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Booh yah!



  • edited April 2013
    It's pretty much exactly what I wanted. A good quality, no suspension, steel frame bike. Though having ridden it around on the road some, I wish it had dual suspension. :P
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • You don't want dual suspension. ;^)

    It seriously slows you down unless you spend ridiculous money or are actually riding off-road.
  • I don't need to go fast, but my ass hurts!
  • I don't need to go fast, but my ass hurts!
    Get a better seat.

    Seriously. Spend $150 and get the most comfortable split seat you can find, even if it's big and ugly.
  • edited April 2013
    Interviewed for a senior engineer promotion this morning. Nailed it. Down to just me and one other guy (who has a few years experience on me) so hopefully he didn't nail it as well. I'd be the youngest guy to ever hold this pay grade at my workplace, if I'm lucky enough to get it.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • edited April 2013
    YESSSSSS, just got a grade back and I managed to scrape by with a B in my second semester of History of Greek Literature, despite getting my ass handed to me by the final exam. I've still got a fair amount of work to do before I'm ready to sit my qualifying exam in the subject, but I was terrified that I'd endangered my program standing with that mess of a final.
    Post edited by Arcadian on
  • Relationship problems worked out. Because adults! ^_^
  • Relationship problems worked out. Because adults! ^_^
    Hurray adults!
  • edited May 2013
    Relationship problems worked out. Because adults! ^_^
    *sniffle* I haz a proud.

    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited May 2013
    Relationship problems worked out. Because adults! ^_^
    *sniffle* I haz a proud.
    Happy feels by all!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • such fun having debates with white supremacist. Though this was the first gay gentleman that I have met that wanted less rights for gay people....Still after a lengthy debate the rage quit came. Good way to spend a morning before a dance show this evening.
  • I am finished with all my school work for the semester. Oh man, this semester nearly drove me insane but I got it all done and I'm likely to get good grades. I really think I learned a lot in the WRTC major this time around. It has easily been my hardest semester ever and I'll be looking forward to finishing up.

    Just need to find an internship...
  • edited May 2013
    Lexx is a show I have been trying to find out the name of for a while and I finally found it while randomly searching on Netflix. Woohoo! Now to watch it and see if it is far worse than I remember.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • edited May 2013
    I might be going out on a bit of a limb here, but I'd say that LEXX is one of the pinnacles of British Sci-fi. Yeah, even with Dr Who in the running. It's equal to Red Dwarf in my books.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Now I am looking forward to the re-watch more, thanks. I had just assumed it was one of those shows I liked as a kid but probably did not merit my affection. That perception came from every time I tried to find out what it was by describing it people either had no idea what it was or thought I was very confused about Farscape. Another factor for my expectation was that I liked quite a few shitty shows as a kid.
  • It's a weird one. I only have vague memories of it, and I think a lot of things were about lizard girls having sex, or an undead guy with a grappling hook built into his hand.
  • edited May 2013
    I have officially survived my first year of graduate school and am about to spend the next two and a half weeks giving concerts all along the east coast, including at Lincoln Center. Life is pretty awesome.
    Post edited by Arcadian on
  • Got a house!
  • Got a house!
  • edited May 2013
    GOT A HUGE PROMOTION. It's a gubment GS-14 spot. Wasn't expecting it after some tough competition in the interviewing process. I, at 28, have now advanced to a senior-level position that most lifers here never reach.

    Post edited by Matt on
  • Wyatt, Welcome to home ownership, hope you survive the experience.

    Matt, Nice!
  • edited May 2013
    Wyatt, Welcome to home ownership, hope you survive the experience.

    Matt, Nice!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Congrats to the both of you!
  • HOLY FUCK! GS-14?! Grats.
  • I'm not getting evicted! Granted I just went through hell and back, but I get to keep my apartment! 8D
  • I went into a store and bought the .30-06 I needed for my rifle with no fuss what so ever. Still no .223, .22, .45 or 9mm, but it's a start.
  • I just got an e-mail from my school's principal commending me for my development of a three-year-long ESL immersion program plan. Finally, my degree feels justified.
  • I just got an e-mail from my school's principal commending me for my development of a three-year-long ESL immersion program plan. Finally, my degree feels justified.
    Care to elaborate on said plan?
  • I just got an e-mail from my school's principal commending me for my development of a three-year-long ESL immersion program plan. Finally, my degree feels justified.
    Care to elaborate on said plan?
    I work at an International School in Korea. We have an ESL program after school designed to help local students in the rural community who get very little exposure to English. My three-year program is designed to take elementary students with very little knowledge of English to a late intermediate/early advanced level by the end of the third year in preparation for them taking the standardized English tests when they reach middle school.
  • Wow, that's really cool! Well done!
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