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Beer Beer!



  • The thing about most hobbies is knowing when you should do things yourself, and when you should out-source a job to get it done faster and easier. Pete has always been more do it yourself.
  • Ah. Sounds expensive.
    Not really. It's cider season, and usually you can haggle for a discount for buying in bulk using your own containers.
  • This is how my other friend is making hard cider.
  • See, that's the part about all this brewing shite that really interests me. I have more than a passing interest in producing a good brew, sure, wouldn't give a shit about it otherwise. But the equipment, how to make it, putting seperate parts, processes and equipment together to achieve a goal, that's my jam.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm with you Churbs, I've watched Pete brew beer. It's fuck off hard work and if you aren't perfect you get bandaids. I'll buy my beer premade, thank you very much.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Churba, weld me a brewing tower.
  • Pete, what yeast are you using for your cider?
  • I'm with you Churbs, I've watched Pete brew beer. It's fuck off hard work and if you aren't perfect you get bandaids. I'll buy my beer premade, thank you very much.
    Agreed. We just got a couple bottles of BF Clyde's apple wine. I don't think I could age anything alcoholic for a year.
  • edited October 2012
    Pete, what yeast are you using for your cider?
    Munton's dry ale yeast. I've taken to it recently - cheap, reliable, easy to store, and pretty tasty. It's a pretty typical English ale yeast.

    EDIT: Hm, some people are reporting success in their endeavors to make an apple grinder from a garbage disposal.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited October 2012
    I've got a packet of Notthingham ale yeast I'll probably use, otherwise I might just go Safale US-05.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited October 2012
    Churba, weld me a brewing tower.
    If you're serious, I'm perfectly willing to do it for you on mates rates, but despite being cheaper for you than a regular customer, my time is still not free. Materiel and shipping the final is on you too, but I won't charge for design work. It's also not going to be immediate, I'd need to source some tools and gear, as well as clear some other responsibilities.
    I'm with you Churbs, I've watched Pete brew beer. It's fuck off hard work and if you aren't perfect you get bandaids. I'll buy my beer premade, thank you very much.
    I care about it enough to get a good brew, but if I'm pretty decent, Pete is a wizard that shoots beer from his fingertips.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I was being a bit facetious and the problem is that I don't really have a place to store such a beauty. I will however bring back up with you should my situation ever change.
  • edited October 2012
    I was being a bit facetious and the problem is that I don't really have a place to store such a beauty. I will however bring back up with you should my situation ever change.
    No worries, man, when the time comes, I'll still be happy to do it, but the situation might have changed in other respects. After all, I'm still carrying through my plan to immigrate to the states(yeah, still), and it'll be a hell of a lot cheaper to ship it by truck than to get it all the way from Australia to your neck of the woods. Plus, if I'm in LA, I know a few people who already have the tools I need, who would be able to sort me out with a bit of shop time.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2012
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • I didn't realize there was so much racism among beers.
  • Story of my life
  • I call that "creating a market." Friends = potential future customers.
  • edited November 2012
    It just occurred to me that weed beer is almost definitely coming to a Seattle microbrewery, since THC is alcohol-soluble and the aromatics in weed are fairly similar to those in hops. Just a matter of time given the west coast craft beer scene, really.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I've heard that weed beer is awful beer.

    I also don't particularly expect to enjoy both alcohol and marijuana simultaneously...
  • Oh look, beer may be good for you.
  • Look, I labeled my holiday beer for gifts.

  • So, this rather interesting NPR Article came to my attention:

    To you homebrewers, sound worth it? I really love Wintery/Xmasy flavors.
  • My hard cider tastes like apples, alcohol, and bananas.

    The banana flavor is unexpected. Once it's carbonated, we'll see if it's unwelcome. My guess is some residual wild yeast producing banana esters.

  • Pete, will I over-pitch if I pour 1.086 OG wort onto the yeast cake of an ale just finished with primary?
  • Had a Brisbane Pale Ale last night - which was quite nice - and a Black Lager, which was really rather interesting.
  • I've been enjoying the bounty of amazing beer people left behind from New Year's.
  • edited February 2013
    Two weeks ago, I had a Bourbon County Brand Stout. Holy christ, that will take down anyone. But it is the closest thing you can get to real bourbon. I'm actually hoping I can find the variations.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • I'm trimming a couple beers from the stock left over from a couple game nights.
  • Pete, will I over-pitch if I pour 1.086 OG wort onto the yeast cake of an ale just finished with primary?
    Probably not. It's extraordinarily difficult to over-pitch as a homebrewer.

    What was the OG of the previous brew? Don't pitch onto a stressed yeast cake - it can make funky flavors.

  • 1.044 with WLP001 and a 1l starter.
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