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Booh yah!



  • GeoGeo
    edited April 2013
    Booh-Yah: I have been accepted into a Summer Intensive Filmmaking Course at Yale University that lasts from June to July (which to my knowledge is difficult to get into).

    Double Booh-Yah It will not, in any way, coincide with ConnectiCon which means I can do my panel.

    I think this is the first true step to achieve my dream...
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Greg can into smart phone. Galaxy S2.
  • Saw a DSiXL today for $80 on clearance so I got it for my birthday a day early. It's so much nicer playing games in a bigger screen. The only thing is now I need a new piracy card. Any recommendations for a card and a place to get it?
  • edited April 2013
    No cards run 3DS games so it's not worth getting a cart yet.
    Quick searching shows that someone might have gotten kernel control, which, with the SD slot on the 3DS, will most likely lead to games running from there, much like the PSP. When they decide to put it out depends and I'm not faulting them for it, given how much for-profit piracy occurred with the DS.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • DSiXL, not 3DSXL.
  • Allergies have nothing on me!
    I guess now I am gonna go and eat some delicious rotisserie chicken and watch the last episode of the second season of AB0048.
    Yeah, it is a pretty great Sunday! :D
  • Andrew Jackson Jihad sweatpants are back in stock!
  • edited April 2013
    Got nearly $3000 worth of washer and dryer kit for $700 used. Our washer was ok, but old and clunky (had to slam the lid to make it run). Our dryer had a broken blower and this new one is a much needed replacement. My clothes will dry in an hour now instead of 3 or 4 and they probably won't shrink either.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • ...and they probably won't shrink either.
    Because you live in magic land? If it shrinks from heat, then it'll still shrink in a better dryer.

  • ...and they probably won't shrink either.
    Because you live in magic land? If it shrinks from heat, then it'll still shrink in a better dryer.
    My clothes have never shrank as much as they have living here. The reason I suspect is because the dryer was hot for 3 or 4 hours, but the fan wasn't blowing the moisture out do they remained hot far too long.
  • That would do it. That or you are getting fat :-p
  • The weathers is super nice, and I am not sick anymore. Time to run :D
  • Took a bike ride through Brooklyn today. Damn it's nice out. Also I'm super out of shape. But it was fun!
  • edited April 2013
    Course evaluations are open! This means we get to throw our 2 cents into the class that almost got a tenured professor fired! Scuttlebutt says she didn't get fired because she's in real tight with the dean of her college. Here's my contribution:

    What suggestions do you have to improve improve the course?
    Fire the "instructor". This the single worst "class" I have EVER taken. I paid $1000 for the privilege of reading a book. The "instructor" used the syllabus from the previous year, not even bothering to change the dates. As a result, there were two - three due dates for every assignment depending on where you looked. The only time she gave any kind of feedback is when she was inundated with questions about when something was actually due. There is no rubric for the written assignments, and as of today (4/10) she's only graded roughly half of the assignments turned in.

    The book assigned for the course is literally a grade school book. It has a section explaining how to read the passages, and how to answer the questions at the end of each. This fits well with the single largest part of our grade, a book report (which hasn't been graded, even after a month). A book report like the ones assigned to middle school students.

    According to the WebCourses page, she hasn't updated the "course" since 2009. For someone who has been teaching for decades (plural) this is an extremely poor showing. Especially considering that in her 16 page C/V, Edwidge Crevecoeur describes "online instruction" as one of her areas expertise. I would not have believed it had I not read it myself.

    If you would prefer to skip to the end, Edwidge Crevecoeur is NOT an instructor, she did not even serve as a curator for this "course". She set everything up years ago and has been phoning in for a paycheck ever since. She is a crook and a cheat and should be treated as such. I understand that she is being removed from future TESOL courses, but is keeping her position, and that is nowhere near enough. She should be striped of her position, along with her tenure, as well as made to refund every student who was forced to pay $1000 for 14 weeks of self-study.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • You should probably change "striped" to "stripped" before you send that...
  • Nah, she should have both. I should definitely have let it sit before I submitted it though.
  • The Wild are coming to Boston and their show is all ages!
  • edited April 2013
    Someone threw out a bulb lit LCD TV (50 inches) that wouldn't turn on and after checking the flashing light code on google, I found my way to a forum which showed me how to fix it.
    The flimsy switch pictured below had gotten bent, sticking some electrical tape onto the bulb to push it down extra fixed it.

    It's the first time I've seen a bulb lit LCD. I was expecting it to be a rear projection but it seems to be some odd bridge before fluorescent LCDs.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Survived an anime con. Admittedly was less fun for me as the "adult" of the group, but I managed. And everything Rym and Scott have said about anime cons proved true, from sites to smells to homestuck. I earned all kinds of purse-carrying and waiting for ladies to get ready achievements. And while 99.9% of people were totally fine, that 0.1% of creepers and completely unwashed man-children really put their best efforts into ruining things for everyone else.
  • Had first full-on "invite everyone I know" game day since moving into the new house a year ago. Big success. Filled up with 23 guests at peak, 5 tables going. Definitely going to have to do this once or twice more before we wind up moving again.
  • Emily and I seriously considered going, but I didn't plan enough in advance to have a Zipcar handy.
  • Ah, let me know next time! Zipcar is definitely waaaay more convenient, but if you don't feel like driving, there is a NJ Transit bus out of Port Authority that stops on my block.
  • I've lost around 22 pounds since mid-January, dropping me from 191 to 169, and I'm only 14 pounds away from my ideal weight! I also have my depression (more-or-less) under wraps without the need for medication. On top of that, I'm about to graduate. Yay me!
  • Congrats dude! :D
  • All my hard work has finally paid off!!!


    Suck on that pre-christians!
  • Rochester is 21. Also, that's not where Buffalo is.
  • Apparently I was born in the wrong city. And yeah, that not be Buffalo. That's actually closer to Rochester than Buffalo.
  • I find Providence and Boston surprising, since RI has the largest percentage Catholic of all the states in the union, and Boston is, well, Boston. I encounter creationists on a not irregular basis. I know we aren't the worst, but still.

    Also, post-Christian is a seriously Western-centric phrase. Islam, it could be argued, is also post-Christian, because it came after Christianity, but Barna isn't counting muslims. Same applies to Mormons. The phrase they're looking for is post-religious, which still doesn't quite make sense because it implies not only that atheism is the natural social progression from Christianity, but also that Christianity was a necessary step between the pagan days of druids and guals, and the atheist days of Richard Dawkins.
  • I find Providence and Boston surprising, since RI has the largest percentage Catholic of all the states in the union, and Boston is, well, Boston. I encounter creationists on a not irregular basis. I know we aren't the worst, but still.
    You're ignoring the notion of the "cultural Catholic" -- i.e. someone who may observe some Catholic traditions without necessarily believing in the tenets of the faith. A very large number of Catholics I've met from the RI area, myself included (I basically grew up in MA on the RI border and spent several years living in RI) tend to fall into this category. This is not too different from Scott's "cultural Judaism," where he is an atheist but still enjoys getting together for various Jewish religious celebrations like Passover seders and whatnot.
  • Wouldn't this go in the Boo yah thread...?
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