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Booh yah!



  • edited December 2010
    I was listening to AWO's review of Peepo Choo to see what they have to say about that mange. I am not gonna lie, I do enjoy the manga, and their review make me want to know more about the author.
    I my search I found this little video with Felipe Smith in Argentina doing an interview to his old boss, in a store where he used to work. It was pretty fun and I think that was his Boo Yah.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • My little cousin got into MIT. The amount of pride I have is immeasurable. =w=
  • My little cousin got into MIT. The amount of pride I have is immeasurable. =w=
    Good luck to him/her!
  • edited December 2010
    Fiber to the building, cat6 wiring in the appartement, 100/10 for 30.90/month. <3 Finland <3.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • Huge boo-yah: Starting as a contributing writer for in January!
  • edited December 2010
    Huge boo-yah: Starting as a contributing writer for in January!
    Nice. You can add that to next years achievement thread.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I just had my best ever game of graphwar:

  • Daybloom, my band, now has a drummer, a banjo player, and a violinist (and this violinist is reliable and not smelly, unlike the previous guy).
    The line up is thus:
    Kate - Vocals
    Mike - Guitar
    Frank - Bass
    Dan - Drums
    Lori - Banjo
    Ali - Violin

    Now we just have to get everyone up to speed on the material and then we can finally record. I has a happy.
  • Canisius's goalie almost cried at the end of today's hockey game versus RIT (4-1 RIT). I'm sure it was because RIT scored 4 goals against him in one period, but I'd like to think it was our constant berating that did it. Loser. Also: RIT Hockey is first in the conference!
  • violinist is...not smelly
    ^This is an important detail to get right.
  • Booh Yah: Don't ask don't tell might end very soon.
  • Booh Yah: Don't ask don't tell might end very soon.
    Repeal passed! Now it's just the Pres signing it, the strategy consultation, and then 60 days after that it will officially be repealed.
  • Dean's List @ RIT for the past fall quarter. Neat!
  • Dean's List @ RIT for the past fall quarter. Neat!
    Me too! *High five.*
  • Finally went to the Harry Potter: The Exhibition at the Pacific Science Center.

    Jeremy and I had a blast and geeked out over all the awesome props, costumes, and various items from all the Harry Potter movies.

    We ended up buying a few things from the gift store: Harry Potter Film Wizardry book, HP: The Exhibition Guide book, and a coffee mug that changes when heat is applied.

    Hosted by

    The books are pretty cool. The film wizardry book has many interesting facts about the movie and has items from the movie like The Marauder's Map, Ministry of Magic ID card, Yule Ball invitation, Harry's invitation to Hogwarts, etc...

    There were a lot of really expensive but amazing things in the gift store. I was almost tempted to get a resin replica wand of Dumbledore's Elder wand, but it's just a silly luxury that I wouldn't need.

    Had a blast. For those in Washington who are into HP, I recommend it. If it comes to your town, go see it.

    I always love going to Pacsi. I really should get a membership there for its discounts.

    Also something to look forward to in March where they will present Star Wars Exhibition: Where Science Meets Imagination.

    Also the EMP/SciFi Museum has a BSG Exhibit that Jeremy and I will have to check out, as soon as we're done with the series.
  • edited December 2010
    Also the EMP/SciFi Museum has a BSG Exhibit that Jeremy and I will have to check out, as soon as we're done with the series.
    I just finished Season Three not 30 seconds ago. Spoilarz: It's the business.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Also the EMP/SciFi Museum has a BSG Exhibit that Jeremy and I will have to check out, as soon as we're done with the series.
    I just finished Season Three not 30 seconds ago. Spoilarz: It's the business.
    We're on season 4.5. We know it's the biznazz, but we always seem to procrastinate on watching the series.
  • You know, people have always told me that the first part is the business, and it gets lame after that, but I think they're being a bit harsh. From season 3 onwards, it's still a very solid show, it's just that the beginning truly is THE BUSINESS.
  • You know, people have always told me that the first part is the business, and it gets lame after that, but I think they're being a bit harsh. From season 3 onwards, it's still a very solid show, it's just that the beginning truly is THE BUSINESS.
    Yeah. Also, there are more scenes where Adama goes "SO SAY WE ALL" later in the series.
  • Plans for meeting up this afternoon with a couple friends to get ice cream turned into hanging out with a lot more friends pretty much all day. I love it when life works out like that.
  • The headphones I've been eyeing are on sale at future shop on boxing day.
  • Lunar eclipse today, got up in time (1:00 AM here) clearest sky ever, the bulb on the lamp post behind my house burned up yesterday, so it was nice and dark, no "milky way visible" dark, but most of the big constellations were visible, got me some Saturn action as well and a awesome crimson moon.
  • You ass, it was drizzling and light polluted here in Zappos land.
  • I just checked my grades and I got an A in Music Theory this semester. I had like an 88% or 89% going into the end of the semester and the final was an analysis on a modulating Bach piece that I was sure that I had totally screwed up on. Apparently not =^_^=
  • I just introduced a Spanish cousin to Steam and told him that, since he's in the US right now and games in the EU have jacked up prices, he can make a US account AND a Spain account when he gets to his PC and take advantage of all of our mad sales.
  • I've been working my ass off the last two weeks on everything from data entry to being a fill-in bike messenger, And at end of work today - 56 minutes ago - I was free and easy again, having worked my balls off to get some nice christmas presents for people when they were expecting none from me, Ranging from Pandora Bracelet charms to sets of very good knives and nice wine.

    I'm tired, I'm sore, I stink, but my wallet is full, and I'm feeling good. Now, to go blow it all in one single frenzy of consumerism, and then sit up till three in the morning wrapping things.
  • I've been working my ass off the last two weeks on everything from data entry to being a fill-in bike messenger, And at end of work today - 56 minutes ago - I was free and easy again, having worked my balls off to get some nice christmas presents for people when they were expecting none from me
    You're a good man. Hells of better than me. I have been working as per usual, having no available money, and getting people half-assed presents while I try and fail to find ways to bring in some extra cash.
  • You're a good man. Hells of better than me. I have been working as per usual, having no available money, and getting people half-assed presents while I try and fail to find ways to bring in some extra cash.
    Nah, I'm a bit shit, really, I just got sick of disappointing everyone every year.
  • edited December 2010
    I've been playing some retro games lately and I just played megaman for the first time. God damn, that's a fucking great game.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited December 2010
    I learned how to use a FOR loop!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
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