Rule 110 - Back in mah day, long before the wars, I'm pretty sure I saw some black oriental gay women in one of those old style kung fu movies, AND THEIR KUNG FU WAS VERY GOOD.
Rule 111 - Back in mah day, long before the wars, black oriental gay women were the only people who could practice Kung Fu, Bruce Lee learnt from them, AND THATS WHY HE IS GOOD.
Rule 126 - Back in mah day, long before the wars, there was only one black oriental gay women, and it's still alive. AND WE NOW CALL IT ROSIE O'DONNELL
Rule 126 - Back in mah day, long before the wars, there was only one black oriental gay women, and it's still alive. AND WE NOW CALL IT ROSIE O'DONNELL
Rule 126 - Back in mah day, long before the wars, there was only one black oriental gay women, and it's still alive. AND WE NOW CALL IT ROSIE O'DONNELL
Yeah, I've read this about a dozen different ways, trying to figure out what you mean and why you would think it's funny, but I don't get it. Please explain.
Rule 128: Back in mah day, long before the wars, we didn't have Kilarney. There was only one troll to feed, and we fed him so that he didn't beat us to death with his club. AND WE STILL GOT BEAT, DAMMIT!