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Booh yah!



  • Paid off my car! Hoo-fucking-yah! Now to shop for insurance. I'll probably go with State Farm since it gives my boyfriend a discount on his insurance and our Renters' Insurance is with them as well.

    I'll shop around, but if I see no significant change in price/coverage, State Farm it is.
  • I have a red d20 and saw a blue striped sweater at Goodwill, so I think I may have a new DnD outfit.
  • I concur with WindUpBird, the reason having a second Thanksgiving is awesome is because you don't have to spend that one with your family! My wife and I have been holding "friends thanksgiving" at our house for the past 3 years. It is always the Sunday after Thanksgiving so that you get that great early dinner with football feel. Also, don't bother shopping for your food until AFTER thanksgiving. Everything will be DIRT CHEAP. You can fill a shopping cart with so much stuffing, cranberry sauce, and cans of gravy that make you look like you're stocking a bomb shelter, and not spend much money in the process.

    Holidays with friends are some of the best days of the year. I am not particularly close to my family. They're nice people but it's just something I was born into. If you don't have a group of friends close enough to hold a holiday with, go out into the world and start meeting people you have a lot in common with (particularly easy if you are in college). You will not regret it!
  • as allItaliancars

    EDIT: To actually answer that question, I'm pretty handy with my wrenches. If doing my own maintenance will get me a Porsche then fuck yeah.
    LOL why did I have the idea that porsche was italian... totally my fail there.

    I guess over there since there are more, parts are easier and cheaper to come by.
  • edited November 2010
    I am not aware of this fantastic-sounding holiday, and can't find a succinct explanation anywhere. Could you provide one (or link me to the Fast Karate episode where they describe it)?


    There's nothing to describe. It's just an excuse to eat more food that makes you fat. I usually aim for three Thanksgivings. One time I got four. That was probably the happiest I've ever been.

    Post edited by Dave on
  • Honestly, I hate Thanksgiving.
    For me, Thanksgiving is usually part of my birthday festivities, so I fucking love Thanksgiving.

    Also, I have an unnatural love for mashed potatoes.
  • I plan on brining our Turkey, then stuffing it with my secret stuffing recipe.
  • There's nothing to describe. It's just an excuse to eat more food that makes you fat. I usually aim for three Thanksgivings. One time I got four. That was probably the happiest I've ever been.
    You are truly on another level of eating mastery. One day, I too hope to have four Thanksgivings.
  • Man, when I saw that drumstick I fell into a Yakitate Japan-esque reverie about Thanksgiving food for about a minute. I swear I could smell mashed potatoes.
  • edited November 2010
    I know. Dave looks so happy in that picture.

    I desperately want to level this up to three Thanksgivings. I wonder if an entire afternoon spent in a Brazilian steakhouse counts? They cover stuff with bacon, and I think Fogo de Chao has mashed potatoes.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I'm only going to get two right now. NOM NOM sausage stuffing.
  • Drumstick? Bitch, please. That's bacon. Roasted on top of the turkey. In maple syrup.
  • Drumstick? Bitch, please. That's bacon. Roasted on top of the turkey. In maple syrup.
    Goddamn. That sounds almost as good as Turchetta.
  • Drumstick? Bitch, please. That's bacon. Roasted on top of the turkey. In maple syrup.
    You, sir, are a god among men.
  • Drumstick? Bitch, please. That's bacon. Roasted on top of the turkey. In maple syrup.
    No gravy? Pussy.
  • Drumstick? Bitch, please. That's bacon. Roasted on top of the turkey. In maple syrup.
    No gravy? Pussy.
    You use it as a goblet. Dip into gravy, drink, repeat, consume when thirst is sated.
  • I've never been over to the Fast Karate forums so I never thought to pass this along, but Dave, you should know that my wife nearly lost control of her bladder from listening to your podcast. I don't often subject her to the torture of listening to my podcast feeds while in the car, but a few weeks ago I had her listen to the rant on eating butter from "YOU COULDN'T MAKE THAT SHOT!". She is now cool with me putting on Fast Karate.
  • Two shows tonight. The first was one of the best times I've had on stage in months. And then the second show was even more fun! Two standing ovations makes Luke happy.
  • as allItaliancars

    EDIT: To actually answer that question, I'm pretty handy with my wrenches. If doing my own maintenance will get me a Porsche then fuck yeah.
    You sure as shit don't want to get yourself a Jag. Fucking pull the damn thing apart down to the chassis to replace a fucking spark plug, shitbox british arsebiscut.
  • A family friend's Jag broke down a little while back, and the thing was more or less irreparable. I don't quite know the details, but despite proper maintenance, the drivetrain and trans just fucking devoured themselves and no power could be transferred to the wheels.

    He flipped it for some superior vehicle a week later.
  • arsebiscut.
    I really like this term. If I wanted to americanize it, I can use "asscracker".
  • arsebiscut.
    I really like this term. If I wanted to americanize it, I can use "asscracker".
    While not trying to sound creepy, I'd venture to say that I highly enjoy the way Churba says most things.
  • I really like this term. If I wanted to americanize it, I can use "asscracker".
    Asscookie would be more accurate, but it makes it sound semi-endearing. Awwww, whose mommy's little asscookie?
    While not trying to sound creepy, I'd venture to say that I highly enjoy the way Churba says most things.
    Not creepy at all. In fact, my girlfriend said just the other day "I love the way you say "Fucking wanker" "
  • While not trying to sound creepy, I'd venture to say that I highly enjoy the way Churba says most things.
    Not creepy at all. In fact, my girlfriend said just the other day "I love the way you say "Fuckingwanker" "
    Oh my god, I can actually hear you say it! Maybe you might have said it on a geekchat once before?
  • I fit a coworker into a shipping box and then she jumped out and scared the shit out of another coworker. I felt good I just fit her in, thought we were gonna need a 32", but she's a small woman.
  • Oh my god, I can actually hear you say it! Maybe you might have said it on a geekchat once before?
    I've said it before, many times - Also, the italics probably help you conceptualise the cadence and intonation, since you've heard me a few times before and already have a rough idea.
  • I started my Ph.D application.
  • I started my Ph.D application.
    As someone who will eventually do the same, I salute you.
  • Just finished a Doctor Who serial written by Douglas Adams with huge winks and nods at Arthur C. Clark.
  • Drumstick? Bitch, please. That's bacon. Roasted on top of the turkey. In maple syrup.
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