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Booh yah!



  • Got a broken Netbook in front of me with a condition. "Fix it and it's yours." Couple of minutes of googling later I found a cure and now I own netbook also, witch might be useful in the future.
  • Having an excellent day so far. Off on a Thursday due to adjusted flex schedule day, and the wife got a gift card to some fancy restaurant for her Christmas bonus, so it's "take your husband to work day". Doing some blogging in her office and then dinner tonight. Incredibly jealous of her view. I get fuzzy cubicle walls M-F.

  • My new headphones just arrived, and they are teh awesome.
  • I've been working my ass off the last two weeks on everything from data entry to being a fill-in bike messenger, And at end of work today - 56 minutes ago - I was free and easy again, having worked my balls off to get some nice christmas presents for people when they were expecting none from me
    You're a good man. Hells of better than me. I have been working as per usual, having no available money, and getting people half-assed presents while I try and fail to find ways to bring in some extra cash.
    I didn't spend a dime on presents this year. The criteria for whether or not you got a present were "do I have yarn that works for you, do I give a shit, and do I have time to make something?" If you made it past all three of those hurdles, you got something. I think it's a miracle that 5 people in my family and 5 that aren't are getting things from me this year. I never have the money to buy everybody something... not with having 5 younger siblings and 4 parents! I just tell them all not to expect anything. This way, a gift from me is truly a surprise.
  • edited December 2010
    I didn't spend a dime on presents this year. The criteria for whether or not you got a present were "do I have yarn that works for you, do I give a shit, and do I have time to make something?" If you made it past all three of those hurdles, you got something. I think it's a miracle that 5 people in my family and 5 that aren't are getting things from me this year. I never have the money to buy everybody something... not with having 5 younger siblings and 4 parents! I just tell them all not to expect anything. This way, a gift from me is truly a surprise.
    The only problem is that I'm not crafty at most of the things that these people would appreciate, beyond the whole Christmas day "Oh, that's so nice of you! I'm going to let this quietly rust and rot in a drawer for years, till I move or clean up everything, at which point I will throw it out." - the one exception was one of my friends who I made a leather choker for, with some hand-tooled designs on it, and that's the most artistic thing I've succeeded at in years. I'm just not artistic in that way, the things I make are practical, tough, but ugly as sin.

    I full wish I could knit, or sew, or paint, or draw, or any of that, but my ability to do that is limited to digitising for industrial embroidery machines, and some very basic repair sewing. I'm just not good at artistic things, in that way.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Boo-Yah: X-mas is tomorrow!
  • Boo-Yah: X-mas is tomorrow!
    I have an excite!
  • Made it to Georgia yesterday in 10.5 hours.
  • Merry Christmas Eve!

    (Well, to Australians, anyway. Americans, Don't read this till tomorrow.)
  • Dude it's been Christmas Eve for 7 hours 45 minutes here.
  • Dude it's been Christmas Eve for 7 hours 45 minutes here.
    Eve, as in Evening? Nah, man, I know it's only the morning there yet. My timekeeping was off, but not that bad - In that case, Read it in...about ten hours, maybe nine, I don't know the length of your days right now. Twelve to ten, for the west coast.
  • Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas.
  • edited December 2010
    Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas.
    Hey, most people and churches do all their Christmas Eve stuff in the evening, and I've only ever thought of it as the evening before Christmas, not as reference to the specific day.

    Eve is defined in the Oxford English dictionary as "The evening, and hence usually the day before a Saint's day or other church festival. Hence generally the evening, or the day, before any date or event."

    I'm given to thinking two things - 1)That the Eve is a shortening of evening, since most events on Christmas eve Occur then, but the day part is included because some events might(and likely do often) Occur in the late afternoon, before one would think of it evening - and 2) I don't give a fuck what the Dictionary says, Your Christmas Eve Happy wishingness only becomes active in the Evening. This is a strictly after-sunset operation and I shall brook no argument on the fact, youngling.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited December 2010
    I used to really love Christmas Eve. We would sit around all day, play games, munch on foods and generally chillax.

    Now we live near relatives we "care" about and Christmas Eve has turned into a day of preparation. Of running around and working. Cleaning. So people we've known for nigh 3 years can come over, eat our food, mess up our house, and drone on for hours with their banal conversation about how the world is different. And their STUPID children who, despite being in high school, are ignorant as fuck, can barely speak proper english, who have no desire to learn or improve themselves in any way, who are the spokes children for "No child left behind", and who's sole concern in life is texting their friends.

    I HATE Christmas Eve. BAH Humbug!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I used to really love Christmas Eve. We would sit around all day, play games, munch on foods and generally chillax.

    Now we live near relatives we "care" about and Christmas Eve has turned into a day of preparation. Of running around and working. Cleaning. So people we've known for nigh 3 years can come over, eat our food, mess up our house, and drone on for hours with their banal conversation about how the world is different. And their STUPID children who, despite being in high school, are ignorant as fuck, can barely speak proper english, and who's sole concern in life is texting their friends.

    I HATE Christmas Eve. BAH Humbug!
    I spent mine cleaning, talking shit with some of my mates, drinking rum, cooking(baked two boiled fruitcakes, smoked a ham, a few joints, roasted some pork, made some ma'fuckin' nog, etc, etc), Setting things on fire(In the barbecue, no furniture), and generally hanging out. It is what you make of it.

    Though, were I visiting your place one christmas, I'd be shaking some shit up with them high-school kids. Blow their minds like sets of C4 Earrings.
  • edited December 2010
    Though, were I visiting your place one christmas, I'd be shaking some shit up with them high-school kids. Blow their minds like sets of C4 Earrings.
    I won't laugh at what you just said because you haven't met them. Trust me on this, the victory condition for their life is to get married and produce offspring, which I hope never happens. Not saying that getting married and having kids is a bad thing, but it's the ONLY thing these two girls will ever hope accomplish. And their parents are perfectly fine with that. I've offered to tutor them FOR FREE and them and their parents turned me down.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited December 2010
    And their STUPID children who, despite being in high school, are ignorant as fuck, can barely speak proper eEnglish, and who's whose sole concern in life is texting their friends.
    I think it's allowed here for comedic value.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • And their STUPID children who, despite being in high school, are ignorant as fuck, can barely speak propereEnglish, andwho'swhosesole concern in life is texting their friends.
    / I think it's allowed here for comedic value.
    Funny? Yes. But I don't feel bad because I'm running on only two hours of sleep after battling a rather nasty piece of malware last night.
  • edited December 2010
    If I thought you'd feel bad, I wouldn't have done it; at least in order to keep with the spirit of the forum rules.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • If I thought you'd feel bad, I wouldn't have done it; at least in order to keep with the spirit of the forum rules.
    Normally, had I noticed, I'd feel bad even if you hadn't pointed it out. But, as of this moment, I'm too damned tired to care and I wanna nap...
  • I won't laugh at what you just said because you haven't met them. Trust me on this, the victory condition for their life is to get married and produce offspring, which I hope never happens. Not saying that getting married and having kids is a bad thing, but it's the ONLY thing these two girls will ever hope accomplish. And their parents are perfectly fine with that. I've offered to tutor them FOR FREE and them and their parents turned me down.
    It's the season for Christmas Miracles, Brother.
  • edited December 2010
    If I thought you'd feel bad, I wouldn't have done it; at least in order to keep with the spirit of the forum rules.
    Normally, had I noticed, I'd feel bad even if you hadn't pointed it out. But, as of this moment, I'm too damned tired to care and I wanna nap...
    It just reminded me of a recent round of a video game I played, where in the text chat some guy we could barely understand told someone else to "use eng". That time I cracked up laughing, while this was merely amusing.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I wrapped my sister's Christmas presents in the shape of a Starfleet insignia. Pics may follow if anyone expresses interest.

    For some people, this might not count, but I'm really REALLY bad at the crafties, so this is definitely a personal booh-yah.
  • Boo-Yah!: Its Christmas!
  • I got Sennheiser HD 438s for $50 today (boxing day in Canada).
  • Inception on bluray.
  • Inception on bluray.
    Also, Secret of Kells.
  • I'm in the money~, I'm in the money~
  • edited December 2010
    Inception on bluray.

    As for my Boo-Yah: Got Epic Mickey for $10 off, Baccano on sale, and other assorted movies/games for the post-Christmas sales.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
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