It's basically blue in your photo. The entire picture is just blue. Ice and ice cold, similar to the picture with Mrs. MacRoss on the previous page. That one was completely drained of any warm colours there were, this just doesn't appear to have any to start with.
Hugin is a free panorama stitcher. There's a photoshop plugin called autostitch, but I don't know about lightroom. Microsoft has a thing called Photosynth, which stitches photos together into a semi-3d landscape you can zoom around in.
Hugin is a free panorama stitcher. There's a photoshop plugin called autostitch, but I don't know about lightroom. Microsoft has a thing called Photosynth, which stitches photos together into a semi-3d landscape you can zoom around in.
Stitching! That's the word I needed. Lightroom can do it. Will follow tutorial later.
Juliane and I took part in the Berlin FotoMarathon. The idea is to take 24 photos in 12 hours, with an overall theme (this year "Seize the Day") and with a title for each individual photo. As we are both recovering from sickness, we did all the photography in and around our home. We started telling a story with pictures, but as you never have more than the next half dozen photo titles, there was no way to plan how it went throughout the day. It's a really good challenge, and we had a lot of fun.
There have been a lot of storms lately, and I happened to be home at the right time, so I have tried twice now to get lightning pictures. The first time I didn't even look up how to do it online, I just tried it, and failed. Then Chase told me the secret of long exposure, I was like oh, I am the derp derp. So lightning is happening right now, and I tried it, but it's daytime! Long exposure = all white. I don't have an ISO < 100, and the aperture is as shut as I can make it. Is there something you can do with a really dark filter? I've also read about things that trigger when lightning is detected, but my camera doesn't have a remote shutter control. I tried burst mode and using human reaction time, not much success.
In the photo story, she is my apartment neighbor. In real life she is my girlfriend. I guess you're talking about my photos above, anyway.
Scott, you're pretty much fucked with your current setup. Photos of lightning in the day time is a dark art.
I guess I'm 100 years too early for daytime lightning. I'll wait for more nighttime action. Granted that's not super easy in NYC either with all the light pollution. I should still be able to get an exposure of a bunch of seconds, which should be enough when I am lucky.
I have just learned that Luke, with the right lens flares, can look both angelic and demonic. Though the latter might require a pitchfork here and there.
Long exposure = all white. I don't have an ISO < 100, and the aperture is as shut as I can make it. Is there something you can do with a really dark filter?
The thing you are looking for is a neutral density filter. You would need a pretty dark one, and I don't really know how well it would work out for lightning photos.
Long exposure = all white. I don't have an ISO < 100, and the aperture is as shut as I can make it. Is there something you can do with a really dark filter?
The thing you are looking for is a neutral density filter. You would need a pretty dark one, and I don't really know how well it would work out for lightning photos.
Seriously, status of balls, near necrosis.
EDIT: Doh, tutorial says you also need Photoshop.
For some reason, I like this one best.
Here and now (Hier und Jetzt).
Go for it! (Trau Dich!)
Colourful (Farbenfroh).
Free choice (freie Auswahl).
Melting away (dahinschmeltzen).
Prefection (Perfektion).
Euphoric (euphorisch).
Absorbed (versunken).
City life (Stadtleben).
Laughing out loud (lauthals lachen).
Longing (sehnsüchtig).
Pause for thought (Denkpause).
Flight of fancy (Höhenflüge).
Hot and spicy (richtig scharf).
Sweet tooth (Naschkatze).
Carefree (sorglos).
Call it a day (Feierabend).
Together (zusammen).
Chilling (chillen).
Refreshing (erfrischend).
Natural beauty (Naturschönheit).
Passionate (leidenschaftlich).
Cherry red (kirschrot).
The last dance (Der letzte Tanz).
Scott, you're pretty much fucked with your current setup. Photos of lightning in the day time is a dark art.
More at
I cannot use them. All I want is to swing.