usually just use it for comedic effect in certain conversations.
    but each new girl should be treated like she's the first.
    I definitely try to do this, I don't make the score joke around prospective dates.

  • Keeping track of the count is one reason the count is so high. One must learn from all one's experience, but each new girl should be treated like she's the first. Women are like horses. They spook easily, they can smell fear and they will punish you for showing weakness, but you can make them jump fences if you know the right techniques.
    First, you reduced all women into a single stereotype, even though we make up a majority of the human race, come from distinctly different cultures, and even within the same culture we each have our own personalities, points of view, modes of behavior, interests, etc. Second, you liken us to an animal that can and should be broken by a man's supposedly superior handling.
    While I hope and believe this was said in jest, this is the equivalent of making a racial joke about a certain ethnicity, likening them to animals, and then saying that the white men can and should control them.
    This is unfunny in the extreme.
  • I think he's just keeping track of the number of times life has fucked him over.
  • edited October 2009
    First, you reduced all women into a single stereotype, even though we make up a majority of the human race, come from distinctly different cultures, and even within the same culture we each have our own personalities, points of view, modes of behavior, interests, etc. Second, you liken us to an animal that can and should be broken by a man's supposedly superior handling.
    While I hope and believe this was said in jest, this is the equivalent of making a racial joke about a certain ethnicity, likening them to animals, and then saying that the white men can and should control them.
    This is unfunny in the extreme.
    Jokes Kate, jokes! Not everything is an assault on equal rights. ~_^

    I chuckled at the spoke easily bit the most. Dating is entirely too complicated. :P
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Jokes Kate, jokes! Not everything is an assault on equal rights. ~_^
    As I already said, I realize that it is probably in jest. That doesn't make it funny and that doesn't make it inoffensive. Seriously, would you find it funny if he made the same joke about an ethnic group instead of women?
  • Probably. And you can always make a stereotypical man joke in kind, there are many.
  • Jokes Kate, jokes! Not everything is an assault on equal rights. ~_^
    As I already said, I realize that it is probably in jest. That doesn't make it funny and that doesn't make it inoffensive. Seriously, would you find it funny if he made the same joke about an ethnic group instead of women?
    If it was in a joking context? Sure.
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