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Booh yah!



  • edited October 2012
    A Japanese friend of mine came to visit for a while and brought some snacks. One of them was a pair of pudding cups (under the bra) that came in this package. The pudding cubs have little nipples on the bottom. It says something like 'Enjoy it slowly, eh?"
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • A for effort but the idea of spooning the "insides" of somebody's breasts out and consuming it is slightly disturbing.
  • I just did the underwear run at my school's showing of Rocky Horror Picture Show. My confidence levels are now at exponential levels.
  • Saw Rush (the band) in Toronto with @ProfPangloss today. They put on an absolutely brilliant show. I'm exhausted and out of words, so I'll just say "fuck yeah RUSH" and leave you alone.
  • fuck yeah RUSH
  • "fuck yeah RUSH"
  • I enjoy listening to bowel movements more than Rush.
  • "fuck yeah RUSH"
  • My pet rat really likes Rush, and I don't know why.
  • My pet rat really likes Rush, and I don't know why.
    Your rat has good taste.
  • My pet rat really likes Rush, and I don't know why.
    Your rat has good taste.
    I imagined you in a lab coat testing what songs your rat likes for some reason.
  • I enjoy listening to bowel movements more than Rush.
  • My pet rat really likes Rush, and I don't know why.
    Your rat has good taste.
    I imagined you in a lab coat testing what songs your rat likes for some reason.
    A couple nights ago, I woke up hearing talking in the living room. I walk in there and he's watching a Geddy Lee interview on Youtube at full blast.
  • Now friends with Chase Gordon on Facebook. This is it, this is the big time.
  • He is like the town slut, everyone is friends with him.
  • Enrolled for health inurance.
  • Enrolled for health inurance.
    Did you get a better job?
  • Enrolled for health inurance.
    Did you get a better job?
    I TOLD you my job already offers health benefits!
  • So will your take home now be 10K/year?
  • So will your take home now be 10K/year?
    No it'll be 1k/year now.
  • So will your take home now be 10K/year?
    No it'll be 1k/year now.
    Make sure you vote for Romney!
  • In all seriousness the benefits amount to $33 a month out of my check, so no wont significantly affect my take home pay. And yes I will vote Romney.
  • For $33 per month I don't even want to know what your deductible and copays are.

    Romney will repeal ACA and then they'll go even higher and you'll get even less benefit for that $33 than you do now.
  • Wow $33 is really good for health insurance! I think mine is around $160/month, but that's the same as I was paying for personal insurance before my job. I also get really good insurance (no co-pays on alot of stuff), so its worth it to me.
  • I used to get really good insurance, but they've been increasing our premiums and reducing our benefits for 3 years running.

    My best insurance coverage ever was when I worked for Cigna. I had no idea how spoiled I was then.
  • Usually the way it goes is that you get incredible insurance for really cheap when you're young. As you grow older, the insurance gets worse because you are more and more of a liability to the insurance companies.

    I've aged almost exactly in line with the company's average age, since hitting 25. Our insurance has gotten progressively worse since people are having more babies, etc.
  • That's not really the case with group insurance, though. My employer doesn't have differing deductions based on age (though we do based on salary bracket.)
  • Our insurance is group insurance. The premiums have gone up every year while coverage has gotten stricter.
  • Yeah when I joined they didn't ask a thing about me, it just said "if you make X you pay Y amount every paycheck", so I'm assuming people with pre-existing conditions are getting a great insurance deal here.
  • Our insurance is group insurance. The premiums have gone up every year while coverage has gotten stricter.
    Right but that's unrelated to age. Ours is getting bad, too.
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