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Booh yah!



  • My state passed the "no obamacare" thing I think. By like 66%. We also voted for Mitt, except for the three cities I've ever lived in (St. Louis, Columbia, Kansas City). But hey, Todd Akin lost by a good margin and I'm not overly concerned with what else went down.
  • My friend needed to pick up her roommate's birthday present, so we just drove 1.5hrs round-trip to pick up a hedgehog. It was a shady McDonalds parking lot car meet at dusk. We felt like we were buying heroin, but instead we got an adorable hedgehog temporarily named Pig (after UK English "Hedgepig"). I fed him yogurt treats and put him in his Rubbermaid bin home.

    What the fuck did YOU do today?
  • Cleaned the dust out of my comp today and went from 20fps in ns2 to 60 (the max with vsync). I guess it was overheating/underclocking my CPU.
  • edited November 2012
    What the fuck did YOU do today?
    Harnessed powerful, dangerous elemental forces to bend the bones of the earth to my will, then I ate some yogurt.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • I think
    My friend needed to pick up her roommate's birthday present, so we just drove 1.5hrs round-trip to pick up a hedgehog. It was a shady McDonalds parking lot car meet at dusk. We felt like we were buying heroin, but instead we got an adorable hedgehog temporarily named Pig (after UK English "Hedgepig"). I fed him yogurt treats and put him in his Rubbermaid bin home.

    What the fuck did YOU do today?
    Me and my friends developed an in joke that "hedgehog" is the new drug craze. You're only proving us right.
  • edited November 2012
    I have it on good authority that if you snort Hedgehog quills, it gives you quote, "Acid brain but MDMA dick." Their quills are hollow and filled with a bimethoxylated bufotenin analog.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Jeeze, Sonic the Hedgehog's barber must love him.
  • I was going to just take 12 credit hours of bullshit electives for my last semester, but then I got really excited about advanced MCB courses and signed up for 15 hours of development bio, systems & organismal bio, virology, and horticulture. Should be able to fit a class on microbial culture in there somewhere...
  • Molly had stopped limping by the time I got her to the vet.

    Con: had to pay for a vet visit for basically nothing.

    Pro: doggie is better, although the limp is still showing back up intermittently, it's very much reduced.
  • edited November 2012
    Minor boo-yah. Ordered the new snowblower. Got a deal where I have a year to pay it off without any interest.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Halo 4 is awesome, don't let anyone tell you differently.
  • I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by selling one of my cars! :P
  • I went out to run a 10k after almost 3 weeks of not running.
    I ended up running 11k just because :P
  • Damn, and I ran 3.5 K's last night and now have to take a day off because it was hurting my ankles and ligaments too much. I felt like I could have continued running, though, if my muscles weren't threatening to detach.
  • I ran 2.5 miles and my chest was hurting from breathing. :P
  • RymRym
    edited November 2012
    This is my usual circuit for a short run (give or take a few blocks in either direction). It's about six miles, and takes me about an hour if I'm not pushing myself.

    Edit: Can't actually embed google maps in our forum.

    Post edited by Rym on
  • Nice, I'm working on it. ^_^
  • How long did it take you to get up to there? I've been running at least twice a week for almost 9 months now and I'm at 3.5k. I keep hitting various roadblocks, the latest being ligament pain. I'm sure I'll figure out what I'm doing wrong soon enough, but I feel like I'm making SO. LITTLE. PROGRESS. Especially when, whenever I bring up my running, it turns into a penis measuring contest.
  • How long did it take you to get up to there? I've been running at least twice a week for almost 9 months now and I'm at 3.5k. I keep hitting various roadblocks, the latest being ligament pain. I'm sure I'll figure out what I'm doing wrong soon enough, but I feel like I'm making SO. LITTLE. PROGRESS. Especially when, whenever I bring up my running, it turns into a penis measuring contest.
    Sorry bro, I didn't mean to whip it out on you (though I think Rym did :P ). I more meant I feel your pains, though mine are different. I get ligament pain when I walk around after running, but it seems to not bother me after about half a mile of running. I just try to push through the pain and hit the goal RunKeeper set for me. I'm doing the Beginner 5K training program. In beginning I couldn't run more than a mile straight, and at a pretty sad pace at that. Now I can run 2.5 at a 10 min/mile pace. It sucks bad when I'm doing it, but I feel good when it's over.

    As for your pains, how much potassium are you getting in your diet? If not much then try adding more. Bananas and orange juice. Also I'd try running a little more often, every other day if you can manage.
  • I really need to look into what sort of meaningful exercise I can realistically do with exercise-induced asthma and Crohn's disease. I'm turning into a potato. Right now I'm flaring and can't do a thing, but once I get that worked out I need to figure things out.

    I tried using my wife's elliptical a few years back and couldn't go for more than 5 minutes on the lowest resistance setting.
  • My workout plan right now is:

    Monday - Run
    Tuesday - Work out with personal trainer
    Wednesday - Run
    Thursday - Work out with personal trainer
    Friday - Run
    Saturday - Airsoft (running/crawling/etc with extra weight) or run
    Sunday - Rest

    So I think I run enough, honestly. The working out with trainer tends to do both upper and lower body, as well as working on my core and some really severe cardio (lots of neat stuff). I'm probably not getting NEARLY enough potassium though. The fact that I can't remember the last time I ate a banana is probably telling.

    And yeah, the comment was more aimed at Rym although it's probably just me projecting onto him. I'm happy you're running 6 miles, but man. I've been running for 9 months and am nowhere near that.

    I also do try to run through the pain (I did last night), but my wife hates it when I do that. She also tends to remind me just how long it takes for ligaments to repair, and how bad it would be if they really got injured. So I might be taking it easy.
  • Muppet, you might be able to just do pushups/situps. Hell, even going for a walk is good exercise. When I started, I wasn't obese or anything but I was a bit heavier than I wanted to be and going up a few flights of stairs winded me.

    However, I was able to start doing 10-15 minutes of elliptical work, ramped it up to 30 minutes and then started running (started jogging a half mile and slowly pushed it out).

    Just find something to start doing and do it. Walking is probably a good place to start if you want to run eventually, but really you need to figure out what you want to get out of exercise. All I wanted was to not die quite so early, so a bit of cardio and weight work is perfect.
  • I need to balance my enjoyment of eating with my desire to fit into my high school pants. ;-)
  • RymRym
    edited November 2012
    Nice, I'm working on it. ^_^
    How long did it take you to get up to there?
    You'll get there.

    The cool thing about running is that it's a core part of our genetics: humans have been running distances for over 40,000 years, and we're "designed" to be able to do it well into our old age.

    There's always something that is the choke point, the limiting factor in going further.

    The first hurdle is cardiovascular health. Most people hit lung/heart limitations quite early. Just keep running, and as soon as other things (e.g., leg/knee pain, foot issues, joints, etc...) stop you before you get winded, you've already progressed far beyond most people.

    Once you hit a non-heart/lung limitation, each one is unique. Some stem from poor technique, but most are simply from pushing little-used muscles and systems. Cross-train to get around them: don't just run. Lift weights. Jump rope. Bike. Swim.

    As for how long it took me to get where I am? About 30 years


    I've been active my whole life. There was never a point where I "started" exercising. I didn't start running regularly until RIT (I hated running), but I was extremely active otherwise (biking, skiing, rollerblading, etc...).

    An active lifestyle naturally leads one to where I am. I run almost every day. I biked every single day when I was young, for many, many years. Running isn't something I particularly enjoy, compared to other sports: it's one of many cross-training activities I use to keep myself in generally good shape.

    So, don't strive to get better at running. Strive to get better at everything. Ignore the numbers and run because it feels good. The progress will happen naturally. You might not see an improvement in your lap time or average speed, but you'll feel a difference in your day-to-day life.

    But no matter what, don't compare yourself to someone like me. I spend a lot of time and energy on my physical condition: probably moreso than is necessary.

    TL;DR: cross-train and focus on holistic fitness.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Gotta build some time in the schedule to get creative with eating then. My biggest problem was that I loved deliciously fried foods because they are delicious. Now I eat healthier non fried dinners that are also delicious and nutritious but it takes awhile longer to plan and cook.
  • Nice, I'm working on it. ^_^
    How long did it take you to get up to there?
    You'll get there.
    Thanks, Rym. This actually helps out a lot, I appreciate you breaking it down and I'm glad to know I'm pretty much doing the right things. Since my ligaments hurt and not my muscles, I am going to figure out what is causing that and address that somehow. At the same time, I think I might swap running out this week for calisthenics that are lower impact so as to not exacerbate the problem further.

    Also probably more stretching.
  • I biked every single day until I got a car, then pretty much never biked again. It's not that I dislike biking, it's that I had other interesting things to do.

    Shit, I tried biking three blocks to the grocery store last year and got tired from that. It was sad. I guess getting the bike out wouldn't hurt. Need a special seat for it now, though...

    I'm always envious of people who have enough focus in one area to truly master a thing. My interest shifts way too easily.

    And ROE yeah I'm getting better at making healthier foods that still taste fantastic, but there's just no substitute for butter and sour cream sometimes... :-)
  • I need to balance my enjoyment of eating with my desire to fit into my high school pants. ;-)
    I'm 6' and 170 lbs and I still don't fit into my high school pants. That's a lofty goal, best of luck. ^_^

    And yes, I want to get back down to a 30 waist. But right now I'd be very happy with a 32.
    My workout plan right now is:

    Monday - Run
    Tuesday - Work out with personal trainer
    Wednesday - Run
    Thursday - Work out with personal trainer
    Friday - Run
    Saturday - Airsoft (running/crawling/etc with extra weight) or run
    Sunday - Rest

    So I think I run enough, honestly. The working out with trainer tends to do both upper and lower body, as well as working on my core and some really severe cardio (lots of neat stuff). I'm probably not getting NEARLY enough potassium though. The fact that I can't remember the last time I ate a banana is probably telling.

    And yeah, the comment was more aimed at Rym although it's probably just me projecting onto him. I'm happy you're running 6 miles, but man. I've been running for 9 months and am nowhere near that.

    I also do try to run through the pain (I did last night), but my wife hates it when I do that. She also tends to remind me just how long it takes for ligaments to repair, and how bad it would be if they really got injured. So I might be taking it easy.
    I don't know man, I don't really bad ligament pain. Seriously try more potassium, I drink a pint glass of orange juice after I run. Ankle and ligament pain might be more how you're running. Maybe see a specialist about your gate. In my completely unprofessional opinion try not striking the ground so hard. Make a conscious effort to place you foot on the ground rather than just letting it fall. That's how I run, I make an effort to minimize the shock on my legs.
  • And ROE yeah I'm getting better at making healthier foods that still taste fantastic, but there's just no substitute for butter and sour cream sometimes... :-)
    There definitely isn't. I try to eat less of them is all. :P
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