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Beer Beer!



  • Had the Allagash Burbon Black, Jailhouse Breakout Stout with Oreos, and Bitches Brew. All were fantastic, but I had a bit of a "milk was a bad choice" situation because it was insanely hot yesterday.
  • edited July 2012
    Dat draught Mikkeller Black.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Dat JW Lee's aged in a fucking Lagavulin cask. Fucking hell man.
  • Pete, have you had Brewdog's Jura casked Bitch Please? It's a revelation.
  • Augh! I'd want to drink all the things.
  • This is only of minor note but:

    It was alright, but I prefer their halcyon wheat.
  • Science!

    Prepping for my next brew day and trying to figure out how to control my fermentation temps better. Probably gonna go swamp cooler method.
  • Lambic kriek is much more sour than I imagined.
  • I have to say though, it's excellent with a nice tart rhubarb pie.
  • I have to say though, it's excellent with a nice tart rhubarb pie.
    Depending on the brand I have to agree. Depending on the brand though some are just too sour.
  • Monty Python's Holy Ail Ale is pretty okay. It's not great, it's not terrible.
  • Also, has anyone had the Flying Dog Double IPA? I'm exceptionally curious about it.
  • Afternoon project is complete! I now have a fermentation cooler.
  • Yay, more beer lectures!
  • edited July 2012
    I was a big fan of Lagunitas Imperial Stout but either they've stopped brewing it or my locals have just all simultaneously stopped carrying it on their own accord.

    I'm too lazy to google it.

    I recently tried Sam Adam's Cinder Boch and ended up pouring 90% of the bottle down the drain. That stuff was foul.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • beer vs church
    That makes no sense, how is north Virginia all church?
  • beer vs church
    That makes no sense, how is north Virginia all church?
    Maybe a lot of people drink wine instead of beer in the DC area?
  • Brew day tomorrow!

    Also, NOVA has a metric shit ton of churches.
  • Lessons have been learned. Beer is being made.
  • The funny thing is, you can't really put beer in those, or they blow up and pop from the carbonation.
  • The funny thing is, you can't really put beer in those, or they blow up and pop from the carbonation.
    Exploding beer beard! All the better.

  • Lessons have been learned. Beer is being made.
    And what did you learn?

  • Fermentation temperature control, aeration of the wort prior to pitching, better cooling of the wort with an immersion chiller, bringing liquid yeast up to temp, warm your extract before pouring.

    I don't think I made any major mistakes this last batch. Pretty excited actually.
  • Barack Obama has, during his presidency, had a small brewery installed at the White House.

    Best President.
  • Second beer has just been bottled and I have Black IPA kit on the way. This is a bit more involved because it will require the making of a starter of US-05 and secondary fermentation/dry hopping.
  • It's probably going to be a month or so before I make another beer. In the meantime? Mead and/or braggot. And maye this Ethiopian honey/bread beer from a manuscript written in 1550. We'll see.
  • Where do you find all these historical brew recipes?
  • Oh, I've also started using Untappd if anyone wanted to friends me (username WaterIsPoison)
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