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Natural Selection 2



  • Competence in SC2 PVP = utter dominance in SC2 Campaign.
  • edited November 2012
    I've had a lot of trouble with the server browser not loading anything(even with filters off). Is this a common bug?
    Edit: Yup, they just tweeted about it.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • So, quote from earlier tonight - said simultaneously by myself and the 3-4 other marines with mics in the same room, right before we all started shouting and firing randomly in crazed confusion and desperation.


    The actual discovery was anti-climactic.
  • So, quote from earlier tonight - said simultaneously by myself and the 3-4 other marines with mics in the same room, right before we all started shouting and firing randomly in crazed confusion and desperation.


    The actual discovery was anti-climactic.
    At least read the rules before you play!
  • This game keeps fucking crashing all the time. It's bullshit.
  • One game I was alien comm, and I actually started doing a not-awful job. Then it crashed.

    But the crashing had one positive effect. I kept joining different servers in the middle of games. One of those games I joined was gg, but it wasn't actually over yet. Luckily that is one of the games for which I activated fraps. This is the primary reason I loved NS, and it is good to see the same kind of thing still happening in NS2. Was actually the best game I played all night despite the fact that I late-joined an already defeated marine team.

  • Aliens are stupid. Bile bomb breaks a marine turtle so easily.
  • Luckily that is one of the games for which I activated fraps.
    I use FRAPS, but I tend to only use it to take screenshots every ten-ish seconds. The video output is simply too large, and I don't have the HDD space to store a whole match right now.

  • A lot of my friends who do game streaming have switched to dxtory as it's much more efficient on computation and HDD space.
  • A lot of my friends who do game streaming have switched to dxtory as it's much more efficient on computation and HDD space.
    I'll have to check that out, thanks man.

  • edited November 2012
    Fraps is working for me, and I paid for it. Not about to switch to something else even more shady for no reason. Got too many hard drives. Also my ridiculous computer can run NS2 or CS:GO at full settings and full frames at 1920x1200 with fraps recording simultaneously. When I do fraps, I usually change the game settings to run at 1080p even though my monitor is 16:10. That way I don't have to scale the video later to be good for sharing.

    Also, another bonus of paying for the real Adobe shit. Adobe Media Encoder. Set a watch folder. Every time a new gigantic raw avi file appears in the folder Adobe re-encodes it to h.264 perfect for YouTube. That video took 11 minutes to encode from the raw fraps avi. I didn't edit it at all.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Fraps is working for me, and I paid for it. Not about to switch to something else even more shady for no reason. Got too many hard drives.
    Really, that's my main problem with FRAPS. I can handle running it just fine without any noticeable or impactful performance drop, but I just don't have the spare room for the output on my Hard drive. I haven't bought a new one yet, because I don't strictly need it, and I'm not lashing out the cash just so that I can occasionally use FRAPS, the utility does not outweigh the cost just yet.

  • Fraps is working for me, and I paid for it. Not about to switch to something else even more shady for no reason. Got too many hard drives.
    Really, that's my main problem with FRAPS. I can handle running it just fine without any noticeable or impactful performance drop, but I just don't have the spare room for the output on my Hard drive. I haven't bought a new one yet, because I don't strictly need it, and I'm not lashing out the cash just so that I can occasionally use FRAPS, the utility does not outweigh the cost just yet.

    I also probably would not have bought a bunch of hard drives for fraps purposes. I already had a ton of drives. Then I bought a NAS for other reasons. That cleared off a bunch of my drives, including an SSD, so now there is plenty of space for fraps as long as I encode and delete the raws. One of the raws I recorded is 128 GIGS!
  • I also probably would not have bought a bunch of hard drives for fraps purposes. I already had a ton of drives. Then I bought a NAS for other reasons. That cleared off a bunch of my drives, including an SSD, so now there is plenty of space for fraps as long as I encode and delete the raws. One of the raws I recorded is 128 GIGS!
    Of course, the moment the utility outweighs the cost, I'm fuckin' buying some more drives. I'm thinking about making a NAS, but I don't know about that, both in the sense that I'm not entirely sure, and that I know nothing about setting up a NAS.

    Know what you mean about raws, though, I recorded a 2-3 minute section of Driver San Francisco, and it was about four and a half gigs. Shit is just crazy.

  • edited November 2012
    This would be a good place for someone to make a hardware encoder to handle things in real time.
    Ideally, you could have an SLI/CF setup where one of the cards does nothing but encode. However, GPU-Encoding isn't appearing as much as I'd like.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • That dxtory website can't even English.
  • That dxtory website can't even English.
    Actually, it can.
  • edited November 2012
    Just had a good game, followed by a shit game - first, commander was right on top of things, everyone was working together well, we manged to win as aliens. Did some damned good work in a pair with another fade, fucking ginsu'ed marines like it was going out of style. Second game, new commander, who jumped into the hive and proceeded to do literally nothing at all, while the rest of us basically just threw ourselves into endless suicide runs trying to hold the marines back. Which didn't really work very well at all, but really the only communication from the commander to the rest of the team was telling everyone to fuck off, he was commanding, and he wasn't giving it up.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • [Video of pretty cool final defense]
    Watching that made me want to play NS2, sadly I can't until Sunday. It was interesting to watch that and think how alien commander could have done better, for example using the whips was potentially good idea, but they should have grown them on safe place and then walked them to the marine base rather than trying to grow them where marines could trivially shoot them.

  • [Video of pretty cool final defense]
    Watching that made me want to play NS2, sadly I can't until Sunday. It was interesting to watch that and think how alien commander could have done better, for example using the whips was potentially good idea, but they should have grown them on safe place and then walked them to the marine base rather than trying to grow them where marines could trivially shoot them.

    I'm not sure if whips still walk. I haven't seen one move since beta. Could just be that nobody has done it.
  • They do, you just have to uproot them which many people may not realize.
  • I'm not sure if whips still walk. I haven't seen one move since beta. Could just be that nobody has done it.
    At least looking at the wiki they can. There are lot's of things that are rarely used on alien side. Moving whips, illusion aliens, Drifters, so many things aliens have that I've not seen or at least haven't noticed while playing alien.

  • There was another great game last night where we had two cloaked onoses hiding on both sides of a doorway. Their team came walking through with an exo and a bunch of marines. We pincered that exo so good! I didn't think I had video, but I did. It's encoding while I'm at work. Will upload that clip when I get home.
  • That dxtory website can't even English.
    Actually, it can.
    No it can't.
    The bottleneck of No. 1 of the speed of capture is a write-in speed to HDD.
  • Scott as com sucks! Probably not as bad as me though, as I've yet to play post-beta NS2.

    Also, I imagine that shotgun isn't as effective across the room like that as a normal LMG, but that is based entirely on my experience in NS1.
  • Also, I imagine that shotgun isn't as effective across the room like that as a normal LMG, but that is based entirely on my experience in NS1.
    As far as I know shooting Cyst with shotgun, from half a mile away is horrible idea, waste of bullets and should not be done. Scott should have ether walked closer or used pistol to start with.

  • Also, I imagine that shotgun isn't as effective across the room like that as a normal LMG, but that is based entirely on my experience in NS1.
    As far as I know shooting Cyst with shotgun, from half a mile away is horrible idea, waste of bullets and should not be done. Scott should have ether walked closer or used pistol to start with.

    That is correct. Pistol, axe, welder is the way to go on cysts.
  • I'm throwing down tonight for rills. Have to keep balancing between FTL, NS2, GoIO, and CS:GO.
  • I'm throwing down tonight for rills. Have to keep balancing between FTL, NS2, GoIO, and CS:GO.
    Make a game that is a combination of all four.
  • Explore mode is where you want to go to learn the com controls. You get a local server (Other people can join with a password.) and can build with unlimited resources.

    The com interface isn't great, hopefully mods will fix that and there are things like the spectator view that started as mods and were copied in.
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