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Booh yah!



  • Well, at least I know I get to buy a new phone!
  •'s one that drives around Manhattan.
    I see it around Columbia's campus on occasion, but it's always right after I've eaten lunch, so I've never had their stuff before. I've heard it's good though.
    Yeah, that's the one I heard about. It's always too far uptown for it to be useful to me, but I will try it someday.
  • edited February 2011
    Things to do before I die, eat a really well prepared chicken cordon bleu. The one in the cafeteria is so good, but I know it's kinda eh in terms of real quality.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Even though it's for a fairly minor product (D&D trading card game), I'm giving myself a "boo-yah" because I negotiated my first real blogging "exclusive" today with the WotC rep. Product announcement came earlier this week, but going to get the first crack at running actual images of the cards in a post tomorrow. Haven't been revealed anywhere else, even the WotC product page.
  • That episode of Community will always be my Boo-yah. Whenever my day is filled with fail, this will make it all disappear.
  • Last week I felt like I didn't do much, though looking back I went out four nights out of seven. Anyway, I remembered back to my time in New York, where I only stayed in two nights in four weeks, and I thought "I should try to do the same amount of city living and socializing as that while in Berlin!"

    So I went out tonight, and had a really good time. For the first time I looked up the "English Speaking People in Berlin" network, and I can see this becoming a new focus of evening adventures.
  • edited February 2011
    That episode of Community will always be my Boo-yah. Whenever my day is filled with fail, this will make it all disappear.
    The opening was very epic!

    And lest not forget the elf sex
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • The D&D episode was awesome. One of their best. Is it just me, or were they playing that a whole lot more like Burning Wheel than D&D? Maybe Abed is just an awesome DM.
  • If you liked that episode of Community you'd like Crimson Mystical Mages
  • Snow day! It's fun watching the dogs play in the apartment's courtyard.
  • I finally started trying to improve my juggling again, and successfully got 8 catches on a 4 ball Mills Mess
  • Today was a day of many booh-yahs!

    Got my tub of shaving soap from Taylor's of Old Bond Street (rose)
    Got working plastic monies (my bank switched from Visa to Master Card and the first one they sent me wasn't urgent looking enough and got tossed)
    Finished my TARDIS plushie!
  • edited February 2011
    Got a killer T-Shirt with a neat Caduceus.


    Gonna need to start watching House, now, I think. My interest in the series is contingent on its medical accuracy, though. For those who are curious: Scrubs is consistently the most accurate show about hospital life and medicine according to most of the docs I've talked to and what I've personally seen.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • My interest in the series is contingent on its medical accuracy, though.
    It's basically medical science fiction.
  • Eh. I do love Hugh Laurie. We'll see how far that gets me.
  • House, for me, is like a shonen fighting show but with medical science instead of fighting.
  • edited February 2011
    Eh. I do love Hugh Laurie. We'll see how far that gets me.
    This is my favorite Hugh Laurie thing ever.
    Post edited by progSHELL on
  • edited February 2011
    House, for me, is like a shonen fighting show but with medical science instead of fighting.
    Oh, I could get into that. So House is basically a really cynical, ex-addict, crippled Toki?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2011
    Oh, I could get into that. So House is a really cynical, ex-addict, crippled Toki?
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Oh, I could get into that. So House is a really cynical,ex-addict, crippled Toki?
    That sounds fucking awesome.
  • It's basicallymedical science fiction.
    I would agree, except that every show I've seen ends with a plausible explanation of an actual disease.

    It's really improbable medical fiction.

    The show is fun. I don't watch it anymore, because eventually it just becomes the same thing over and over.
  • See here for medical reviews of House.
    Overall, the medicine is mediocre, but it can be good at times.
  • I don't watch it anymore, because eventually it just becomes the same thing over and over.
  • House, for me, is like a shonen fighting show but with medical science instead of fighting.
    The show has really taken a departure from that format though. It's much more about the characters now - the patients always take a back seat.
  • The show has really taken a departure from that format though. It's much more about the characters now - the patients always take a back seat.
    Yeah. Grey's Anatomy did the same thing, only much much faster.
  • And shittier.
  • The show has really taken a departure from that format though. It's much more about the characters now - the patients always take a back seat.
    I may have to get back into it, in that case.
  • I would encourage you strongly to do that, every single character has gotten significant development for the better. Chase has become maybe the best character this season.
  • I would agree, except that every show I've seen ends with a plausible explanation of an actual disease.

    It's really improbable medical fiction.
    Yes, welcome to the premise of the show. House is not supposed to be a typical hospital environment. The whole point of the show is that this is one of the few diagnostic units anywhere that has the kind of skills House has. Doesn't make it accurate, but you should at least compare it to what it's purporting to be.
  • It's also set in the future because there's not Hospital in Plainsboro, NJ...yet.
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