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  • Played through the first disc of LA Noire last night, it's pretty great so far.
    Agreed. Being a fan of the genre, I have been sorely tempted to grab a pack of Chesterfields and some cheap booze to have while playing.
    I just learned today that there is an option in the options menu to play the game in black and white. I might have to try that for a case, or maybe the second playthrough.
  • Im playing the Honest Hearts DLC for Fallout New Vegas. It took me a killing a few of the mutant bears before I got the pun of their name. Yao Guai.
  • I am really enjoying Terraria.

    It has a nice pixel art style. it has randomly generated worlds with Minecraft-ish physics. It has monsters and treasure and crafting and quests. It has tons of spells and items to find and craft. You can even craft big elaborate castles and traps if you are so inclined.

    For a guy who needs to have something concrete to go after in sandbox games I find I enjoy my time with Terraria more than I enjoy it in Minecraft.

    It'll probably only take like 10 or 12 hours to get to the end of the progression path and get the baddest ass weapons and fight the baddest ass monster but 12 hours out of a $10 game ain't bad (and it is coop).
  • Global Thermonuclear Warfare
  • The only winning move is not to play.
  • Beat Dragon Age II today. Started it on Friday.

    Definitely too short, but definitely fun. Still have at least two more playthroughs before I'm satisfied (one per class, of course).
  • I can't play Defcon. I mean, it's supposed to be a little depressing as it's atmosphere, but I can't play it for more than a few minutes without just breaking down entirely. It feels entirely wrong to make a game out of the very real fact that the human race is at all times prepared to destroy itself, and we all exist five minutes away from shadows on the wall.
  • Jeremy and I started playing Lego Pirates of the Caribbean. It's silly and fun just like the other Lego Universe games are. The way they have Jack Sparrow running is pretty amusing. They condensed all the Pirates movie into the game. We should probably watch the new movie before we encounter that storyline.

    This will be something to tide us over while we patiently await Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7.
  • I see Australia's down there like WTF mate.
  • Other than SpaceChem, I playing Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, the only 2D Zelda I never beat. Afterwards I'm going to replay Oracle of Ages, then do the combo game that so few people have ever done.
    I finally sat down and beat that last summer; it was interesting. I did like the connected feel in the worlds (encountering characters from the previous game, such as the couple + child, and all the extra super awesome upgraded items), which certainly made me enjoy it more, just don't be expecting TOO much after you reach the epilogue portion (after beating the second game's normal final boss). There are some neat fights, but it all seemed to go by rather quickly. That said, it is definitely worth doing, because as you said, pretty much nobody has done it, and it was a pretty cool idea to implement.

    I started playing 999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors on Saturday night, and I haven't been able to put it down since. I finished my first playthrough Sunday morning, got a bad ending, blew through a second playthrough by the afternoon (the text fast-forward is a godsend - I would never replay it if I had to rewatch all of that), got a SECOND bad ending (but I didn't change much; I was just intending to go through each permutation of doors, so I only made one change), then did a third playthrough where I took a COMPLETELY different path, and managed what is apparently the "normal ending." This is apparently an alternate way to unlock the "true ending," just like Scott getting the "coffin ending," except this one had a lot going on, and was somewhat resolved. I'm probably going to make one last playthrough today to get the true ending, because the revelations from the normal ending have really gotten me wanting to see how this all wraps up. That localization team is among the best on the planet, and deserve more money.
  • I see Australia's down there like WTF mate.
    Video footage of WWIII has been uncovered in the presidential vault.
  • I see Australia's down there like WTF mate.
    Video footage of WWIII has been uncovered in the presidential vault.
    I see a clear problem with your nuclear policy - You left Tom Jones alive.
  • Minor spoilers, but I've been playing Mass Effect and Ashley just fucking killed my favorite character. I can handle her being a racist, slut, and religious snob, but that was the last fucking straw. I am going to start being as verbally abusive to her as humanly possible now. But first I'm going to try and continue from my last save to see if I can prevent this from happening.
  • It's hard, I think you had to do a sidequest with Wrex in order to get them not killed.

    However, you may have found a way to get revenge on Ashley shortly after that. XP
  • If you have high enough charm or intimdate you can take that route to step her. Failing that there is a route through the normal converstation that stops it as well but it is very specfic.
  • I went back and did the sidequest to save him <3

    Guess who I chose to kill in the following mission? Muahahaha.
  • What a jerk.

    Though Ashley does usually deserve it. Unless you do some seriously long conversations with her, she maintains her relative bigotry.
  • I am going to start being as verbally abusive to her as humanly possible now. But first I'm going to try and continue from my last save to see if I can prevent this from happening.
    So if a multiverse were found tomorrow where your your mother and father decided to drown you in a river at birth, you'd be mad at this universes parents? =D Same idea. Different save, different 'verse. Don't judge people for shit they may or may not do but on what they actually do in this sa... errrr, I mean, reality! =D
  • But she does it because of her pre-existing racism, and before you confront Wrex she still makes it very clear that she wants to take action against him, against my orders. Besides, it was between her and Kaiden, and even though Kaiden is a boring character, at least he isn't an idiotic bigot.
  • [Taking part of Mass Effect discussion, here might be spoilers]Even when I totally hated Ashley for some reason I chose her over Kaiden. Primary because even when I disliked Ashley, I didn't really feel anything toward Kaiden. Hatred is better than no feeling at all, at least in my opinion.
  • Finished the game. Can't wait to start ME2.
  • I finally got a chance to start Trine and have been really enjoying it. I also just bought a wooden puzzle with 17 3D pentominos. For every set of 16, there are several ways to fit them in a 5x8x2 rectangular prism. It is one of the best purchases of my life.
  • While I enjoyed ME, ME2 was significantly better, mostly because they got rid of the running-around-on-the-planet parts with the god-awful controls on the Mako. The characters are better too, IMHO.
  • @Crazy Clock maker Re: 999

    It's worth playing the true ending (as opposed to youtubing it) because there are another 1 or 2 puzzles to solve. And one in particular is REALLY cool, involving 2 characters at once :)

    Anyone else a sucker for punishment and playing Etrian Odyssey 3? Something about drawing your own map just brings me back to the good old days.

    Yeah, you die lots, its brutal as all hell but I just find it really satisfying sneaking around a labyrinth, smacking out a few monsters and running home with my tail between my legs.

    It also helps that I'm a sucker for skill trees and with a ton of characters who each have 20+ skills to tinker with, you can really get a party going that feels unique to yourself.

    And I can play it in bed. :)
  • Anyone else a sucker for punishment and playing Etrian Odyssey 3?
    I got to the third tier of the dungeon before I stopped playing.
  • mostly because they got rid of the running-around-on-the-planet parts with the god-awful controls on the Mako
    The Mako controlled perfectly on the PC, maybe you should have played it on a real system ;-p
  • edited May 2011
    Anyone else a sucker for punishment and playing Etrian Odyssey 3?
    I got to the third tier of the dungeon before I stopped playing.
    I'm snooping around third tier myself. Did you get bored of it, or was it getting too hard? You have to grind a little bit, but that's the nature of these games. I'm still totally hooked, mainly because of all the character skills. So many combinations to try.
    Also, I actually PAID for it (couldn't find a working ROM, lol...) so I feel like I have to give it a good shot.

    But I'm having fun with it so ill keep playing until frustration sets in.

    And to think there are 25 floors...
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Did you get bored of it, or was it getting too hard?
    Neither really. I was fine with the grinding and all that and the difficulty. I think it was mostly that the Pokemon came out and attention shifted.
  • Did you get bored of it, or was it getting too hard?
    Neither really. I was fine with the grinding and all that and the difficulty. I think it was mostly that the Pokemon came out and attention shifted.
    Aha. I played Black first, THEN EO3 :)

    Got to the 4th strata last night. Still can't lock down my team. I'll probably just rotate a larger party, to my peril, but as long as I'm having fun, its all good. If I hit a brick wall, I will grind a little, and failing that, quit. I hear these games get very hardcore later on, pretty sure I won't make it that far...
  • Witcher 2 is pretty awesome, it's also PRETTY FUCKING hard. Damn. The original game, lulled me into complacency thinking I could just rush into crowds and mow down guys. Not so in Witcher 2, though the prologue of the game has been soooo awesome so far. Lots of trebuchets and other siege engines.

    Also playing Neverwinter Nights 2 which is pretty fun after you play with the controls a bit to make it actually able to be played.
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