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Booh yah!



  • It wasn't my hard drive making expensive noises, it was my fan making much cheaper noises!
  • A couple minor boo-yahs:

    Took all the change I've collected for over 10 years and finally cashed it in. It totaled $115. It's like getting free money!
    Also traded in a bunch of games I'll never play again and bought Kirby's Epic Yarn with it.
  • I stumbled onto a forum about fedoras and a threat there about converting cowboy hats. That info in hand I got my granddad's old hats from my mom and went to work on one of them. Not finished but here are the first results.

  • Had lobster for the first time. It was scrumptious. Got to relieve a grapefruit tree of its tasty, tasty burden. Citrus and tree climbing!
  • Despite the fact I have to go back to college for one semester, at least I'll be able to get a minor in history. I may have had to downgrade from a BFA to a BS, but at least I'll have a backup ready in case I need another line of work. What's really nice is that I'll finally be learning the history of the eastern world. I never got any of that in high school (which just basically discussed America and Europe until 1945).
  • edited January 2011
    Been skiing at Sun Peaks!

    P.S. The lady to the left is my mom.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • Currently parting out and paying for my new computer before I head over to Milton to pick the fucker up, and put it together. Sweet.

    AMD Phenom II AM3 955 Black Edition (3.2Ghz) 64-Bit Quad-Core CPU
    Antec 120mm SmartCool Fan
    Asus M4A88T-M USB3 MB, Socket AM3, AMD 880G SB710
    Corsair 2G 1333MHz DDR3 VS2GB1333D3
    Corsair 2G 1333MHz DDR3 VS2GB1333D3
    Hitachi 1TB SATA 7200RPM 32M
    Power Colour ATI HD5770 1G GDDR5
    LG H22NS50 SATA 22X+- Super Multi DVDR Black
    Creative Sound Blaster 5.1VX Retail box
    ASUS PCI-G31 54Mbps Windows 7 Ready WLAN PCI Card
    Antec Three Hundred Tower Gaming Case- Black NO PSU
    Thermaltake Litepower 700W ATX PSU
  • RC geekeries added to my list of geekeries. I've got an awesome idea pertaining to building an RC autogyro from an RC micro-heli.
  • It's still woman as all fuck with this weather, so I got pho to go. Mmmmmmmm.
  • It's not woman at all here in Florida, ah~!
  • It's not woman at all here in Florida, ah~!
    Not at all. It's a brisk mid 50's here in Orlando.
  • Computer Parts aquired, including a nice big 22 inch high def monitor, and after a bit of swearing, confusion, and a few cuts to the hands here and there, I managed to get all but one part into the new computer installed(the size of the Graphics card fan kinda precludes using both a WLAN card and a soundcard, so I picked network), it POSTs perfectly, and the 20 minute run test shows no unusual heat, no sparks, no zaps, cracks, pops, or that card-in-bike-spokes noise that indicates a cable hanging into a fan, and everything that should show up, shows up.

    Now, to just install windows, and get to setting up right. Oh, and to name it.
  • edited January 2011
    I'm still finding a name, but the temporary name is MurderBeast, after the deadly funnelweb spider.

    Edit - also, holy fuck. The difference between this rig and the laptop is ENORMOUS. It's almost doing my head in.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The processor alone is around 4 times the power of that 1.6 dual core.
  • I still have no idea how to make use of my 2.8 GHz i5 other than wasting all my time playing video games. But damn it's fast.
    Hitachi 1TB SATA 7200RPM 32M
    Is this SATA 2 (3 Gbps) or SATA 3 (6 Gbps)?
  • Is this SATA 2 (3 Gbps) or SATA 3 (6 Gbps)?
    SATA 3. I should note, the whole thing cost me *drumroll* $844 AUD, which converts to about $849.57 USD. Which is damn good for down here, I tell you, especially for a Brand new custom build, including a 22 inch high def LCD.
    I still have no idea how to make use of my 2.8 GHz i5 other than wasting all my time playing video games. But damn it's fast.
    I'm still getting over the fact that I can play games which are not preceded by words like "Vintage" or "Flash".
  • You're still going to play Nethack on it, though.
  • Creative Sound Blaster 5.1VX Retail box
    Take that back, you do not need a sound card.
  • edited January 2011
    Take that back, you do not need a sound card.
    Apparently not, and it doesn't fit along with the graphics card anyway. But there is a downside to getting my parts from a glorified warehouse with a shopfront - No returns policy for that, only if it comes to me damaged or faulty. Picking the right parts and correctly calculating internal volume is my job, not theirs. I should have known I'd screw something up, though - Let's be fair, it's been so long since I built a computer, it actually took me a while to figure out that I had not in fact fucked up, but that optical drives don't really use IDE ribbon cables anymore, nor do most harddrives.

    However, that aside, Ebay has no such policy, so that's where it'll probably be going, if I could be bothered - it was only about 15 bucks, if that. I might just keep it for a spare.

    On the upside, it looks boss, is quiet as fuck - there is only a slight fan whirr - fast as anything, and I didn't screw up very much - only (well, if you don't count nicking my hands on the case a few times) the soundcard, and I accidentally put the wrong plug on the mobo for the front-facing audio jack.
    All in all, not too bad of a job.
    You're still going to play Nethack on it, though.
    Fuck Yeah, I am. Fuckin' love nethack.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Boo-fucking-yah: Wizards of the Coast contacted me about the coverage I wrote about the Magic: the Gathering world championship event a few weeks back, and offered me a free flight and hotel out to Paris in mid-February to cover a pro tour event. Was NOT expecting that email today.
  • Money: The Givening!?
  • Grats@Gundabad

    Found out that our W2s are already available. I love how DoD took over our payroll because they seem to always be on the ball. Taxes already e-filed. ^__^
  • Oh man tell me about it. Payroll is fantastic. I love being that guy who gets his refund in February but with both my wife and I doing work on the side this year, and across multiple state lines, it's going to be a long W-2 wait and a complicated filing session.
  • So, I accidentally plugged in my practice guitar rig to my practice bass amp.

    ...The tone was fucking incredible, as in, good enough to replace hardware ten times the price of it. I'm kinda astounded by this. XD
  • edited January 2011
    Achievement Unlocked: Broke the ton in my little Suzuki four-banger hatch while listening to Wagner quite loudly. In flurries and 20F weather, with a crosswind.

    I recommend everyone do this, at least once.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I recommend everyone do this, at least once.
    Been there...many times.
  • First step of many in getting a bike licence completed in a sudden surge of activity.
  • First step of many in getting a bike licence completed in a sudden surge of activity.
    A bike license?
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