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Natural Selection 2



  • If you don't purchase before the 26th, you cannot join the Alpha.
  • edited July 2010
    That's not a major concern for me, seeing as I'm getting the standard ed.

    Also, what do you get if you play as the aliens?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I'm not sure why but I just pre-ordered Natural selection 2, black armor edition. My first time pre-ordering a game. But when this topic came back from depths of forums I thought that NS2 is pretty safe bet to invest into. Civ 5 interests me, but I have never succeeded to really get into Civ game, thus I'm waiting Civ 5, but I have my doubts of how much I will play it in the end. On the other hand NS2 is something I most likely will enjoy, I liked first NS and fps is one of my most played genres on computer.
  • I'm inclined to pre-order the standard edition.
  • Me too. Playing the Alpha and getting a different costume for your player does not justify paying double.
  • Me too. Playing the Alpha and getting a different costume for your player does not justify paying double.
    Black Armor for pros only
  • Well, the real justification for getting the special edition would be the quality of the game, but since I haven't even played the first NS, I can't really say.
  • @Andrew: If spending more on NS2 would make you a better player, Rym and Scott would have each thrown ten shit-storms.
  • He's just being a dick, that's all. Still, I'm guessing the point is that "pros" would enjoy NS enough to be willing to throw the extra $20 at the developers without hesitation.
  • edited July 2010
    That's a pretty dumb point. Kid with no money but all the spare time in the world is going to be way better than them.

    On a more serious note: ~£10 on launch for a game like this makes a lot of sense but super fans have the chance to donate extra for an extra skin in recognition. People charging £30+ for a new release would do well to take notice.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • It's $20 extra for the black armor now? I don't remember it being nearly that much when I pre-ordered the special edition.
  • edited July 2010
    @Andrew: If spending more on NS2 would make you a better player, Rym and Scott would have each thrown ten shit-storms.
    And then paid the money anyway, and said it was still better than every game on the market. It is NS and scrym we're talking about, here.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • According to the NS guys, over 90% of the pre-orders have been for the special edition.
  • According to the NS guys, over 90% of the pre-orders have been for the special edition.
    To give you all some perspective on how this feels to gamers like us, imagine if Tribes 2 2 was now in development by the same people who made Tribes 2. Anything I can do to fund development directly is an investment, as I want this game to come out for my own enjoyment. Even if no one else outside of the community plays it, I get to play it. That's worth a great deal of money to me. NS2 is the last great white hope of FPSs for us old timers. ;^)
  • edited July 2010
    NS2 is the last great white hope of FPSs for us old timers.
    I'm as much of an old timer as you are, and It's not a beacon of hope, it's just a game. I'll give it a go, if I enjoy it, I'll play it, if not, I'll immediately discard it. It's just another game to me.

    I mean, seriously - I love tribes 2 as much as the next guy, assuming the next guy really loves him the fuck outta some tribes 2. If tribes 2: Electric Boogaloo came out, made by the same guys - I'd still give it a go, before I said owt, and if I didn't enjoy it, I'd immediately discard it, because it's just a game. I don't care what it's a sequel to, or who developed it, or any of that. If it's enjoyable, it's enjoyable, if it's not, then fuck it, I won't bother.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'll give it a go, if I enjoy it, I'll play it, if not, I'll immediately discard it. It's just another game to me.
    You think we'll be any different? I dropped TF2, for which I had waited a decade, without a second thought.
  • edited July 2010
    You think we'll be any different? I dropped TF2, for which I had waited a decade, without a second thought.
    Well, a little more high-toned and rather more of a dandy, but I suspect it's possible that you'll at least do the same. I don't know you from a bar of soap, in the end, so predicting behaviour beyond very simple 50/50 situations, no dice.

    Straight up? I think you'll give it more of a chance than another game, simply because it's NS2.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Straight up? I think you'll give it more of a chance than another game, simply because it's NS2.
    duh, he gave TF2 a lot more time then he gives other games :-p
  • Straight up? I think you'll give it more of a chance than another game, simply because it's NS2.
    Definitely true. Rym played TF2 for many months, I gave it up after a few weeks.
  • Definitely true. Rym played TF2 for many months, I gave it up after a few weeks.
    See, a few weeks, fair enough, you gotta give it a reasonable chance, unless it's just so pants right off the bat that you can't be bothered.

    Also, I should note - I'm a lot more careful with my games purchases and so on, and a lot more harsh on which game I'm going to buy or not, because I've grown up, if you remember, in a country where computer games have always been about 90 bucks, unless it's shovelware, and have only gotten more expensive.
  • edited July 2010
    Got my standard edition reserved. Lets go bust some skulks.. right after I get some of this backlog sorted.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Got my standard edition reserved. Lets go bust some skulks.. right after I get some of this backlog sorted.
    Prepare to be bitten.
  • edited July 2010
    Say that to my shotgun squad.

    That said, as a long time welder fan, I might email them to see if they can add some kind of payback for healing others.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • it's just so pants
    I'm going to derail the thread momentarily: I really like the phrase "X is pants." I first heard Gordon Ramsay use it, and I thought it was an awesome turn of phrase.

    You may return to shooting aliens in the face.
  • edited July 2010
    So I downloaded and opened NS2. Got to the menu screen and it was pretty smooth on high graphics, I dropped it down to medium just to be sure.

    YEAHHH!! It runs, bitches! I got Alien Swarm and LD2 to last me until NS2 and it's all gravy!

    I'd like to see them add cosmetic variations to the armour and aliens, i.e. stripes, shoulder pads, different under-lighting on the gorge.
    Edit: Fade running around with purple boa and pimp cane, guaranteed money maker.

    Oh cool, I thought you only got the tools early with the Spec Ed. but there already there with standard.

    Update: Nyuuu! I'm getting pretty bad frame rates in the practice mode on medium, especially when I walk into large areas. Lets hope they get some serious optimizing done. Might have a go at over-clocking to see if I can squeeze some more power out of my system.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I'm going to derail the thread momentarily: I really like the phrase "X is pants." I first heard Gordon Ramsay use it, and I thought it was an awesome turn of phrase.
    Blame Omnutia, I picked it up from him. However, in return, I noticed the amount he swears has gone vastly up over time, so I call it even.

    Prodded some friends of mine into getting them some NS2. Should be downloading it tomorrow, I'll tell you what they think.
  • edited July 2010
    However, in return, I noticed the amount he swears has gone vastly up over time, so I call it even.
    That was probably me getting used to being around you. I still don't swear much when not among friends.

    I still prefer "Tits." to "Pants.", though they are used in different contexts.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I just pre-ordered the standard edition, since it's going up on the 26Th, and I'm going to get it anyway, I might as well just pay in advance helping development and making sure I'm not missing the deadline to inflation. I felt like getting the the 40 dollar version, but I don't care about this that much since I never played it.
  • So to get in the alpha I need to preorder the special edition and to get in the beta I need to preorder the normal edition?
  • So to get in the alpha I need to preorder the special edition and to get in the beta I need to preorder the normal edition?
    Yes, you need the special edition to get in the alpha. I don't know about the beta.
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