Rule 89-Back in mah day, long before the war, we didn't have politicians, we just had two guys who fought with rocks to see who made the decisions. AND WE LIKED IT.
Rule 90 - Back in mah day, long before the war, vidja games didn't have stories or endings; enemies just kept coming in bigger and faster waves until either you or the machine failed, AND WE LIKED IT THAT WAY.
Oh, we know. But back in your day, long before the war, You were the Young Ones, with your Denim jacket and four steel stars in your forehead. AND THE LENTILS NEVER STAYED IN THE POT.
But back in your day, long before the war, You were the Young Ones, with your Denim jacket and four steel stars in your forehead. AND THE LENTILS NEVER STAYED IN THE POT.
That used to be my favorite TV show. IT WAS VERY FUNNY.
Rule 94 - Back in mah day, there was no cross-universe slash fiction. People in ONE universe had sex with people in the SAME damned universe, AND WE WERE STILL AROUSED.
Rule 97 - Back in mah day, we didn't have a God. We had a big guy named Phil, who would crush your head with his pinky finger if you got him angry, AND WE LIKED IT.
Rule 102 - Back in Mah day, long before the wars, we didn't have brick and mortar. We just carved our caves out of granite with our NAILS. AND WE WERE BETTER FOR IT!
Rule 103 - Back in mah day, long before the war, we didn't have beds or sheets, we had razor sharp rocks and poison ivy, AND IT MADE US BETTER PEOPLE IN THE LONG RUN
Rule 104- Back in mah day, long before the wars, we didn't have women- We only had men, and we made do with what we had and WE LIKED IT BETTER THAT WAY
Rule 109 - Back in mah day, long before the war, we didn't have vaccines. If we didn't want to get Salmonella, we just licked a turtle, AND WE WERE BETTER FOR IT!
+1 if you get the reference.