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Natural Selection 2



  • Yeah, I don't think that's big, actually.
    Well then someone has unreasonable expectations. Not my fault.
    I expected too much from that.
  • Damn, I've been watching the website lately but I need to jump on this. That teaser got me really excited.
  • edited May 2009
    "For those of you that already pre-ordered the Special Edition..."
    Post edited by Sail on
  • "For those of you that already pre-ordered the Special Edition..."
    I have my silly armor already.
  • edited May 2009
    "For those of you that already pre-ordered the Special Edition..."
    I have my silly armor already.
    As do I. I got it before the trailer even went online :p If not for silly armor and alpha testing, NS1 existing is worth buying NS2 for double the price.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Natural Selection isn't particularly good at being n00b-friendly, which is something Valve games tend to do expertly. For example, Left 4 Dead will pop up all sorts of tips when you're new to the game - it'll tell you to kill the Hunter pouncing your friend, the level design subtlety pushes you in the right direction, etc. I hope Unknown Worlds has done something to make it easy for beginners to get started in NS2.
  • I hope Unknown Worlds has done something to make it easy for beginners to get started in NS2.
    NS1 had that. Little popup messages would explain all of the basic game concepts fairly succinctly.
  • I hope Unknown Worlds has done something to make it easy for beginners to get started in NS2.
    NS1 had that. Little popup messages would explain all of the basic game concepts fairly succinctly.
    I was just thinking the same thing! And if you go really wrong, there's a whole team shouting/moaning at you to get it right.
  • edited May 2009
    Just announced that the pre-order on the website includes the Steam version of the game. So yeah, I'm glad. It would have kind of sucked to try to play with your Steam friends when you have a standalone client.

    [Edit] False alarm.
    Correction: it LOOKS like we'll be able to translate pre-orders to Steam but there's a little confusion still. Stand by.
    Keep your fingers crossed.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • If I pre-order NS2, can I play on Steam?
    There's a good chance of this, but we can't promise it yet. Once NS2 is officially on Steam and Steamworks, Valve will probably be able to make this happen. But that will be determined later. For now, we can't promise that pre-ordering NS2 will let you play on Steam.

    If you put out a Mac version or Linux version, will this pre-order let me play on those platforms?
    We can't commit to a Mac or Linux version, but if we do, we let you use the same pre-order key on all those versions. Your key can only be in use on one machine at a time, but you can input it to as many systems as you like. We're big Mac fans here and we want it and we have the same problem with other games. We have to reserve the right to change this policy, but I don't see us doing so.
    Can I change my e-mail address I pre-ordered with (ie, my Paypal e-mail address)?
    We don't have a way to do this now but this should be no problem in the near future. We're not going to leave you stranded, you'll be able to get your key no matter what.

    I need more information!
    OK, here goes: We have no ETA for the alpha of beta. We're not sure if you will be able to run servers for the alpha or beta. You'll always be able to re-download the game even if not through Steam. NS2 will probably use Steamworks for your friends list, even if you're not playing it through Steam. It will auto-update whether standalone or through Steam.
  • Steam support is now official. Additionally, with steamworks the Steam and stand-alone versions will be identical.
  • Yesss.
  • Steam support is now official. Additionally, with steamworks the Steam and stand-alone versions will be identical.
    This means our pre-orders will steamify?
  • edited June 2009
    Steam support is now official. Additionally, with steamworks the Steam and stand-alone versions will be identical.
    This means our pre-orders will steamify?
    Technically no, the pre-orders still get a stand-alone version. But the difference between the Steam and stand-alone versions won't even really be noticeable, since your Steam account will be fully integrated and you can add programs to the Steam launcher anyway.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I just talked with Max. The *only* difference between the Steam and non steam versions will be how you bought and downloaded it. Both will need Steam to run to use the server browser, friends, etc.

    Will we be able to add our keys to the steam service so we can download it from there in the future? That will be decided as we get closer and seems to be in Valve's hands.
  • Word is that the alien side now has a commander instead of hive mind. Not sure how I feel about this.
  • I'm not positive, but didn't Rym and Scott bring this up on the last Tuesday episode?
  • I'm not positive, but didn't Rym and Scott bring this up on the last Tuesday episode?
    I don't listen to Geeknights anymore.
  • Word is that the alien side now has a commander instead of hive mind. Not sure how I feel about this.
    This has been known about for months.
  • I am nothing if not out of the loop.
  • New Marine Pistol/Knife replacement.
  • New Marine Pistol/Knife replacement.
    Damn it, beaten to it. I saw the tweet, read the blog post and would love to utterly destroy alien turret towers with it.
  • Also, apparently they've dumped the taser idea in favour of the shitty, non-original, every-fucking-FPS-under-the-sun-has-these pistol + knife combo. Bloody whining zealots ruining it for the rest of us. Tribes 2:2 anyone? Fans'll ruin this game.
  • Also, apparently they've dumped the taser idea in favour of the shitty, non-original, every-fucking-FPS-under-the-sun-has-these pistol + knife combo. Bloody whining zealots ruining it for the rest of us. Tribes 2:2 anyone? Fans'll ruin this game.
    Is this true?

    Even if it is, I trust the NS guys. They know what's what. I'll reserve any judgements until I actually play the game. Worst case we can just mod NS2 to make it good. Worse case than that, we can go back and play NS1.
  • Is this true?
    That's what their Twitter feed said.
  • Is this true?
    That's what their Twitter feed said.
    Wow you guys have very strong opinions about the taser weapon. We are strongly considering replacing it with the vanilla knife/pistol.
    Strongly considering is not the same as definite. Learn to read.
  • Learn to read.
    Or you learn to comprehend. Me exaggerating the replacement note is to emphasize my point. I expected your big brain to notice and catch on to the exaggeration once having read the tweet... apparently not.

    In case you're still stupid, THEY'RE FUCKING CONSIDERING DROPPING AN AWESOME AND PRETTY ORIGINAL IDEA BECAUSE OF WHINING FANS. They're listening to fans BEFORE these have had a chance to play the game. They're being stupid! You should trust them LESS now that they're being stupid.

    Their 'transparency' during their game development is great, but they should ignore 99% of the fan feedback during this process. They are making the games, the fans are not.
  • Man, their concept artist is the hotness. I also got a lot out of their texturing tutorial on their video podcast.
  • edited August 2009
    That's a real bummer, but, Nineless's return aside; It's a shame when the vocal minority of a highly insular community make the thing they like more specialized and less accessible.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
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