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Natural Selection 2



  • Jesus is the beta never coming out? Not that I think it's taking any longer then anything, but I wanna play it so bad and I never pre-ordered anything before in my life.
  • Jesus is the beta never coming out? Not that I think it's taking any longer then anything, but I wanna play it so bad and I never pre-ordered anything before in my life.
    They haven't even added Onos yet. They keep patching the alpha, though. The beta will come when they're done adding features, and they just need to polish before 1.0.
  • edited October 2010
    Patch day!

    * Fixed hit registration problems (phew!)
    * Improved many "hitching" problems
    * Added basic dedicated server web administration interface
    * Fixed bug where players would sometimes be unable to move for a short period of time when joining a game
    * Fixed bug where keys would not be registered as being released when pressed at the same time as Alt
    * Fixed bug where the Base Time property was not taken into account for particle emission
    * Fixed the far clipping plane being set too close when rendering a cinematic in the Cinematic Editor
    * Fixed the mouse invert option
    * Fixed double particle emission in Cinematic Editor when effects are reset
    * Fixed specular highlight artifacts when a light was behind the surface being lit
    * Fixed crash when trying to create an entity using a class that wasn't derived from Entity
    * Fixed a copy/paste bug in the Editor resulting in a version mismatch
    * Fixed a copy/paste bug in the Editor related to layer format mismatch
    * Fixed several disruptive layer and grouping bugs in the Editor
    * Fixed bug related to Undo functionality on displacement geometry in the Editor
    * Fixed bug where the __finalize method for a Lua object could be called after the members were garbage collected
    * Fixed bug where Flash movies would not have the correct stage size during the first update
    * Fixed bug where the time would be set incorrectly on the client when an unrelaible message was received (caused animations to hitch when players were shot)
    * Fixed issue where setting the group for a physics body to the same value would degrade performance
    * Fixed bug where the models and lights would remain in the Cinematic Editor after an actor or light was removed
    * Fixed the "View/Lighting" menu option in the Cinematic Editor
    * Fixed the Restart Playback button in the Cinematic Editor
    * Fixed bug where the pose parameters for an actor in the Cinematic Editor weren't properly updated when the model changed (crashed in some cases)
    * Fixed bug in model tag system
    * Fixed bug that was causing player models to appear to be floating off the ground slightly
    * Fixed bug that was causing the Skulk to not be directly attached to a wall/ceiling
    * Fixed bug where pressing escape in chat mode would send the chat instead of cancelling it
    * Fixed stability issues with rag dolls that were playing an animation (fixes Harvester death)
    * Fixed hitching when rendering animations in the Cinematic Editor
    * Fixed jittering in animations due to fast square root approximation
    * Fixed bug where the spot light cone parameters were not properly loaded for levels in the Cinematic Editor
    * Fixed bug where pings were computed incorrectly (were displayed higher than they actually were)
    * Optimized the animation system for the case where no blending is taking place
    * Changed dedicated server to not save command line options unless specifically requested
    * Added interface for dedicated server web administration
    * Added the option to specify mods in the dedicated server
    * Added the ability to disable shadow casting for static_props in the Editor
    * Added displaying the class of an Entity when it's selected in the Editor
    * Added the ability to blend animations in the Cinematic Editor
    * Added the ability to change the playback rate of animations in the Cinematic Editor
    * Added server browser filtering by build number and game mode
    * Added the option to select type interpolation type for Cinematic keyframes
    * Added exporting OBJ files from the Editor
    * Added the ability to include external cinematic files as part of another cinematic
    * Added the infrastructure for "virtual" clients to support bots written in script
    * Added controls for the shadow fade rate for lights in the Editor
    * Added support for negative scaling on textures in the Editor
    * Added an option to disable shadows for a viewport in the Editor
    * Added game_setup.xml file to describe the properties of the loaded game/mod
    * Added support for layering multiple animations in the Viewer
    * Added support for sending reliable messages
    * Added support for sending messages from the Client to the Server
    * Added synchronization of random numbers between the Client and Server during prediction
    * Added displaying attachment point names in the Viewer
    * Removed Main from script and put the Client code in control of the main menu
    * Fixed the menu not being displayed when hitting escape in game
    * Added the ability to disable shadows on static_props in the Editor
    * Added server browser build number and game mode filtering support.
    * Added fog control entity to editor and script to affect render scene.
    * Updated PhysX to 2.8.4 which supports a driver free distribution by including the PhysX dlls with the game
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited October 2010

    * Added "blips" to minimap (players, MACS, structures)
    * Fixed up welding of structures by MACs
    * Fixed problem where MAC would hang around after repairing structure, thinking he would wait for it to be welded in the future
    * MACs and Drifters can now attack
    * MACs and Drifters no longer build/move at base of structures
    * Reworked sentrytargeting to use orders instead of target. This will allow players to control them more intuitively, queue targets, etc.
    * Added slight camera shaking upon taking damage
    * Command Station and Hive now creates initial MACs and Drifters once you've logged in, not on spawn (means other commanders can't "steal" builders and also means it's easy to get into Command Station)
    * Fixed problem with building structures in the air
    * Sentries can now attack ground (although they're not working very well at the moment)
    * Added "stop" button to sentries
    * Draw range circles for selected units
    * Added alien defensive structure - the "Crag"
    * Umbra sound is triggered locally for Commander so he can hear it
    * Fixed bug where particle system was created at Commander origin when creating structures (med packs, ammo, etc.)
    * Lerk spores no longer stack (like NS1)
    * Added new Commander "replicate" ability
    * Added new alert system that gives positional alerts to commander or whole team
    * Hooked up sounds for extractors/harvesters under attack, hives hurt/dying, soldiers needing orders, sentry firing, MACS not able to build, etc. + test cases
    * Alerts are triggered from sayings menu as well ("needs order", "needs medpack", etc.)
    * Added beginning of alien "Shade" structure
    * Added quick cloaking ability (makes enemies vanish for a bit)
    * Basic work on alien phantasms
    * Reduced mouse sensitivity when the Lerk zooms in
    * Fixed prediction problem with hydra ghost structure
    * Fixed bug where players wouldn't spawn at the defined angles
    * Generate "hive is complete" alert, but not when game starts
    * Fixed problem where armor upgrades didn't effect immediately
    * Added alien research/upgrade complete alerts
    * Fixed problem with falling through world when morphing to bigger lifeforms
    * Made the rifle reload cancellable so melee cancels reload
    * Fixed 3rd person model angle not matching the view angles on respawn
    * Re-enabled hive sight
    * Fixed problem with pistol firing repeatedly while holding LMB
    * Made Lerk flight more responsive
    * Shotgun now does more damage when hitting nearby targets
    * Added DSP (sound) effects for near death and for Shade "disorientation"
    * Now velocity is redirected properly when hitting things (but only when not on the ground). Fixes problems with lerk velocity when hitting roof.
    * Refactored the main menu setup code to be cleaner/easier for mods to use
    * Fixed marine sprinting problems when going down stairs, falling off ledges or holding sideways
    * Drifter flare "whiteout" screen effect implemented
    * Fixed Gorge spit not being updated smoothly
    * Increased Gorge spit speed to be more like NS1
    * When entities are "attached" to other entities, align their angles (extractors/harvesters/commandstations/hives)
    * Added visible lerk spikes and setting orientation of spikes according to velocity (still needs work)
    * Hooked up gorge spit and spray player animations
    * Fixed bug where with empty rifle, armory ammo went directly into the gun without having to reload it
    * Fixed bug where vertical bars on rifle display showed total number of bullets, including clip and reserves, instead of just reserves
    * Added simple bots into NS2 ("addbot", "removebot"). You'll need team join entities in your map for them to join teams (they'll randomly move around and hit them!).
    * Fixed bug where chat text goes away when dying/respawning)
    * Added squad support (squad "blobs" draw to show nearby players in a squad)
    * Increased rate of fire on rifle secondary butt
    * New footstep sounds for marines and skulks
    * Adjusted Skulk 3rd person wall walking behavior (now the skulk model is attached to the wall)
    * Gorge can now help build
    * Different build sounds for alien structures, depending if they're auto-building or if Gorge is building
    * Fixed spikes script error when other players fire spikes near you
    * Tons of mega balance changes. Affects resource generation rate, player health, etc.
    * Updated rifle to have rate of fire and damage identical to NS1 (clip size 50, damage 10, rate of fire adjusted to empty clip in ~3 seconds)
    * Added innate alien regeneration, ala NS1 (2% per 2 seconds)
    * Fixed jittery Drifters when building
    * New Drifter "flare" ability which acts kind of like a flashbang (requires research)
    * Fixed problem where when morphing a drifter into a structure, your selection didn't change to structure
    * Added basic order-giving to marines and squads
    * Added "Low health" warning screen effect
    * Fixed missing grenade explosion
    * Added creepy "you are dead" soundscape
    * Fixed bug with Commander HUD not going away when going to ready room while commanding
    * All structures have a minimum distance between them
    * Added commander context-sensitive mouse cursors
    * Added basic swooping with Lerk (hold duck)
    * Added basic power point/grid system! Marine structures power down when nearbly node is destroyed. They come back online when repaired by trusty MACs.
    * Power points affect lights too. Shooting them causes lights to flicker, hurting them a lot causes lights to power cycle ominously and killing them makes the lights go out for a bit, before switching to aux. power and coming back on to limited usage.
    * Improved number formatting on Commander HUD ("2,000" instead of "2000").
    * Added flamethrower! Added cool flanging sounds as you spin around it while lit.
    * Fixed an issue with landing sounds that was causing the skulk to play multiple land sounds after using leap
    * Fixed bug where team_locations and other invisible entities could block building placement
    * Fixed problem where harvesters and extractors played their active sounds more than once
    * Reworked commander minimap generation
    * Give points for destroying different structres, MACs, Drifters, hydras, power nodes, welding doors, etc.
    * Only give score when enemy kills unit
    * Added MAC flavor sounds private to the player +using him
    * Added ladders
    * Fixed many commander icons (not perfect yet)
    * Gorge healing spray now puts out entities on fire
    * Added special "on fire" flinch animations for alien structures
    * Fixed room reverbs (they weren't loading in time)
    * Sentries now require sentry tech to be built. Sentries are now "buy" tech for Commander (cost him plasma, not team carbon).
    * Implemented all damage types and added test cases (Gas, Biological, Falling, Light, Heavy, Puncture, etc.)
    * Added quick energy display for selected units
    * Changed rifle, pistol, shotgun, minigun spread to be just like NS1
    * Moved emit point back a bit in the GrenadeLauncher to prevent shooting through walls
    * Added tracers to rifle, pistol, sentry and minigun
    * Toned down shaking effects for rifle and pistol
    * Fixed bug where crosshairs weren't quite centered on screen
    * Updated player health/armor values to be identical to NS1
    * Added display of armor for selected units
    * Changed alien structure regen to be 5 points per second (NS1) instead of % based
    * Any geometry or props in the "CommanderInvisible" group name will not be affect commanders in any way
    * Fixed problem where gestating aliens couldn't chat, bring up menu, scoreboard, etc.
    * Precache sounds now fully loads the sound so it doesn't hitch the first time it plays.
    * Added MAC speed upgrade
    * Added Lerk "piercing" upgrade
    * Added basic "transponder" research to infantry portal (allows squad spawning)
    * Updated egg placement at hives so eggs aren't placed on railings, stalagtites, etc. Now placed on flat ground only.
    * Added MAC "engagement distance" so they don't interpenetrate structures as they're being built
    * Added death messages when players kill any structure or player with any weapon or ability
    * Added support for alt-fire death messages (melee bash, sniper spikes, etc.)
    * Fixed problem where attack vector lagged behind by one frame (this makes a big difference for feel!)
    * Added reticle health text for friendly players (so Gorges can be more effective)
    * Added reticle health text for MACs, Drifters and MASCs
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Patch notes broken up into three parts because it was so large
    * Added "electronic" material type (ricochets, sounds, etc.)
    * Added Observatory and "scan" ability (placeholder effect)
    * Added distress beacon, using same data as NS1
    * Added sound occlusion, so sounds on the other side of walls or objects sound muffled (not for Commander)
    * Updated melee weapons (bite, axe, gore, swipe) to use capsule trace instead of trace ray (improves marine vs. skulk big-time)
    * Changed extractors and harvesters to use new "ugprade" model to solve costing issues (you can upgrade them repeatedly to make them function better, only level 1 working currently)
    * Added slight spread to lerk spikes
    * Fixed "Start reload, switch and switch back exploit"
    * Static props are now instanced, we will see the most benefit from this if we can get overall draw calls down more (less models + less lights). Off by default, type "r_instancing true" to enable
    * Fixed bug where scoreboard wasn't always up to date (uses reliable networking)
    * Added "unstick" code for handling structures that animate into the player
    * Tweaking skulk feel (little slower, a little less leap force)
    * Fixed problem where lerk zoom cost energy


    * Reworked tram marine expansion. Lots of new vent detail. Lots of general polish.
    * Many view model tweaks and updated
    * New rock and stalagtite props
    * Miscellaneous props, level textures and trims
    * Added many new alternate idle and attack animations to weapons<</p>
  • I will try again tonight. I will play until I encounter a fatal problem each time there is a significant patch. ^_~
  • I will also try again as soon as I get home.
  • That is an amazing gameplay mechanic.
  • Beta tomorrow. Also Fade.
  • Man, the fade looks kinda sad.
  • I like thinner fades. That one looks too chunky.
  • I like thinner fades. That one looks too chunky.
    I have a feeling his chunkiness was a decision to make him easier to hit. If you ever play NS with nubs, they can't hit fades for shit. However, I do like the teleporting, which is what blinking was originally supposed to be, as opposed to the old blinking, which was just shitty flying.
  • Also, the marines have "TSA" on their gear. Not sure what it means in the NS world, but considering the stink with airport security at the moment, I think that's pretty funny.
  • Also, the marines have "TSA" on their gear. Not sure what it means in the NS world, but considering the stink with airport security at the moment, I think that's pretty funny.
    I think it's the Terran Space Army. I might be wrong about the SA, but the T almost definitely stands for Terran.
  • Beta just went up.
  • Yep, and I can't connect to any servers.
  • Until I have confirmation that they have truly fixed the networking, I'm just ignoring. Whether they call it alpha or beta doesn't mean shit.
  • Shit has been unfucked and games are being played.
  • Cool! I might be able to play tomorrow and Sunday night.
  • Wooo! Infestation is starting to get introduced!
  • Huge patch just got released. Probably going to check out the game when I get home. I'm REALLY REALLY hoping the networking isn't complete shit.
  • Let me know, because I still have yet to manage to play a full round of this game. I'm starting to think they kind of jumped the gun on the whole pre-order buisiness, since it's been over a year since I pre-ordered and the game still seems to be a while away from being finished.
  • Let me know, because I still have yet to manage to play a full round of this game. I'm starting to think they kind of jumped the gun on the whole pre-order buisiness, since it's been over a year since I pre-ordered and the game still seems to be a while away from being finished.
    I think they just bit off more than they could chew.

    Take Minecraft or Dwarf Fortress as examples. Both games were played by tons of people in various states of alpha/beta/not done yet. While the games were not done yet, they were technologically playable. They didn't crash. They may have had gameplay bugs, or hardly any features, but they worked. Then there were updates, a constant never ending stream of them that continue to this day. Every update added more and more to the game, but still left it mostly playable. If the game was actually technologically unplayable, another update came very quickly.

    NS2 made a mistake. They made a game, and it is still technologically unplayable. There is lag, there is low framerates, there are artifacts, there are problems. You can't actually play the game. Yet, they have spent, and continue to spend, time solving problems like weapon damage, alien speeds, graphical enhancements, etc. Meanwhile the game doesn't work. This is what happened to Duke Nukem Forever. They wanted to get the entire thing completely finished and then unleash it on the world in one blast. That's not how you do it these days. You make the foundation technology work, and then you add one bit at a time.

    The Advance Wars-ish game I'm making is going to be just like that. This weekend I hope to have finished a proof of concept. It will work with small maps, two pre-deployed infantry per side. That's not much of a game, but it should (hopefully will) work. It will be playable. Then I can slowly but surely update the game one step at a time. Add another unit. Add the ability to buy units. Add more maps. I can keep making releases. Each release will result in a working game that is slightly better than the previous working game.

    If I was in charge of NS2 I would have just started by cloning NS1 gameplay as closely as possible, not worrying if balance got fucked up in the new engine. I would have made everything work with minimal graphics. It would have been a bad game, but a game that could actually be played. Then every update would improve graphics and change the rules. Add the gorge slide in one update. Enhance the audio in the next. One step at a time, but always playable.
  • This is the true way.

    No matter what your time line is, if you don't have something that works and can be played when you're 20% of the way in, you are doing it wrong.
  • edited June 2011
    Build 178. Black screen with the main menu music playing. FAIL. Meanwhile, what did they work on in the latest build? bloom effect? tech trees? DOUBLE FAIL.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Build 178. Black screen with the main menu music playing. FAIL.
    Works for me.
  • edited June 2011
    Build 178. Black screen with the main menu music playing. FAIL.
    Works for me.
    It's a first! Going to update the old NVidia driver and try again.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I got into a game and it was significantly better regarding lag. I hardly even noticed. The game is actually quite playable now.
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