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Booh yah!



  • Drumstick? Bitch, please. That's bacon. Roasted on top of the turkey. In maple syrup.
    [Epic Sammich]
    Along those lines.
  • Who has two thumbs and is smooth sailing towards a 4.0 his first quarter at RIT?
  • Not me ^_^ I think I averaged a 2.2 my first year at RIT (unweighted).
  • Congatulations, Pangloss. That's amazing.
  • All of my finals are complete, and my GSD1 final was a breeze. (Sadly) Going home on Friday, catch up on NaNo while I'm bored at home with nothing else to do except play PS3...Good times.
  • edited November 2010
    Did not fail orgo exam 3! YEAH! Magic Hat #9! YEAH! Followed by Harry Potter Barcrawl! FUCK YEAH!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • All my afternoon classes ended up being cancelled, so I used my new-found free time to sit by the river and drink tea, and then to come home and snuggle my bunny. Can't complain about a day like this.
  • That sounds like a wonderful day.
  • edited November 2010
    That sounds like a wonderful day.
    It does.

    My day was going to be kinda meh, but then my sister called me up and told me there was a crazy yelling Christian guy on campus. I told my boss I was taking my break and ran over there, huge grin on my face and practically skipping. ^_^ I arrived and there was a HUGE crowd of people (at least 100 people) there being upset with him and yelling at him a bit. I stood there and listened to the crowd talking about how they heard. A lot of peopel hear about it through a firend posting it on facebook, some through text messages. I found a guy with a megaphone, borrowed it from him, and whipped up the crowd into a unified frenzy with the following speech (It was an awesome speech and I made a point to remember it).

    "We are a new generation...and there is a reason why we are all here. It's not because we organized to meet here. It's not because we were told to. And it's certainly not because of divine guidance. *small cheer* We came here because someone saw this dude and told his friends over facebook, or text message, or a phone call, and said 'Hey, there is a crazy religious guy on campus, screaming and yelling, and saying we're all going to hell.' *mild cheering and applause*

    We are a new generation. A generation of information. Of quick and easily available information. Of ubiquitous information. Of flowing information. We come from all walks of life and we hear the words of our peers from all around the world. We are a new generation. A generation of all creeds and colors, of all races and religions, of all trades and talents, and of all financial backgrounds. Through our diversity, our combined wisdom and ideas spread and make us stronger.

    *I turn to the crazy guy* Sir, we are a new generation, and we stand before you and the world with a message. We stand here, old and young *cheer*, gays and straights *big cheer*, christians and catholics *cheer*, jews and muslims *cheer*, atheists and agnostics *cheer*, and we have a message for you.

    You... are an asshole. *CROWD ERUPTS*"
    The crowd started chanting "ASSHOLE". I got cheers and high fives all around. I even got a hug from a cute girl with glasses wearing a shirt saying "I *heart* pussy.*

    That, I think, was the most awesome speech I have ever given and, unequivocally the biggest reaction I've ever gotten. Boo-Yah.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Good speech.
  • That is fucking awesome, Sonic. Way to go.
  • If someone recorded this on video, find it and post it.

    I don't expect anything less awesome from you, Victor. ^____^
  • I don't expect anything less awesome from you, Victor. ^____^
    Thanks, I feel like I earned my "awesome" today.
  • It does.

    My day was going to be kinda meh, but then my sister called me up and told me there was a crazy yelling Christian guy on campus. I told my boss I was taking my break and ran over there, huge grin on my face and practically skipping. ^_^ I arrived and there was a HUGE crowd of people (at least 100 people) there being upset with him and yelling at him a bit. I stood there and listened to the crowd talking about how they heard. A lot of peopel hear about it through a firend posting it on facebook, some through text messages. I found a guy with a megaphone, borrowed it from him, and whipped up the crowd into a unified frenzy with the following speech (It was an awesome speech and I made a point to remember it).

    "We are a new generation...and there is a reason why we are all here. It's not because we organized to meet here. It's not because we were told to. And it'scertainlynot because of divine guidance. *small cheer* We came here because someone saw this dude and told his friends over facebook, or text message, or a phone call, and said 'Hey, there is a crazy religious guy on campus, screaming and yelling, and saying we're all going to hell.' *mild cheering and applause*

    We are a new generation. A generation of information. Of quick and easily available information. Of ubiquitous information. Offlowinginformation. We come from all walks of life and we hear the words of our peers from all around the world. We are a new generation. A generation of all creeds and colors, of all races and religions, of all trades and talents, and of all financial backgrounds. Through our diversity, our combined wisdom and ideas spread and make us stronger.

    *I turn to the crazy guy* Sir, we are a new generation, and we stand before you and the world with a message. We stand here, old and young *cheer*, gays and straights *bigcheer*, christians and catholics *cheer*, jews and muslims *cheer*, atheists and agnostics *cheer*, and we have a message foryou.

    You... are an asshole. *CROWD ERUPTS*"
    The crowd started chanting "ASSHOLE". I got cheers and high fives all around. I even got a hug from a cute girl with glasses wearing a shirt saying "I *heart* pussy.*

    That, I think, was the most awesome speech I have ever given and, unequivocally the biggest reaction I've ever gotten. Boo-Yah.
    You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
  • That is fucking awesome, Sonic. Way to go.
  • edited November 2010
    You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Sonic, how do you be so amazing?
  • Sonic, how do you be so amazing?
  • Sonic did he have a hat, a bit of a paunch and a jug of water with him? If so, his name's Brother Micah and he used to come to my uni a lot, but he hasn't been here in at least a year. And a big hell yeah to you for shutting him down!
  • You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
  • That is so getting you laid.
  • Forum approval count: 12

    And that means so much more to me than any amount of cheers from a crowd. Thank you all.

    Unless resurrected Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, and Mr. Rogers were in the crowd. Sorry. ^_~
    That is so getting you laid.
    I doubt it, but it's a nice thought.
  • You're too good, Sonic. Your charisma even leaks out through forum posts.
  • Well-played, Sonic. Well-played. This Christian approves.
  • You do know you are still in that coma, right?
  • edited November 2010
    You mean to say that Sonic and Sail are in the same -*BRRRRMMMMMM...*- coma?
    That is so getting you laid.
    I doubt it, but it's a nice thought.
    Might be more of a long term thing.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • You mean to say that Sonic and Sail are in the same -*BRRRRMMMMMM...*- coma?
    Yes, I mean they are next to each other in hospital, both in a coma, yet at some level they are aware of each other and are incorporating each other into their own continuing fantasy lives.

    Or I forgot who was who from that other thread. Or was it earlier in this thread?
  • Totally stealing the first part of that speech for something at some point.
  • Brilliantly played, Sonic. That speech should be bronzed.
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