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Booh yah!



  • edited January 2011
    So, I chose a study abroad program. Newcastle upon Tyne. 1 year. Advanced biology and actual med school courses with a virtually guaranteed research or hospital volunteering position as well as physician shadowing. Two months of vacation time to backpack around Europe. Incredibly prestigious and well-regarded. Study abroad tuition rates on Japanese courses and other humanities.

    Talked to the coordinator. Basically got an okay on going. Just gotta file the paperwork and pick the crazy-awesome classes.

    I am so excited for this I am crawling out of my skin. SCIENCE.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Gratz on the success there WindUpBird. Hope you find Newcastle to be a fun place, just don't pick up the accent. Are you at the uni, I'm guessing.
  • Yeah, and its associated med school. If I pick up an accent, hopefully it'll be RP.
  • Yeah try to go for queens English not the Newcastle one, you will get one what I mean when you come over. Man that is sweet, getting cut stuff up and all. My partner deals with the animal side of that malarky, or so she says I swear she's making a disease to creep me out, it sounds like fun stuff
  • edited January 2011
    Yeah, and its associated med school. If I pick up an accent, hopefully it'll be RP.
    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. "This cell cul'ure is righ' fookin' loosh li'e! "

    I fucking love Geordies.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited January 2011
    I got genuine windows 7 for free. I used a leftover product key from a system that came with Vista, and an upgrade product key that I used for my parents computer. I have just one concern. Will Windows notice stop/letting me use my parent's product key if I connect to another network? Currently, both computers are in the same house, on the same network.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • Just won my 3rd game of Neptune pride (Only lost one game ever, Damn you Scott).
  • Class registration for next quarter went well. Got all my classes in like, 13 minutes. Good times.
  • edited January 2011
    So, I chose a study abroad program. Newcastle upon Tyne. 1 year. Advanced biology andactual med school courseswith a virtually guaranteed research or hospital volunteering position as well as physician shadowing. Two months of vacation time to backpack around Europe. Incredibly prestigious and well-regarded. Study abroad tuition rates on Japanese courses and other humanities.
    Cool, another FRCF'er in the UK, we suffered hard from the loss of Churba.......

    Plus, do you know where you will be shadowing? You may wind up in London, because that is the location of most of the student hospitals.....
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • Whelp, RIT's registration system has failed to fail me, for the 2nd quarter in a row. Fucking JUGGLING and ASL, BITCHES.

    Also, seems I'm gonna be academically considered a 3rd year by the start of the next school year. This is my first year here. When/how did that one go down?
  • Also, seems I'm gonna be academically considered a 3rd year by the start of the next school year. This is my first year here. When/how did that one go down?
    I was a junior before the end of my freshman year due to transfer/AP credits.
  • Also, seems I'm gonna be academically considered a 3rd year by the start of the next school year. This is my first year here. When/how did that one go down?
    I was a junior before the end of my freshman year due to transfer/AP credits.
    Well yeah, all the college science courses I took before coming up here didn't exactly hurt. Woo for being done with lab science requirements before Freshman orientation!
  • Woo for being done with lab science requirements before Freshman orientation!
    Yeap. I got to skip all science and most liberal arts requirements at RIT. They pointlessly wouldn't recognize the Calculus B/C test B subscore I earned, though, so I was forced to take statistics (OK) and one additional math course (pointless). I ended up going with some sort of discrete math class that would have been fine, but for the fact that the rest of the students couldn't manage basic algebra, let alone anything else. It was infuriating to even be in the room, so I skipped the lectures and just took the exams.

    I was also forced to take the second of the two freshman English classes for no good reason. It was middle-school-level literature analysis, and it was painful to behold. It was probably the only class I ever had where attendance mattered (though nothing else certainly did). I hated every second I spent sitting in that room with the sub-literate freshmen around me struggling with the godawful Tree of Red Stars.
  • I've gone all year without Friday classes, and this spring is no exception. Bonus: No classes before noon.
  • Yeah, I will also be a 3rd-year next fall, and to clarify, my schedule features: No Fridays, earliest class at 10, latest class from 4-6, no more FYE, 3 classes for my major and an awesome class where we're going to talk about video games. This might be my most badass quarter yet, even though my graphic novels course this quarter is pretty badass as well.
  • no more FYE
    Ahh, FYE...

    Is it still the "take showers, don't cry yourself to sleep, be a big boy and eat, make friends" class that it was when we were there? It really seemed aimed at people who never learned basic life skills in high school and thus couldn't handle college.
  • God, I wish I could have a college schedule again ^_^
  • but for the fact that the rest of the students couldn't manage basic algebra, let alone anything else.
    Due to a screw-up, I had to take a math course where the people didn't understand arithmetic. They literally did not understand exponents, SUBTRACTION, and such.
  • God, I wish I could have a college schedule again ^_^

    My life at RIT was basically classes M-R during the day, work interspersed, RWAG on Tuesday night, Anime Club on Thursday night, and three-day weekends every week.

    The Eboard meeting every Friday was like the kickoff of my weekend adventures each week.
  • God, I wish I could have a college schedule again ^_^
    You know what I like? Having money and not having to deal with finals. Ever.
  • Having money and not having to deal with finals. Ever.
    Few IT classes had "finals." ;^)
  • Few IT classes had "finals." ;^)
    OK, I'll broaden it: I like having money and not having homework/papers/assignments of any sort. When I get home from work, I'm done.
  • OK, I'll broaden it: I like having money and not having homework/papers/assignments of any sort. When I get home from work, I'mdone.
    I spent way less than 40 hours a week on schoolwork, classes, and actual work combined in college. The only thing I truly lacked was money.

    Granted, I do enjoy money. Quite a bit.
  • Cool, another FRCF'er in the UK, we suffered hard from the loss of Churba.......
    The Queen made a proclamation and everything. I'll never forget, I think it was the first moment a Monarch had said "Well, thank fuck for that" in a public address.
  • I'll never forget, I think it was the first moment a Monarch had said "Well, thank fuck for that" in a public address.
    If I lived under a monarch, I'd make that my goal in life.
  • OK, I'll broaden it: I like having money and not having homework/papers/assignments of any sort. When I get home from work, I'mdone.
    except for all that "overtime" you pull :-p

    See if you just added some independent research in there, I'd be cool with learning all the time working on a few experiments and being a bum, well at least through my 20's... (but alias I am 31 now..)
  • no more FYE
    Ahh, FYE...

    Is it still the "take showers, don't cry yourself to sleep, be a big boy and eat, make friends" class that it was when we were there? It really seemed aimed at people who never learned basic life skills in high school and thus couldn't handle college.
    No. They redid the "curriculum." They're taking themselves more seriously. <_<
    Thankfully, some of the information was useful first quarter, like registering for classes and such. This quarter, it's a self-important piece of shit...
  • I took two courses my first semester freshman year that I would have been exempt from if I had submitted my AP grades. I came in with a hefty scholarship which required me to maintain a 3.0. While that's no incredible achievement I didn't want to take any chances. I made dean's list that first semester and didnt see it again until senior year. Taking those cake courses early buoyed my GPA so I never had to stress out about grades.
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