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Booh yah!



  • edited February 2012
    Why would you not get it? It's not every day you get to go to Japan!
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Why would you not get it? It's not every day you get to go to Japan!
    Hey now, don't discourage the man from making a sound financial decision. He can probably find that shirt elsewhere for less.
  • The Pokemon Center is the only place in the world where you can get it a lot of the stuff it sells there. Besides, like, eBay, where certainly it isn't going to be cheaper. You can sometimes get the plushes at conventions, but they're also quite expensive. I stand by what I said, except if he just passed it up because he wanted to buy other, cooler things.
  • edited February 2012
    I'm probably going to go back to pick up another plush (800Y for a small one, so not too bad) for a friend once I figure out which one is the right one and I may get it then depending on how much money I have left. I did get a pretty cool pixel Pikachu figure and after a brief discussion with a six year old we decided that Charmander (or hitokage as he insisted on calling him) was the best choice. There were two big WTFs though. There was zero afro-buffalo merch and Stunfisk was extremely popular.

    In today's news, I went and got lost in Asakusa for a few hours. I knew it was gonna be a good day when I found a 100Y sale with an Oto-san chawan. One of my favorite bands, Asakusa Jinta, is from the area so I found a local CD shop (which I knew was quality because it had a Jinta-moblie out front) and found out they hang out there sometimes and that there was a new CD which promptly became mine. Then I found a cheap manga shop with Mazin-Saga, the most Go Nagai manga I've ever seen. Today was a good day.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • So it turns out that the Final Fantasy Distant Worlds concert is coming to Boston this March. Found out about this and immediately bought a ticket because oh man.
  • So it turns out that the Final Fantasy Distant Worlds concert is coming to Boston this March. Found out about this and immediately bought a ticket because oh man.
    Glad you did. It's a fantastic concert.
  • Hehe, with my dad and my sis, we get three free large pizzas and three 2 liter pepsi maxs because a coin landed on heads. Pizza tomorrow night! Yum!
  • Izakaya with sumo.
  • Airsoft game this weekend!
  • Applied for a summer internship doing IT in London. I'd wager that I'm not even going to make first-round interviews, but it could potentially be awesome.
  • Staying up for very late to work on papers finally paid off for once.
  • I went to play hockey with my work colleagues today. First time I've been on skates for about 12 years or so. Still can't skate, but it was fun. Plus I escaped with all my limbs and teeth in tact.
  • I got ice cream sandwich on my galaxy tab.
  • Better clean that up, it could damage the screen.
  • It just dawned on me how cool being an unashamed geek is. This is definitely a boo-yah, as it has been a long time coming that I could be this comfortable with being who I am.

    I mean, here's an example. Right now I'm working at a very techie job. I will finish this and go home and possibly play a video game. Then I will work out crazy hard. Tonight I will watch My Little Pony and talk about various bio-physical topics with the fiance, also probably politics.

    This weekend, I will put on camo and run around playing soldier in the woods. I will enjoy the hell out of it and probably get injured.

    I love it.
  • I just got a blueberry bush and some fungicide to save my plumerias. My garden is going to be amazing this year.
  • BOOYAH! - I got to go to the hockey rink Arena and played a full length hockey game before the Coyotes vs. Calgary game. I then ate out and crashed while I was eating, then, coming back re-energized, I went to the game. The Coyotes scored in the first period, then it was tight play until the third period, when the Coyotes began to play sloppily and got scored on. The game, going into overtime, was finally won by the Coyotes after Calgary got a penalty, thus making a great Booyah the best!

    It was interesting seeing the Coyotes and Calgary play after I played on that same ice. On the same place I was sucking hard-core and attempting to control the puck against much better players, watching them move on that ice made me appreciate the game that much more.
  • The new CEO, the CEO's executive assistant, the Marketing Director, and the Assistant Principal have all addressed me specifically for special projects at the school and all love my ideas. From redesigning the small lobby of the offices to games in education, I appear to be one of the go-to people on the campus.
  • I just fried 5 eggs without breaking any yolks. It's the little things.
  • Saw a dude on a bike in Harajuku today. He had on a tophat and not one, but two monocles. Unfortunately, I stood there awestruck too long to manage a picture.
  • edited February 2012
    Or rather a reasonable offer of employment at a place for which I would like to work. These ducks they shall not be counted.
    Post edited by Shiam on
  • edited February 2012
    I finally got non-shit internet
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • I've stumbled onto two short term jobs while I look for steady employment (or maybe a masters degree).
  • I finished a knitting pattern! BAM!
  • Booyah! My Chocolate Muffins with Baileys Buttercream Recipe came out perfect! Got it nicely recorded for my vlog too! I'll post finished results in the Cooking Thread..
  • edited February 2012
    Hi Justin,

    Thanks for your application. We're happy to offer you a position on the PAX volunteer team, the Enforcers.
    Fuck Yeah!

    See you guys at PAX!
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Oh shit son, welcome to the family.
  • I finished a knitting pattern! BAM!
    Nuri shares pattern?
  • I finished a knitting pattern! BAM!
    Nuri shares pattern?
    Exactly. What did you make a pattern of? Socks? Shawl? Sweater? Hat? Gloves? Penis cozy?

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