Rule 34- Back in Mah day, long before the wars, we didn't watch pornography, we had to stare at our cave paintings until we were aroused! AND WE LIKED IT!
Rule 40- Back in Mah day, long before the wars, we didn't have Mathematics, we were too poor to have more than ONE of anything! AND WE WERE BETTER FOR IT!
Rule 47- Back in Mah day, long before the war, we didn't have Skype, we used CUPS and STRING! But we didn't have any string, so we just SHOUTED across the OCEAN! AND WE WERE BETTER FOR IT!
Rule 51 - Back in Mah day, long before the wars, we didn't have GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACIES we had to keep secrets FROM OURSELVES. AND WE WERE BETTER FOR IT.
Rule 55 - Back in Mah day, long before the war, we didn't have Cyclic redundancy checks, we just had Back in Mah day, long before the war, we didn't have Cyclic redundancy checks, we just had Back in Mah day, long before the war, we didn't have Cyclic redundancy checks, we just had Back in Mah day, long before the war, we didn't have Cyclic redundancy checks, we just had