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Booh yah!



  • Mom brought me banh mi for lunch. Fuck yeah.
  • Slept till noon!
  • Just ate at a Michelin-starred restaurant for lunch. Got to thank the kitchen line personally for the best meal I have ever had in my entire life.
  • Snow day tomorrow!
  • Snow day tomorrow!
    I haz envy.
  • The laptop is back in my possession! Yeahhhhhh!
  • edited January 2011
    Today, I received the craziest e-mail of my life. I am on a lot of media lists and get my fair share of random shit, but today, an animatronic dinosaur factory from China emailed me.

    Post edited by Matt on
  • Snow day tomorrow!
    I get one today, too. ^_^
  • The stock market never has a snow day...
  • Got a small review on Tiny Mix Tapes for one of the tapes I released last year that included a few lines that made me smile.
    I blush to the toes when I admit to people I'm starting a record label, but Lazy Roar have the right to be cocky about it.
  • edited January 2011
    Got fitted for a obnoxiously nice suit, with an insanely awesome tie and two pocket scarves. It's an outfit worth of Hojo himself.

    Gonna need some shoes to go with it...
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • "You can tell a man's wealth by the quality of his shoes."
  • edited January 2011
    Also the size of his penis, apparently.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Good sir! I wish to purchase additional lengthage on my revered and pristine member!
  • NerdNYC Recess tomorrow. Going to be a great day.
  • Just got hired by RIT's president's executive assistant to be one of his student assistants. Yusssss
  • Oh mans. I feel like I should go to NerdNYC tonight. But I also should go to my friend's show and lend her my support. But maybe instead I'll have a date?

    First world problems.
  • This is the double Recess so you can always just come tomorrow if you didnt go today. (boo-yah: today was awesome) I cant make it tomorrow but next time you hit up a NerdNYC event you'll have to introduce yourself. In practice, putting names to online faces had always been ab experience in awkwardness, but I can't go to the same place as someone and NOT say hello.
  • I accidentally increased my survival time high score in beat hazard.
  • edited January 2011
    The last time I put online (FRCF) names to faces was PAX East, in an event that can only be described as, "GEORGE WAS IN THE SHOWER."

    EDIT: It was "George," not "he." Sent via text from Nuri, I believe...
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • in an event that can only be described as, "HE WAS IN THE SHOWER."
    That also wasn't his face.
  • The last time I put online (FRCF) names to faces was PAX East, in an event that can only be described as, "HE WAS IN THE SHOWER."
    A huge part of me wants to hear this story, yet an equal part does not.
  • My mom knit me a Jayne hat. It's pretty much the single best thing ever.
  • When Dromaro and I first met, it was actually quite random. I had just left the board games room after playing something with Ro, her boyfriend, and Scott, and I had stopped near the beanbags. This enforcer was standing next to me and the next thing I know...
  • edited January 2011
    I just bought a PS3 from for $40.00 by way of Target.

    EDIT: I also have all the invoice documentation to prove that it was in fact a console being purchased at that price, and that Target is contracted to ship it to me.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I flew a plane today for the first time. It was AMAZING.
  • @Birdy: Good luck with that. You might get lucky and they ship it before they realise what's gone wrong.
  • edited January 2011
    I just bought a PS3 from for $40.00 by way of Target.

    EDIT: I also have all the invoice documentation to prove that it was in fact a console being purchased at that price, and that Target is contracted to ship it to me.
    That is awesome :D
    edit: I just tried the same thing :P
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • I just bought a PS3 from for $40.00 by way of Target.
    EDIT: I also have all the invoice documentation to prove that it was in fact a console being purchased at that price, and that Target is contracted to ship it to me.
    That is awesome :D
    edit: I just tried the same thing :P
    I went to the Highland Games today and while I was there it dawned on me that every single one of the events involved throwing things of varying heaviness. The sound that cabers make when they hit the ground is extremely relaxing.
  • The local news is now reporting on the $40 PSTriple. OH YEA.
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