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Booh yah!



  • Friend just treated me to some BBQ. Fuck yeah friends with money to throw around!
  • Yes, welcome to the premise of the show.
    I never argued that it was anything else. I was countering the notion that House is "science fiction." The parts of the show that are speculative are the investigations, and investigation is speculative by nature. The core problems and core solutions are not speculative. That's why I use "improbable" to describe the show.
  • edited February 2011
    I got a 94 on the second English paper I have ever written. It's good to know that homeschooling didn't completely screw me up.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • I got a 94 on the second English paper I have ever written. It's good to know that home-schooling didn't completely screw me up.
    Congratulations. Now get back into the hobo-comic sweatshop.
  • It's basicallymedical science fiction.
    I would agree, except that every show I've seen ends with a plausible explanation of an actual disease.

    It's really improbable medical fiction.

    The show is fun. I don't watch it anymore, because eventually it just becomes the same thing over and over.
    The show is fun, but it is a procedural. But House probably is the best procedural because all of the characters are different, dynamic and have great interactions. It's not like CSI where it's like, two individuals and everyone else is still the no-nonsense, hardboiled cop.
  • The show is fun, but it is a procedural. But House probably is the best procedural because all of the characters are different, dynamic and have great interactions. It's not like CSI where it's like, two individuals and everyone else is still the no-nonsense, hardboiled cop.
    I think the same can be said for Castle.

    Plus Beckett was pretty hot in last night's episode. George can totally agree with me on that.
  • I was published in our campus newspaper! Playing devils advocate, sure, but published is published.
  • I received a great raise and bonus. I now feel that I finally earn a figure that is worthy of my skills and hard work. ^_^
  • At my local coffee shop I have been recruited to do sound design for a student game design competition, I'm making plans to help form an actor's guild, a DJing company and a podcast with another friend, one of the baristas went through US Army special operations training before she was discharged because of scoliosis, several of the regular customers are talented musicians, everybody knows everyone's name, and I get free tea now and then. It's pretty much the coolest coffee shop ever.
  • one of the baristas went through US Army special operations training before she was discharged because of scoliosis
    Good thing I never tried for the military cause the same thing probably would've happened to me.

    Fact: If I didn't have scoliosis, instead of being 6'4", I'd probably be 6'7" or 6'8".
  • edited February 2011
    Things are looking good for about a 10k raise for me.. W00t. which interestingly enough will put me about where my dad was after 35 years with sears.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I have now lived for 1/5 of a century.
  • I'm closing in on 1/3 of a century... icky. probably hitting 1/5 is the last time you get to booh-yah that :-p
  • I got a 94 on the second English paper I have ever written. It's good to know that homeschooling didn't completely screw me up.
    I think homeschooling screws you up socially and emotionally more than it does academically.
  • I got a 94 on the second English paper I have ever written. It's good to know that homeschooling didn't completely screw me up.
    I think homeschooling screws you up socially and emotionally more than it does academically.
    Yes. Having been homeschool, I missed a lot of experience in social learning (girls), hanging out with my peers (girls), and meeting new people (GIRLS).

    I regret it immensely.
  • I got a 94 on the second English paper I have ever written. It's good to know that homeschooling didn't completely screw me up.
    I think homeschooling screws you up socially and emotionally more than it does academically.
    Yes. Having been homeschool, I missed a lot of experience in social learning (girls), hanging out with my peers (girls), and meeting new people (GIRLS).

    I regret it immensely.
    I wasn't homeschool, and sometimes does things are a little bit over rated and I like girls but I don't like the drama :P
  • I'm closing in on 1/3 of a century... icky. probably hitting 1/5 is the last time you get to booh-yah that :-p
    I hit a 1/4 this year. I'd say that's still a boo-yah (hooray lower car insurance!).
  • I got a 94 on the second English paper I have ever written. It's good to know that homeschooling didn't completely screw me up.
    I think homeschooling screws you up socially and emotionally more than it does academically.
    Admittedly most of my shitty girl situations had something to do with homeschooling, but beyond that I think I've done okay. Between the crappy public school system in my area and the determination, creativity, and capacity for self-teaching that homeschooling gave me I'd call it a net gain.
  • I got a 94 on the second English paper I have ever written. It's good to know that homeschooling didn't completely screw me up.
    I think homeschooling screws you up socially and emotionally more than it does academically.
    Yes. Having been homeschool, I missed a lot of experience in social learning (girls), hanging out with my peers (girls), and meeting new people (GIRLS).

    I regret it immensely.
    Having been homeschooled (in/near a large city), I didn't miss much socially, unless you want to count all the drama-bullshit that all my friends from school had to deal with, while still getting a phenomenal education.

    I don't regret it one bit.
  • Having been homeschooled (in/near a large city)...
    This is important. All the problems I've had with homeschooling stem entirely from living out in the sticks.
  • I went to a money exchange because of this:
    I swapped my Polish, Norwegian, Turkish and Israeli notes for 509 euros.
  • Tim Minchin is coming to the States and we have tickets. ^_^
  • Tim Minchin is coming to the States and we have tickets. ^_^
    By the states you obviously meant New York. You got my hopes way up and then dashed them.
  • Tim Minchin is coming to the States and we have tickets. ^_^
    By the states you obviously meant New York. You got my hopes way up and then dashed them.
    Our tickets are for his show in Boston.
  • Still not Florida, or anywhere near the south-east really so I can't go.
  • Watch him he is awesome. Also try to pose philosophical questions to him, some times it gets you back stage.
  • Still not Florida, or anywhere near the south-east really so I can't go.
  • Wierd Al Is in concert at Jupiters casino on the Gold Coast - Playing the same room he was in the last time I saw him in concert.
    Which was, co-incidentally, when I was 12 or so, and it was the first concert I ever went to. I'm ridiculously excited.
  • Which was, co-incidentally, when I was 12 or so, and it was the first concert I ever went to. I'm ridiculously excited.
    I saw Weird Al at a concert a few years back, his performance was awesome. He is a great showman and he knows how to entertain his audience. (wasn't sure how he would come off in person but he's just the same as his recorded stuff.)
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